Getting banded up on the 31st!

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Hey guys and gals.

Ive been reading this forum for a while but with my date due at the end of the month I thought I would join and ask for some tips post op. I'm in the middle of my pre-op diet at the moment and I'm doing just fine with it, protien shakes and soups have great and kept me going! Whats it like after? I've seen people on here have had immediate regrets but long term have been happy, also wanted to know if anyone else is due to go in around the same time.

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43 Replies

  • Posted

    The first couple of days post op - i didnt feel like eating at all.  Had to keep having cups of tea coffee and sips of milk, once you can manage its again shakes - milkier or watery  i used to have an actimel and milk mixed together, and very thin soup. it did get boring but the 2nd week of liquids i made my own butternut squash soup - made it a bit watery than normal and as time went on made it thicker along with pea n ham etc 
  • Posted

    Firstly  good luck with your op Bandman. If you are managing pre-op diet you will be sure to be ok post-op. It does get tiring after week 2 and you begin cravings of any solid food or soft food as they call it.

    I must share with you, after all the soups and shakes, I was slightly naughty and just couldnt bare another 3 days or so before I could start soft foods. Yep, I bolted lol I was having dreams of cottage pie, so you guessed it, I made a cottage pie and oh boy was it heaven. I savoured every mouthful - ate more than I should of, was worried that I could actually manage it but your portion size soon starts to reduce when that restriction kicks in and you move onto solids. One thing I couldnt eat as soft foods was mac & cheese and still struggle today with that.

    Anyway, be strong, enjoy the soups and take advantage of M&S great variety of delicious soups. When out and about, I always popped into to Pret and bought their soups too. When I moved onto pouree food, I would liquidise everything, even Sunday roasts with gravy.

    Then once solids start, you will see a big difference in restriction (if you hadnt felt it already - as some consultants leave saline in the band during op) but I guess the soft foods go through easier, hence why many feel the band is not working. The weight also starts to fall off when you move onto solids too and that is a mixture of your body has recovered from op, stomache settling down, body doesnt think you are starving it and low calorie intake.

    Have fun and all the best.

    • Posted

      Thanks Bandy! Great to hear from you, very good advice! Well this time 3 days from now I shall be banded, I really hope i dont regret it, Im already starting to wonder what the hell im getting myself into but at the same time remember why i have made this decision. Im planning on doing a green smootie cleanse during my first 2 weeks post op, anyone else tried this?
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      Not tried it - but it sounds interesting!  You will have to share the recipies!
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    Hi - I am due to have my band fitted on monday, where are you having yours done? 

    Good luck

    • Posted

      Hi....I am also due to have my band fitted on monday. having it done at the Nuffield. Not sure how i feel right now, I just know its somthing I really have to have as i am a Burnt out dieter....:-)


    • Posted

      OMG - i am having mine done on monday at the nuffield too!! chandlers ford??  I had my pre op yesterday and they said that someone else was booked in the same time as me,!!
    • Posted

      Had mine done on Monday at the Nuffield chandlers ford, hope your feeling well x
  • Posted

    Hi all - I'm getting my band next Tuesday (3/2). I'm excited and nervous and still trying to get my head around 'forever'! I've taken a long time to make this decision and I see it as having some willpower installed. I've looked right through the pack the clinic sent me but I can't see how long I should be fasting before the op. Is it from the night before and, when can I have a last drink? I haven't slept for days so I'm quite looking forward to the lie down for a couple of days!
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    So it looks like by next Tuesday all 4 of us will done! As it appears I'm first in I will keep you all updated about how tomorrow goes!
    • Posted

      great idea.....good luck for tomorrow and have a speedy recovery x
  • Posted

    Well Im back at home and everything was fantastic! I feel right as rain, I've got a little trapped wind but it's not that uncomfortable and it would appear that I've avoided the shoulder pain that some people get! Either I am very lucky with my great condition or its a testament to the expertise of Professor Favertti! Cup of tea then bed! Night folks!
    • Posted

      remember to keep taking your pain killers x take care and remember we are here if you need us x


    • Posted

      Are you sweet, I will do! Good tip on the pain management!

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