Gee . . . I didn't know I was lucky!
Posted , 9 users are following.
I have been sick for 11 years and thought I had heard all the horrible things someone could say regarding my 'invisible' illness. And yet . . . I was explaining ME to a co-worker. I informed her of my symptoms and how difficult my life was. I told her how often I get really sick, the huge number of doctors visits, the feeling like I have the flu everyday, etc. My co-worker smiled at me and said I was lucky. I leaned on my cane and with some caution asked why. She said that me being sick is a blessing from god because I now know the pain of Jesus. This makes me blessed and I should embrace being sick. I should work on enjoying being sick and not on symptom relief or eventually a cure. She said I was LUCKY! Do you think I showed too much restraint by not thwacking her with my cane? Anyway, this response was a new one on me. Odd what people will say when they find out you have a chronic disease.
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andrew22534 Ravenwood
caitlin39841 Ravenwood
mary_24931 Ravenwood
jinny23 Ravenwood
Jinny 🐭
bronwyn97278 Ravenwood
jinny23 bronwyn97278
It's not about who you are ! It's about what you are a human being with vulnerability.
Does a virus make a distinction between humans ? I'm not sure...
Whatever the answer, no one needs to search for answers that question who we are. You did nothing wrong; you are a human being just like the rest of us, continually seeking answers in this world of uncertainty.
You could look at it as...we are the chosen few ! ...but I doubt you would consider yourself so selfishly.
I try not to query my circumstances, look forward every day and forgive myself whenever I cannot find the discipline to keep myself in check.
Oh for a life out of routine, just for a day or two.
Alas, it would be one step forward and three steps backwards !!
Why are we so cruel sometimes, lacking compassion ?
Best wishes
Jinny 🐭
dentalcfs Ravenwood
What I've learned from this illness is that there are only 3 people who can understand ME/CFS; (1) people who is actively suffer from CFS, (2) people who had CFS at some point and somehow recovered, and (3) people who deeply researched CFS and understand the symptoms and its uniquness, i.e. it's not just "fatigue" as in normal post-exercise fatigue, it a "sickness fatigue", its not just a "headache", it's an "excruciating headache", and so on. How long would a normal people feel "pre-flu sickness" when getting flu? 4-5 hours! Then the flu symptoms appear, and recovered within days. I bet most people won't even remember how the "flu sickness" felt.
Please be careful on whom you explained to, in particular to strangers. Empathy alone is definitely insufficient to understand this illness. I did that sometimes initially in the past, and I was truly annoyed. But of course, brain function was so impaired I couldn't even get angry
At that point I figured out that I rather stop trying to explain this to people. Just a simple excuse, "No, I'm not feeling well" works better. They just don't understand, unless they got CFS.
Posting here is 1000x better, no?
bronwyn97278 dentalcfs
dentalcfs bronwyn97278
bronwyn97278 dentalcfs
andrew22534 bronwyn97278
GeorgiaS bronwyn97278
Guest Ravenwood
my guess is she's either never suffered real hardship yet and lucky her still has that to come in life, or she has suffered and that's what she tells herself and doesn't know how else to deal with it herself other than keep telling herself that.
I get your anger, I had pretty horrendous treatment at a place of work even including one person who all the while pretended to be a concerned friend, but actually behind my back emails were going around about me, I'm out of there now. the one thing that abates my anger is looking at those two peoples lives and knowing I wouldn't want their lives for all the money in the world. I think that's the trouble with people like that, they have so little of any real substance in their own life that they instantly look to bring someone else down cause it makes them feel better or superior in some sad little way. you'd seriously think that people who have energy would put it to better use, but sadly it's wasted on a lot of them!
GeorgiaS Ravenwood
GeorgiaS Ravenwood
Sunny day, not too bad standing up, so I went on a wild adventure with my stick to the shop for a few supplies, and on the way back he was there and said 'Oh, I see you can carry shopping then!'
I can't possibly explain the horrifed emotions I felt but you can imagine I'm sure. I was feeling happy and proud of myself for managing it and he completely ruined it.
andrew22534 GeorgiaS
mary_24931 GeorgiaS
GeorgiaS andrew22534
GeorgiaS mary_24931
andrew22534 GeorgiaS
mary_24931 andrew22534
GeorgiaS andrew22534
GeorgiaS mary_24931
But most people I think would respond a bit better.
andrew22534 GeorgiaS
GeorgiaS andrew22534
andrew22534 GeorgiaS
GeorgiaS andrew22534
The official lessons were good but years later I had a really good friend who was very ill but used to be a black belt and he taught me the most even though he was so weak. What am I trying to say?
andrew22534 GeorgiaS
GeorgiaS andrew22534
andrew22534 GeorgiaS
GeorgiaS andrew22534
andrew22534 GeorgiaS
GeorgiaS andrew22534
This is all such great advice Andrew because everyone who has ME has something that's a passion and we shouldn't lose sight of the things we like to do.
andrew22534 GeorgiaS
GeorgiaS andrew22534
Well it's our own lives.
andrew22534 GeorgiaS
bronwyn97278 GeorgiaS
olivetree GeorgiaS
You know, I have found that being really sweet back to people like that can bring them more shame than a sharp remark back can: Smile, "Yes I'm having a really good day today, nice of you to notice, it can be so depressing on days when I'm unable to do these things - Thanks." Smile, and hobble on.
And don't let them spoil any more of your 'good' day.
bronwyn97278 olivetree