Globus Sensation / Tightness in neck / Strangling Sensation

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It started on August 2011 the 8th around 8pm I was eating but had some difficulty getting it down . The discomfort in my throat & neck quickly spiralled out of control and I had several panic attacks with a constant urge to keep swallowing. I paced up and down like a nervous wreck for over 12 hours desperately trying to convince myself it was entirely mental.

Since then it's never really gone away and has put my life on hold.sad


-tinnitus in right ear

-panic attacks (rare)

-urge to swallow

-stifled breathing (rare)

-thick saliva / phlegm at back of throat (often)

-feeling of hair stuck in throat (often)

-feeling of someone strangling neck with an invisible wire (often)

-feeling of discomfort around adams apple area (often)

-discomfort in neck when lying down (often)


-GP guitar behind right eardrum / congestion

-Barium swallow -VE

-ENT tube thing down throat -VE

It's gotten worse this year. I now have difficulty swallowing most of the time and frequently panic.

I'm thinking I should get a MRI scan of my neck as I can't take much more of this.

If it was mental why does it strike so randomly? question

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  • Posted

    I had this happen last year and again last week.  See a good chiropractor..He will work on your throat area (muscles, etc).  He has fixed this for me twice now and it goes away within 12 hours of the treatment.  This is one of the most annoying (and frightening) things that has happened to me.

    Good luck!

  • Posted

    I know this is old, but I too have been suffering from this crippling sensation. I have been tested for H.Pylori. They have done bloodwork that has shown my alkalinity levels are low. I had a thyroid scan which showed no nodules, I have hadone a gall bladder u/s that came out fine. The next thing, will be a scope which I am deathly afraid of doing. I have had these symptoms for over 2 months and it's terrifying. Here is what I have found to help so far. Drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning. Cut out any coffee you drink. Do not use an acid blocker, these can make these symptoms worse. And finally, use a neti pot, but make sure you are using distilled water. I feel a whole lot better since I've started doing these things. I'm still not 100% but with my awful anxiety, I need to work on this as well.

  • Posted

    Hey Sam I am not in the medical field but have had these same symptoms before, actually had to have tonsils, adenoids, and have the roof of mouth shaved at one point because of an infection. It started with Epaglotitus which is Very, Very Dangerous. My ENT, ear nose and throat, Dr. Looked at me throat and put me straight in the hospital and prepared me for surgery because if the epiglottis swells to much you can suffocate to death. I'm not sure what ur problems are I just wanted to give you the information I had and went thru. Your throat and lungs are nothing to joke about. Let us know what you finally find out.

  • Posted

    Hi sam,

    Wts new with you?

    O had neck MRI and ot was normal

  • Posted

    "Silent GERD",ask ur Dr.about it or Google it. Hope this helps even tho it's a very late response.

  • Posted

    hi Sam i have had that sensation or i should say symptons for almost a year also seen gastroenlologist and i had nodules and rough patches in my esophagus that are now being biopsied. i also seen an ent who said that my larynx was swollen inflamed and red area but no growths as of yet. i seen an endocrinologist who checked my thyroid and liver and bones and apparently i have a bone cancer in my neck vertabrae that is causing inflamation in my neck chest shoulders and upper back and it could be the pressure from the inflamation and nerves. im hoping some of this helped im still dealing with the pain and uncomfortableness and its constant 24/7 now so please keep searching as i do, our bodies are telling us there a block somewhere causing it
  • Posted

    I know you posted this a year ago but I am curious to know if you ever found out what was causing these symptoms? I too am having the same issues. I get really bad pressure in my head and neck that makes me feel like I can't breath. It's really hard to eat or even sit. It usually happens once a month lasting a week or two. It's horrible!

  • Posted

    You described this so well I have similar feelings in fact I have an appointment for endtocornoligest excuse spelling I I've had a hard time keeping weight on unless I eat a lot finally gained some feel better but my neck ear throat pain is odd and you explained it well. It does drive you nuts I think mine is out of whack and also hormones to. What did your doctor tell you. Hang in there hopefully we will figure it out and get it fixed

