Gastritis - time to heal?

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I have been diagnosed with gastritis after having an endoscopy and have been prescribed 20mg of omeprazel each day for 6 to 8 weeks. I'm only on day 3 of the medication but can anyone advise when I can expect to feel better and get relieve from the stomach pain. I have tested negative for H. Pylori. I also suffer from anxiety that is not probably helping me to recover. 



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46 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Stuart ; when you say Stomach pain; where exactly tod you mean.. ?


  • Posted

    hello Stuart I have been on omeprazel(LOSEC) for many years due to the combination of medications I take including Predisolone (steroids) as I have S.L.E. Lupus your anxiety will not be helping as it keeps the acid going in your gut I would say a couple of weeks to see if the Omeprazel helps if not go back to your doctor try taking the omeprzole at midday for years I took it first thing in the morning along with my other meds then had to go into hospital (not related) and the doctor there told me I was taking it wrong I've been so much better since changing my time of taking the meds! just goes to show
  • Posted

    Hi there. I have been on nexium for about 4 months and I feel better on an on and off basis. It can take months or weeks to feel better. It depends how much inflammation or the extent of the damage you have. Some side effects of these types of medication yes wait for it is stomach pain. I think though in your case it won't take long for you to get back to normal. All the best. George 
  • Posted

    Hi Stuart

    I was on the same med's,however now on 30mg Lansprazole and no effect after 6mth's.My pain is in my upper abdomen just under the ribcage, where is yr's.Are you sick, have indigestion? Find it painful when eating or opening yr bowels?

    • Posted

      Hi Susan; read yr comment; i hope you don't mind me sending you this 'note'.

      Firslty, i am sorry you are unwell; i just wanted to explain that the liver is across the main part of the stomach and just by the right rib cage; ( and the kidney and gallbladder under there too- further in i think!).

      You may (for whatever reason) have inflammation and i can suggest Turmeric as natures natural anti-inflammatory (take in some water)..

      In addition; please also eat some anti-oxidant foods like beetroot/ red grapes/ raspberries/ blackberries/blueberries/ tomatos/ or tomato juice Daily(*please look up anti-oxidant foods) Coffee may help your bowels whilst you are on meds. I hpoe you are feeling better soon.

    • Posted

      Hi Susan, my pain/ache is genenerlly located in the area of my stomach and can be quite transient. It also tends to worse when I am stressed/anxious but I have found that eating aids the relieve.I used to get a pressure feeling around my breast bone, but I haven't experienced that for a while now.

      I have found that since starting the medication I am opening my bowels more often though.

      I hope you feel better soon.

    • Posted


      Thanks for your comment's, i do and have been for some month's now eat lot's of the thing's you listed.However i will try termeric, if i go out i do drink decaf latte, not a lover of coffee that's why i choose latte.I take actimel,activia with friut alongside a vitamin containing just about everything, also acidophius.I've heard so many times that an endoscopy hardly ever show's up anything unless it's huge.They are wanting to look at the pancreas, i read that 's where enzymes break down the food, maybe i am not producing enough! Well May is when it will take place.I also see my spinal surgeon end of this month, hoping that he will remove yet another disc herneation but put some support in as the last time they never replaced it with anything.I know people that have had 3-4 disc's removed and are gien cages.They do still get pain but mine is there 24/7 and spasm's without warning a frigging nightmare.Would love to be more active,walk along the seafront.Simple thing's we take for granted.Alway's been very independant still am, just the physical.Thank's again.

    • Posted

      HI Susan- i know how you feel about the walking..

      After reading yr post just wanted to check that you knew that digestive enzymes can be purchased from health food shops.; worked a treat for me when i had issues with digesting fat.. and when i had thought it was pancreas related (turned out to be liver) (i won't go into it all!! i shall spare you that!!! biggrin

      Keep strong and independent!!! .. smile xxx


    • Posted

      Oh ok thank's again! 

      Because i have'nt had the endoscopy yet to see what they find, which i know it sound's negative, however having suffered for so long i hope they do find something.It's the not knowing that drives me mad.I know about my back and will get a second opinion if he's just expecting me to carry on like this.I have already called a hospital in London and they said of course get yr G.P to refer me that's fine.Fresh pair of eyes has to be a good thing.About the enzymes will add them to the list with Termeric.Funny enough only had soup for dinner lastnight and of course my usual actimel, activia with fruit.Also some Aloe vera drink which i tried for the first time really nice, quite expensive but i'm worth it.Ha Ha! Not out today how about you do you get out every day!:-)

    • Posted

      Was meant to add about the non-solid's that maybe i should try it for a while. Be buying baby food next! Lols.
    • Posted

      HI susan; I don't get out much. It's a long long story (six years suffering; my life is so different to what it used to be.. !!!! lololol) i am much better now; but still can't exercise much unfortuantely and can't plan much because it depends on whether i am in pain. So frustrating!!! smile
    • Posted

      Hi again!

      Yeah i know what you mean about planning stuff.I do have a car and makes life much easier, only had it since March was without for 7 year's as when my back went i had to sell it to fund a mortgage.When i did'nt i was having to do everything on my own and i did, thing's are much worse now so i'm really grateful to have one.Considering when i sell my flat to down size as it is not manageable that may get a carer someone i know just to help with shopping and cleaning really.I have hired out a mobility scooter in town to get around the shops.Felt embarrassed at first but can not do it alone.Only 48 have a daughter of 14,she lives with her dad in Hertford some 85 miles from me in Hastings.Very difficult it was but could not of had her looking after me.So what do you like doind to fill your day's.?

    • Posted

      Hi susan; i am up the coast from you; . i don't do a lot smile  IF you are on FB i can give you my


    • Posted

      forgot to say; i am out this evening (once in a year!) to a friends for supper. so if you message me back i wont' get back to you until tomorrow night; but usally i am in every night.. smile


    • Posted

      hi susan;fb me.. julia Casey.. pic of white
    • Posted

      hi Susan; hope you are OK?

      i went to the health food shop and the lady recommended gluatamine,[

      After surgery or traumatic injury, nitrogen is necessary to repair the wounds and keep the vital organs functioning. About one third of this nitrogen comes from glutamine].  i got a bunch of other stuff (aloe vera colon cleanse juice, dried apricots, dried cranberries, milk thistle, macadamia nuts. i  i got liver health tablets (for the glutathione) but didnt' take these yet.  my abdominal pain has improved this evening; it may be a fluke so shall keep you updated; but i generally have pain across my whole abdomen. (which started as right stabbing pain under hte rib cage; but this appeasr to be silent for now?!?!). i am unsure what exactly has helped ;  just wanted to share.. smile  it's such a relief to not be in any? ! pain.. been a long time... i will try and keep you updated..


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