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Anyone else have gastroparesis? And even better--anyone else managing it without medication? Reglan didn't do a thing for me, and nothing else helped either. I've been trying to manage it diet-wise etc. but it's really slow going, especially as I'm extremely poor. rolleyes

I can't eat lots of fiber things at all, even eating frozen veggies or whole-wheat bread can make me feel absolutely horrible, and it sucks when I'm supposed to be "eating healthy" because I can't do a lot of regular "eat healthy" diet tips!

Anyone else have the same problem?

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    I am new to the forum. I have been going through the motions of getting diagnosed here in Canada. It started for me with random vommiting and weired intolerances. Since sitting down and tracking ALL the foods and including liquids that I am UNABLE to stomach I have found that it keeps on getting worse. 

    I cannot for the life of me eat any veggies, fruit, meats, eggs, liquids are even a chore for me now.

    There was a point where I did gain an enormous amount of wait over night......I think it threw the doctors off, and so I am still testing.  I have not taken a gastric emptying test as yet as I keep getting to sick to stomach the "testing".

    I would like to know if anyone gets to this point, no emergency room can help.  It's very frustrating dealing with the naseau.  It's too panful and scary to eat.  Im lucky to keep water down.

    What can a person do.  I take multiple gravol a day and sleeping pills at night so i can get a bit of sanity out of it, although I am not sure if that helps me in the long run or not.  At this point I am opting to try anything.

    I am so happy to see that there are ppl suffering with the same thing, although not as it is VERY hard to live like this.


  • Posted

    Hi i'm taking Domperidone tablets and i stick to a low fat diet, i don't eat meat and i try to avoid yeast i make my own bread (soda bread) or i eat Polish bread.

    I have flare ups sometimes but not as bad as they used to be.I hope this helps. If you need to know anything please ask.

  • Posted

    hi all

    I stumbled across this page out of a desperate search for answers... I know the thread is old, but I'm hoping someone responds.

    long story short, I have been having chronic nausea for 10 years now. doctors don't seem to know why. I get these terrible flare ups usually in the middle of the night. I wake up SO nauseous and it feels like everything I had eaten is just sitting in my gut and my body is just aggravated. my stomach feels heavy, even when I'm not having a flare up. i don't let myself throw up because I'm terrified of it. I usually don't feel too nauseous until after I eat something, and it takes hours upon hours to pass. does anyone else experience similar symptoms? no dr seems to listen to me and I'm just wondering if I have some motility issues going on. I'm desperate for answers. sad any feedback would be much appreciated.

    • Posted

      I know it is 3 months after you posted this, so i hope by now you have answers to your problems.   I just wanted to let you know that your descriptions nearly match my experiences early on, prior to my diagnosis of gastroparesis.  I was fine after i ate.  Never had any nausea.  But i would wake up at night in incredible pain and often throwing up.  Have you seen a GI doctor yet?  My primary care phsyician assumed i just had severe Gerd.  But my GI doc was pretty quick to guess, correctly, that i had GP.

      If you think its GP, and haven't been diagnosed.... try adjusting your diet. smaller, low fat, low fiber meals... especially dinners. See if your nights get better.  But get to a doctor who wil listen to you.  

      Good luck!

  • Posted

    I was told that fiber is not good for that my doc broke it down for me it is like when a baby starts eats what are they eating I said baby food and you have apples apples sauce and apple juice my apples are gone so that is how it all got broke down to me
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    My wife has it and we can't get any meds here in the US for in unless in the hospital. We were told to eat meat and potatoes, stay away from the healthy stuff because it doesn't digest as well. She went to a nutrionist today and she told her to puree her food and she was a couple years away from a feeding tube.  What have they told you?

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    Took forever and finally got a great gi doctor in Boston. After months of barely eating and being sick from gastroparesis, the fix for me was 20 ml of milk of magnesia every day. It got the entire digestive system moving and I feel great ever since. Doctors say it's not safe to take laxative every day, but milk of magnesia is an exception with plenty of fluids. Have a bowel movement and you will feel better.

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    How many days did you take the milk of magnesia.  That is interesting and very logical.  I would certainly be willing to try it.
  • Posted

    I have just been diagnosed with Gastroparesis after nearly 2 years of being really unwell and my GP saying it was all psychological.   She upset me so much I finally changed doctor and practice.    I haven’t had or been offered any treatment as yet.   The Gastro Consultant wants me to have a Gastric Emptying Study first.   How long that will take who knows.   I have lost a lot of weight, feel nauseous 24 hours a day (been up most of last night for example), the vomiting is not all the time though.   Cannot eat much at all, never feel hungry and after only one or two bites of food, feel full.    I don’t feel like eating most of the time so am not interested in a healthy diet.    If and when I do get offered any treatment, what helps with nausea?       I’m on Warfarin so that restricts things somewhat, also I’m Type II Diabetic on Insulin and that mucks things up a bit too.    Have you had this test or how were you diagnosed?      The whole situation is a real nightmare.
  • Posted

    I have never been formally diagnosed with GP but had all the symptoms. I suffered for 3 years.

    I have not had any issues in the last month. This is what I did. I take 2 ginger capsules, 2 peppermint leaf capsules, 1 peppermint oil pill 20-30 minutes before a meal.

    I take 1 fennel seed pill in the morning. If I forget to take the pills I just take them with the meal. I also take a 16 strain probiotic.

    Every morning I eat Costco brand organic nonfat Greek yogurt. I mix it with vanilla whey protein powder and it tastes like pudding. I also eat it with crepes my wife makes in bulk for me and it goes great with the yogurt. She freezes the crepes and just heats them in the microwave each morning.

    I have had no issues in the last month and what I have been doing is working.

    I am not sure if this will help but thought I would give you this information.

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