Gastroscopy tomorrow... Ahhhh

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So a gastroscopy I should be having in April has been brought forward to tomorrow, due to a cancellation. Don't get me wrong I'm glad as finally I'll find out what's wrong and can get on the mend. But anyone who knows me knows I HATE hospitals! Anything to do with them, the canula alone freaks me out! And now I'm sat in bed, terrified. I know I won't sleep tonight worrying (which isn't doing my anxiety any good) I'm just wondering would you recommend having the sedation or just the throat spray?

Please only positive comment experiences, I'm terrified enough as it is without someone telling me they would rather die than go through it again lol.

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    You really shouldn't have it done without sedation. I would never opt to not have sedation for myself as something would go wrong when I begin to get panicked from the numb feeling of the spray. It feels like you can't breathe. Please get sedation.
  • Posted

    Please please don't worry about the procedure. I've had two endoscopies recently, both under sedation, and there is nothing to worry about. I have very small veins but that wasn't a problem with the cannula and before you know it it's all over. Sleep well tonight, you'll be fine.
  • Posted

    Hi Laura

    I'm a qualified RGN nurse who works in the endoscopy unit

    I have done hundreds of procedures without any problems but I always say if your nervous which is mostly all of my patients take the sedation the procedure takes approx 6 mins you will have nurses with you all the time and you won't know anything about it you will get your results there and if they take a biopsy it will take 2 weeks to get results but you will be fine

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      Will the sedation make me sleep through it? Also how long will I need to stay in hospital if I'm having the sedation?
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      it makes you feel like your dreaming  and it is like a sleep you will need to be in for approx 2 hours and you cant drive afterwards as you might still be groggy so you will need a responsible adult to come and pick you up and you get to tast the food from your hopital you will be fine laura evrybody is worried and concerned always ask us as thats what were there for and as i said i havent had any problems with my patients and i have been doing this now for approx 20 years
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      Thanks so much for that Kevin, I'll keep you updated with how I get on X
    • Posted

      Just to let you know endoscopy went well, no sedation.

      It's only been 3 hours since it was done is it normal to feel gas'y/bloated with a slight bit of tummy ache?

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      Don't worry Laura, I was the exact same but by today you should feel much much better, how did it go apart from that?
  • Posted

    Please don't worry. I've had 3 gastroscopys first one with sedation then last 2 without. Seriously, there is nothing to worry about. You hardly notice the numbing of the throat spray and the whole thing is over very quickly. No need for a cannula either! After 20minutes for the spray to wear off then a quick drink and/or toast you are free to go. Yes it's not the nicest feeling when the scope initially goes in but just listen to what the nurses are saying and you will be fine. The Drs & nurses are very understanding and reassuring. If, however, you do decide to have the sedation you won't be aware of anything, but you need the cannula and supervision for 24 hours. 

    Good luck whatever you decide, but please don't worry.

  • Posted

    Hi Laura it's really not that bad I just had throat spray it just makes you gag a lot it was all over in about 5 mins it doesn't hurt it just a bit uncomfortable you will be ok but you would probably be best having sedation if your really nerves.
  • Posted

    I would ask for sedation,i had this done a long time ago, and it was fine, all i remember from it is as i was going under telling the Dr he looked like  Dirk Bogarde who you might not have heard of,[ a famous very good looking fim star, so you can tell how long ago it was] i dont think all hospitals offer sedation now, as my sister had it done more recently and ws told she would have a throat spray,she refused so did give her sedation, so if this is the same in your case insist on sedation,

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