    • Posted

      This might seem odd but I was told I have TMD aka TMJ. Do you think these symptoms we experience could be linked to that? I plan to talk to my doctor about it this week.
  • Posted

    just wanted to tell you of my recent test. i have all the symptons you had over a year and seen 7 different specialists, untill finally after a year my liver enzymes finally started to show elevations. i seen a gastroentoloigst and had all those tests but a gastroentologist does not check the liver gallbladder or pancreas. she only checks some of the digestive organs. you actually should see about getting an ercp done by a liver surgeion specialist. i actually had some scarring on my liver as well as a narrowing duct that was slowly starting to block. i had the duct cleaned and it helped and im on meds now to slow the liver disease. i get a bit better everyday. i have to go on a low protein low fat low cholesterol diet  also and lots of water to keep flushing the liver. anyway just a suggestion people as i did not know that  a gastroentoloigst didnt check these organs so maybe go get another endoscope done by a liver doctor who goes further and more in detail of the important organs.
  • Posted

    Did you ever figure out what was wrong? I have exactly the same problems and have done the medical visits as well; nobody can find what’s causing this. Thanks!
  • Posted

    Hey Sam I am having these exact symptoms - every single thing you described. I have been to the ER at night 4 times in the last ten days. Did you ever get anywhere with testing or a diagnosis? Would be amazing to hear back from you as I'm losing my mind and doctors can't find anything so want to send me to a psychiatrist!

    • Posted

      My swallowing troubles are a little different. I have a weird feeling in the back of my throat. It's kind of numb. My tongue doesn't rise all the way and meet the back of my throat so I swallow air. When I swallow food. My throat feels tight and it feels like food gets caught or stuck right above my sternum. Endoscopy was clear as was barium swallow. Mamotery test was clear. However, the problems are very real and no one knows what's causing this. I suspect nerve issues and food allergies. I have constant burping and hiccups. They tried to give me ppi drugs but they are miserable and I cannot stomach them. They didn't work anyway. I don't know anything else to try really. It's frustrating feeling food crawl slowly down your throat but doctors tell you everything looks fine.

    • Posted

      Does the rest of your digestive system (bowels etc) work OK?   

      When you say that the manometry and barium swallow tests were normal, did they confirm that food was going down slowly?

      The feeling of food getting stuck by your sternum suggests that it is in your oesophagus;  this joins your stomach by your diaphragm.

      It probably would be a good idea to have a food intolerance test.   Keeping a food diary may also be helpful.   Try and avoid food where the texture is stringy, or might congeal (eg bread, rice) or has skins that might be difficult (eg tomatoes).

      Did they find that you are suffering from undue acid reflux, and was that the reason for prescribing the PPI medication?   You could try something like Gaviscon Advance that you can get over-the-counter.   This works differently and creates a raft to prevent reflux irritating the lining of the stomach / oesophagus.    And/or an antacid medication like Rennies, Tums.   

      If you are suffering from reflux, there should be some underlying cause for it because persistent reflux is not normal.   It might be weight / obesity / pregnancy for some people, for instance.  

      Swallowing excess air might explain the burping, and indeed might contribute to excess flatulence / wind or even colic (in which case try gripe water).

      If it really is a problem with the nerve system, it might be connected with blood supply, so there is a possibility that some form of nitrate medication might help, or calcium channel blockers, but you would need proper medical advice for this.


    • Posted

      The ppi was prescribed for gastritis which is h pylori negative. I do not have acid reflux at all, I do have food slowly sliding down. I can feel the food stop at the entryway to the sternum. I can feel old and hot drinks hit my stomach but I have no esophagus damage . The endoscopy and barium swallow and manmotey showed nothing. I've had food allergy testing and it was negative but you cannot go by that because a vast majority of people with food intolerances have negative results on these tests. I already use gaviscon just to see if it helps but obviously with no reflux issues that doesn't work. I have no vitamin deficiencies and have eliminated dairy gluten , soy, caffeine and chocolate . I've also fasted for two weeks. None of this helps. The gastritis is constant and there is no trigger. I've been to the Mayo clinic and Cleveland clinic...they're stumped and have zero answers. I've been tested forevery autoimmune and neuromuscular conditionyiu can think of. I've chased this fir over 15,000 .00 in tests. Nothing....I've been extensively tested for lyme through private labs. I don't have any problems with blood flow. I've had that checked as well . I'm a very physically fit person. I'm a body builder and personal trainer. My diet has always been natural and organic. I use no medications or steroids. There's no reason really for this issue and no cause be found. I've had genetic testing, gene testing , MRIs, lumbar punctures, emgs, endoscopies, colonoscopies, more blood work than you can imagine, stool samples, sibo, bacteria, candida testing, hair name it, ive had it.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply.  I hope you can find the answer to the mystery!

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