Gastritis recovery stories?
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Ive been sick for three months despite PPI although it helps some. Please share some positive recovery stories for those of us going through the worst right now! Why is this not going away despite meds/time?
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amarjeet007 anne53212
Which PPI are you taking?
Sometimes changing the PPI works wonders for the gastric health.
I had been taking Rabeprazole ( Aciphex) for a year but it stopped working for me.
The doctor changed it to Nexium (esomeprazole), which is showing positive results.
Gastric issues take a long time to recover, 3 months isn't much time.
You may try Gaviscon syrup after meals.
Bring in some lifestyle changes. Walk for an hour daily.
Avoid trigger foods.
Elevate the head side of your bed while you sleep.
Take a second opinion if you feel your current gastroenterologist isn't competent enough.
The truth is that, we have to learn to live with some health problems throughout our life. A good doctor can make the journey easy.
anne53212 amarjeet007
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I have been taking pantoprazole 40 mg in the morning. It works for the reflux part of it but not the stomach pains. The nausea has been less but I still get milder bouts. The thing is I absolutely refuse the endoscopy at this point because for the most part the treatment is all the same. Yeah it would be nice to know what type of gastritis I have but really what's the difference. I may ask for the h pylri treatment anyway just in case it was a false negative blood test or there is some other bacteria as I figure there is a high chance this is infectious as I don't have any lifestyle reasons to have gastritis or stomach problems...
amarjeet007 anne53212
Endoscopy is an important study. It is not wise to undervalue it if your doctor has suggested it.
Endoscopy can reveal hiatus hernia, stomach ulcers, barrett's oesophagus and many other gastric issues.
You must know that the treatments are not all the same for these conditions, though PPIs is one common drug in most gastric issues.
There are various other medications your doctor may prescribe after seeing your endoscopy reports.
For example, I am on four drugs for my hiatus hernia, GERD and dyspepsia ( indigestion) issues viz. Librax, Klonopin, Nexium and Levosulpiride.
My doctor has planned to slowly taper off everything over a period of 6 months - 1 year.
If I am not wrong, the pain you are having is right under your ribs(chest) and above the belly button. It is called epigastric pain, a symptom of dyspepsia.
H. Pylori isn't a big issue. Breath tests and stool tests are more accurate than the blood test for detecting the same.
Talk with your doctor or take a second opinion. Stop worrying.
Please mention your age.
anne53212 amarjeet007
I agree with you and wish I could have the test but unfortunately I am completely uncomfortable with the nature of the test and CANNOT bring myself to do it. It is so gross to me. I know most manage fine but I don't know. I will have to stick to barium swallow. I am 40 years old by the way. I had an abdominal CT scan which was clear and am waiting on stool teats now...
tzumi56935 anne53212
It's the same for me. I've been taking pantoprazole every morning which helps clear out the heartburn and slight nausea but stomach pain is another story. I'm not sure how to deal with the stomach pain yet.
I also have gaviscon syrup after meals and I try to walk for at least 15 minutes after meals. It does help.
My upper abdominal discomfort gets worse when I sit down.
I've visited my GP and he just diagnosed me with acid reflux.
It can get frustrating sometimes when it doesn't clear up despite having medications but staying positive is the key here.
Hope it gets better for us soon!
Redbird150 anne53212
Hi... Ive been dealing with gastritis for over 3 years. Its a loooong process. Have you had any testing done for h.pylori?
anne53212 Redbird150
The blood test was negative but I am suspicious if its accuracy. I am confused why stomach problems take this long to heal, it doesn't make sense.
craig04397 anne53212
Gastritis can take a long time to settle down. I suffered from Gastritis for years. You need to identify which foods to avoid which is easier said then done. I cut out a lot of foods through trial and error and then eating a basic diet of non trigger foods. Once you work out a non aggravating basic diet, then add one new food at a time, so you can tell if it causes a reaction or not. This can be a long and careful process, perhaps keeping a log of what you are eating etc. If I stick to my diet then I am ok 99% of the time. Mainly I avoid oils, spices, salts, tea, coffee, citrus fruits. I replaced cows milk with organic oat milk. Try and stick to a healthy fresh food diet. Once I got the Gastritis to settle down, then I found I could introduce some of the excluded foods in moderation. I also use Omeprazole 20Mg every morning. Look into demulcents like Slippery elm capsules and Marshmallow capsules, these coat the stomach and let the lining heal. After pretty much giving up hope of getting any relief, I finally managed to resolve it as I have outlined above. This is my experience, so it is fixable. Hope this helps.
anne53212 craig04397
what were your main symptoms?
tzumi56935 anne53212
This is exactly what I'm going through.
I find it hard to deal with sometimes tbh.
The heartburn isn't that bad, just hits sometimes. But the uncomfortable feeling in my upper abdomen (just below the ribcage) can be really frustrating sometimes. It isn't too painful but it's just uncomfortable (like it's bloated).
I'm on pantoprazole tabs which I have every morning. Those do help but I'm not sure anymore.
For me, I have these one or two days of heartburn and slight nausea after which it settles down a bit and only my upper abdominal discomfort remains.
I've been experiencing this since the last 2 months but I'm not sure why it happened since I didn't really have any bad lifestyle habits.
I've lost some weight too.
It gives me serious anxiety sometimes and I've noticed that stress and anxiety makes it worse.
Staying positive can be hard for sure but it definitely helps!!
anne53212 tzumi56935
Hi guys,
Thanks so much for all your replies; helpful info and helpful to know I am not alone. Just wanted to share that I am seeing improvement. I noticed that a lot of the weird feelings in my stomach are pretty much gone now as is the morning nausea. I even had a couple days of almost no symptoms. I still am getting random sharp pains in stomach so I know it is still trying to heal but it must be good news that some of the more unbearable symptoms are gone now right? I did have a very bad flare up a couple weeks ago when I tried to taper down my PPI dose. I got the worst reflux and chest pain that I have EVER had. Guess it was too soon. I went back on my regular dose and seem to be doing better again. Prayers for all of us that we HEAL as fully as possible and soon.
steve00125 anne53212
Here is my recovery story.
Keep trying there has to be an answer out there.
anne53212 steve00125
thank you steve
gail86438 anne53212
Thank you !