Gastritis - time to heal?
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I have been diagnosed with gastritis after having an endoscopy and have been prescribed 20mg of omeprazel each day for 6 to 8 weeks. I'm only on day 3 of the medication but can anyone advise when I can expect to feel better and get relieve from the stomach pain. I have tested negative for H. Pylori. I also suffer from anxiety that is not probably helping me to recover.
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sanjeevbhatt Stuart143
You will recover from it...Do not worry.
I was diagnosed with Chronic Gastritis with H-Pylori Positive.
I was having pain continous dull pain in my upper abdomen, going up to chest and sometime back also.
Believe me I had suffered 6 months badly. i lost all hope of my life as i see other people do. Because my condition was rare. I had only dull pain, no acid reflux at all.
Now I am only on two tablets now Rabeprazole 20Mg before food and librax after food morning and evening.
I am living happily now. Guys believe you also will be cured one day.
julia50778 sanjeevbhatt
I was very happy to see your post, telling us all have you had recovered. I was diagnosed with mild reactive gastritis seven weeks ago and I have been very sick. Three weeks ago I was put on pantoprazole (PPI) and I’m starting to feel a little better. I still have pain across my abdomen if my stomach is empty so I usually take a bite of banana and it settles it down. How long did it take you to finally recovered and are you able to eat well again?
nichole53577 julia50778
I am in almost the same situation as you. I have been on omeprazole for going on 9 weeks now and still not better. I have less pain I suppose, but still feeling very depressed about the current situation. Would love to connect of you want. Please let me know how you are doing now.
julia50778 nichole53577
Would love to hear how you are doing…
elizabeth07243 Stuart143
Hi Stuart, how are you now?
I'm 21 and began suffering with Gastritis around two months. I'm currently taking omeprazole, 20mg per day. It seems to be having no effects! The only thing I have found that make it worse seems to be fizzy pop. It is affecting my daily life now. I have a phobia of sick and it can make me feel rather sick at times.
I feel like I'm never going to get better. My doctor doesn't really give me any other advice than watch what I eat and take the tablets.
Does anybody have any advice to stop this taking over my life! Any suggestions welcome.
Stuart143 elizabeth07243
Hi Elizabeth,
It probably took me a couple of months to get back to normal and for the Gastritis to clear up. I can only sugget is that you steer clear of anything that is likely to irritate the stomach lining, it's also possible that you may need an increase on dosage. Also, if you can try and see a specialist if your GP is unable to help.
Hope things improve for you.
royalty elizabeth07243
How are you now elizabeth I'm on same tablet as you it's doing nothing for me although it's only been just over week I too have phobia of being sick yes it does make me nauseous have you had an endoscopy I was diagnosed with gastritis by dr just examining me!!!!
Hope3578 Stuart143
So just wondering considering you have managed to shift this horrendous illness. Very happy for you. I have not officially been diagnosed with gastritis, but docs think that it is because it was brought on by taking 2 measly naproxen tablets which I was prescribed for a shoulder complaint. I was not prescribed omeprazole at first and this is why I think my stomach lining was affected. Anyway, this problem has brought on terrible anxiety which I’ve never had, which I think you said you had before to ( this only adds to the problem ). I was eventually prescribed omeprazole 20g to take once a day and the stomach pains seem to have gone mostly. I’m on day 6 of this medication and yesterday I felt really quite good actually, I probably ate something that didn’t agree with my healing stomach. And today has been hell. I’ve been feeling achey, tired, nauseous and have had 1 loose bowl movement. So I think I have learned my lessson to be super careful what I eat now. However, I’m just wondering, how long did you have to take omeprazole and did you have to ween off of it? Any advice and tips would be greatly appreciated as I am feeling pretty downtrodden at the moment. Feel like I’m never gonna get better. Even though it’s only been a week. ( I’m normally a quick recoverer) so this is an absolute nightmare for me. Thank you.
Stuart143 Hope3578
Hi Sarah,
As I recall it took a couple of weeks to recover, and I suggest you stick to bland food for a while or at least until you feel better. I stopped the Omeprazole when the prescription ran out and I never renewed it as I was feeling better. I've not had any problems since (fingers crossed) with my stomach anyway.
It does take time, and I think stress and anxiety just aggravate the stomach so try to releax if you can.
Hope this helps
rachel2424 Hope3578
Hi Sarah,
I'm so relived to read your comment. I have had awful stomach pains since I took one naproxen tablet and one ibuprofen in the space of a day. I have taken both of these meds before with no problems. I was even given omeprazole to take before the naproxen and it still didn't work. I have been so anxious and panicked about my stomach since, chest pains, sharp pains in my rib cage, chest pains, bloating and feeling sick when hungry and also when I've eaten! I'm so scared it's not going to go away. I've been prescribed lansoprazole twice a day and gaviscon after food but i still feel awful. Does it really take weeks to feel better from this? I am right in the middle of final year university exams and I'll be heartbroken if this affects my grades. I don't understand how this time round naproxen has affected me as I used to take them for headaches with food and they were fine. Have you recovered yet? Would you have any advice for me? Thank you so much.
Ernestnick007 Stuart143
Hi Stuart,
?PLease check the following link which shows Cuban doctors found a juice (Sweet Potatoes ) that heals Gastritis., Diabetes and Cancer. I just started it ...tastes nice ......dont overdo it ....need to watch the sugar content I feel, because beet included is very very rich in sugar.... be moderate. test it out and have fun too.
Prince01 Stuart143
Hello everyone
it has been about 6 years since I got this smelly gas or wind leaking nonsense disease, I got so depressed that i have not found a cure. Is uncontrollable, I feel the wind coming out from mine anal and from mine mouth with bitter taste.
As you know its a very complicated problem that no doc knows about it, I have visited tens of docs, did all test but no one has a clue about what I am suffering from or what is going on.
I think becuz there are not many ppl have it and maybe its a combination of many issues & disorders that affect different parts of the digestive system and cause this disease or issues! Please somebody help me. Thanks.
Hope3578 Prince01
I’m sorry you have been dealing with this horrible illness for so long. I’m only just learning about it but have done lots of research on natural ways to help my stomach heal. There are lots of natural vitamins that you can take like licourice, slippery elm, probiotics and more.... you’d have to visit your local health shop and get advice from them. But overall diet is the key to curing your stomach problems. No alcohol, tea, coffee, fizzy drinks. Camomile and peppermint tea are supposed to be good. Avoid acid foods ( you can google low acidic diets ) it might take a while if you have been suffering for so long, but I think a lifestyle change is definitely worth looking into. And make sure you keep on talking to your doctor and demand further testing because this is not ok for you to have to deal with for so long.
Take care.
Hope3578 Stuart143
johnna52064 Stuart143
javier88321 johnna52064