Globus Sensation / Tightness in neck / Strangling Sensation
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It started on August 2011 the 8th around 8pm I was eating but had some difficulty getting it down . The discomfort in my throat & neck quickly spiralled out of control and I had several panic attacks with a constant urge to keep swallowing. I paced up and down like a nervous wreck for over 12 hours desperately trying to convince myself it was entirely mental.
Since then it's never really gone away and has put my life on hold.
-tinnitus in right ear
-panic attacks (rare)
-urge to swallow
-stifled breathing (rare)
-thick saliva / phlegm at back of throat (often)
-feeling of hair stuck in throat (often)
-feeling of someone strangling neck with an invisible wire (often)
-feeling of discomfort around adams apple area (often)
-discomfort in neck when lying down (often)
-GP guitar behind right eardrum / congestion
-Barium swallow -VE
-ENT tube thing down throat -VE
It's gotten worse this year. I now have difficulty swallowing most of the time and frequently panic.
I'm thinking I should get a MRI scan of my neck as I can't take much more of this.
If it was mental why does it strike so randomly?
1 like, 81 replies
Melinda6938 Sam12084
katie45324 Sam12084
Hey Sam - have you got any further with figuring this out? I have had the majority of your symptoms. Looking for answers. The strangling feeling is so intense it makes me panic and so been taking anti anxiety medication and I'm not at all an anxious person.. Doctors think I am imagining it..