Gastritis caused by H. Pylori

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Hi all,

My name is Andrew, I'm 19 years old and was diagonused with h pylori in November 2017. After it was removed (sometime in December), my endoscopy showed inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis).

I've been fighting this awful battle for 3 months and I just want to know if it ever gets back to normal? 

Will i ever be able to eat the foods I used to eat,  and will I ever get my life back? I just want to know if I'll ever feel 100% normal again or am I just doomed? Will I always have to alter my diet? Because even altering my diet doesn't really help, I have so much pain in my stomach after eating and I vomit or get nausea a lot. The depression, stress, and the physical/mental illness this has brought me is very overwhelming, and I don't know how much more I can take. I don't want advice on how to deal with gastritis, I've read/heard plenty on that. What I don't ever seem to see is anybody that's gone through this, and says that at some point it gets back to normal. I don't want to live like this... I can't live like this. Life is no longer enjoyable because of this horrible illness, and I just want to hear someone's story of who had this, and is now 100% better. If that even exists. Thank you.

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I am having the same issue someone advice I should take mastic gum which have been taking for 2months getting better though but atimes I still feel the pain after eaten stomach burn together with heartburn after eaten I met someone who advice to take DGL with it I just ordered but have not gotten it yet waiting for it to try again and see how it works google it and abs learn about it drink more water 
  • Posted

    Hi, Sorry to hear you feel so bad. I went through the same thing. And I have to say I am glad I got these warning signals from my body early enough and was  forced to change my diet before I get any diseases. You know anxiety, depression etc. all comes from your GI tract. So if I would have continued eating like I did I would probably suffer very much. Processed foods, sugar etc ruin your stomach lining and your body has no chance to get the nutrients it needs. I started reading about science of nutrition and my understanding of food changed 100%. So don‘t see the diet you had before as normal because honestly that is not ‚normal‘ but the new diet that your body accepts is normal. Your body tells you what is good or bad! Be thankful for that you are so sensitive and adapt to it. Your body needs lots of water( 2.4liters/day), healthy carbs (from vegetables and legumes), protein, minerals and vitamins .. every day otherwise all these complex functions of your body will stop working properly..

    and you won’t get all that from all the ‚empty’ things we are used to eating and thought are ‚normal’.. just because we were addicted to it with all the added sugars and tastes that were added by the food Industry. And since you were diagnosed with gastritis, give your body the time to heal and don‘t feel bad if you don‘t fit in when everyone stuffs themselves with these unhealthy food!!

    You just have one life and who cares about others. Be happy you are not destroying your body with that stuff!! Good luck and feel free to contact me if you have questions. 

    • Posted

      hi CTh thanks for explaining more here i am having the same issue though i have been watching what i eat especially anything that has sugar only if i need to fry stuffs i fry with Olive oil i dont know if am doing the right thing though someone one suggested mastic gum with probiotic which i have been taking  for about 2 months now i hope it healed someone a friend of mine told me to get DGL also with mastic gum which he swear it worked for him what do you think about DGL i already ordered it though but i have not received it yet do you think i should give it a trial also i get heartburn and also burn in my stomach when i finished eaten
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      Thanks for taking your time to respond I really appreciate it. I understand what you mean, but it's easier said than done to keep a positive out-look throughout all of this. I really want to be able to go back to eat the way I used to, because I'm losing so much weight and I didn't have much to lose in the first place. All foods make my stomach hurt no matter what. There's no satisfaction in eating anymore. I would be able to accept that I'm not going to be able to eat what I used to, if this "new diet" helped me at all. I just want to know that one day it'll be okay again and I can eat how I used to, without pain, whatever I want, whenever I want. Because as of right now my lifestyle is very unhealthy, and I feel like doctors don't give a s**t

    • Posted

      Hi, the only person that can help you in this case is a registered dietitian. (They have the best education) General Doc never has any education in nutrition that‘s why they are not able to help. Dietitian knows every single chemical and mechanical process that will happen in your body during digestion. Trust me. They can help and heal you. As I said. I started reading ‚science of nutrition‘ and signed up for a college class since no doc was able to help.. doc all said it is stress related.. boohh.. but what it actually was is I was eating wrong.. even healthy eating can be done wrong if you don‘t get your healthy carbs (from vegetables), proteins, lipids, minerals, vitamins and water every day in the right ratio. Check on a governmental site for DRI. And you will see that you are eating wrong. Losing weight means you are not giving your body enough kilocalories.  And if you don’t want to see a dietitian like me.. get that book : )
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      And I would really give my body the time to heal. 

      Here is a list of food/drinks that will help you heal: 



      Cooked oatmeal (with water or cononut milk - I add organic non sweetened apple sauce and cinnamon)


      Mashed potatoes

      Brown rice

      Cooked vegetables 

      Coconut oil

      And I have great experience with Probiotics and Aloe Vera ( helps great with stomach pain) 

      And remember. Always think positive then you will get healthy again!! Just give your body some time!

    • Posted

      Hi Cth if someone need to eat fried food can it be done by olive oil does that help in anyway I live in Africa might be difficult getting those diets 
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      Me that am from undeveloped country that I can't get many of this things only fruit does that mean I can't be healed ?

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      Well, let’s say it this way. Eat what earth gives you in the pure form, but stay away from processed food (i.e. fried) So eat clean : )

  • Posted

     I had terrible gastritis causing me to lose a lot of weight because I couldn’t eat. This was almost a blessing in disguise for me because it made me realize how terribly I was Eating.   I learned that the vast majority of people are poisoning themselves by eating too many acidic foods. There should be a balance between acid and alkaline foods and the ratio should be two alkaline foods  for everyone one acidic food. I feel so much better eating mostly alkaline foods.  You can go online and get a list of those types of foods. Examples of acidic foods would be fast food, meat, cheese, pizza, anything with sugar in it such as pop, everything we like right? 

    It’s not that you can never eat those foods again it’s just that you have to cut way back. I noticed that if I eat something more acidic my stomach starts to hurt a little. So I balance it out with fruit or vegetables which are mainly alkaline.  2:1

     The main thing is you don’t want to irritate your stomach. I was concerned about getting an ulcer  because that’s what can happen with repeated irritation of the lining of the stomach. What scared me was learning that some stomach ulcers can lead to stomach cancer, so that basically scared me straight! Plus we need to reduce our stress because that can also lead to ulcers. 

     you feel so much better if you do what I mentioned. Make sure your anxiety is under control if you have it. It’s definitely worth it to eat healthy!  

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      Hi Jan, thanks for sharing your experience.

      I would never call this a blessing though. This is pure misery! It's not like I had terrible eating habits in the first place, but my diet did consist of lots of things you listed (meats, rice, sugar, cheese) I still eat lots of rice and some chicken.. but it's not the same. And I'm afraid of never getting better!! I understand I hate to cut back on all that stuff, which I've done. But I still feel terrible every single day. I keep hearing, "give your body time to heal" but how much time do I have to wait? and what does "heal" mean? Does it mean I'll one return to my normal eating habits, or am I going to have to alter my eating habits for years to come to feel a tad bit better? I'm so fed up with this illness and it's causing me to become so bitter! 

    • Posted

      Oops, I meant have* not hate
    • Posted

      Hi Jan  someone need to eat fried food can it be done by olive oil does that help in anyway I live in Africa might be difficult getting those diets Me that am from undeveloped country that I can't get many of this things only fruit does that mean I can't be healed ?

  • Posted

    Hi Andrew please don’t despair - I am a lot older than you but have been in the same situation 2 years ago - I had H pylori too and it caused havoc with my digestive system and the treatment for it caused more problems.  I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis.  I felt just as you do now I thought I would never recover or feel normal again - the depression was awful.  Recovery can be a slow process and I had to keep changing PPIs until I found one that agreed with me - I take esomeprazole which has been a life saver for me - it took 4 months until I started to improve but you are young and it may not take as long for you - 2 years later it is behind me now and I eat anything I want in moderation however I don’t push my luck and try to treat my stomach kindly!  Good luck with this and you will feel better soon - take care
    • Posted

      hi Linda i have the same issues can i take  esomeprazole together with mastic gum on an empty stomach before eaten?
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      Hi Andrew I’m not really sure as I never tried mastic gum - maybe someone else on here will come up with an answer for you - I rely on the PPI 20mg each morning before food and it works for me - I would check with your doctor also
    • Posted

      hi Linda please did you checked with your doctor yet?
    • Posted

      hi Linda please did you help me check with your Doctor also help me ask if i can take it with probiotic?

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