going cold turkey from venlafaxine

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Good morning! After 2 years of being on 150mg of ven I decided to try to come off them! Doc advised cutting down to 75+ 37.5 but this made me feel awful! So sick and dizzy! I stuck with it for 2 weeks but decided that I would go cold turkey as it couldn't be any worse and yo be honest it really wasnt! Doc gave me anti sickness pills which really helped! I was also given 2mg of diazapam which help with the zaps and feelings of panic (although i take 4mg as 2mg didnt help! ( Well im on day 4 of cold turkey and no where near as dizzy the night sweats aren't as bad but im def more snappy even though mentally I feel ok ! ! Brain zaps aren't as intense, I feel like im making progress! Surely im ocer the worst?

So im wondering if any one can share they cold turkey experiences/advice with me?

Many thanks in advance xxxx

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    hi folks

    just looking to share my situation and would be great to hear about others in the same situation.

    i was prescribed venlafaxine 225mg for depresion following a breakdown this was around 3 years ago.i have managed to come down to 75mg which i have been taking for the last year. i have decided i want to come off the tablets altogether i feel like over the past few years that im almost living in a bubble, im made of iron i feel numb and that i cant react to certain situations, i want to feel like me again!

    i am on day 3 of cold turky.  i read somewhere that you should take omega 3 6 9 fish oil when withdrawing like this and that benadryl allergy releif helps to mask some of the withdrawl symptoms. i am taking both plus a multi vitamin, i am having this constant palpitation in my body like a pulse along with the brain zapps and wooshing, i have been irritable, weepy, D and V alth this has now subsided than goodness. i have suffered nightmares, night sweats, chills,and i am jumpy! on a positive note tho  i'm hoping im over the worst, and wondering if anyone has any idea ow long this is going to last.

    Thank you for reading x

  • Posted

    Hello all,

    I hope you're all doing ok - your posts have been such a help to me. I only started taking anti-depressants in Feb when they finally decided that my post-natal depression wasn't going away and the episodes of stress I'd had in my life were probably undiagnosed depression.

    Anyway, was on citalopram for a while until I got tingly legs, then was on sertraline for a while - was working ok until I started lactating again, a year after I'd stopped breastfeeding! So they put me on venlafaxine (75mg) 3 weeks ago.

    I've always struggled with my weight and was getting lighter until my husband broke his thigh in a motorbike accident in June, then I comfort ate and drank and was putting on around 1lb a week. In 2 weeks of venlafaxine I've put on 8lb and I'm not even drinking as much, or eating as much rubbish.

    Decided that was making me more depressed (none of my clothes fit, and I'm too skint to buy more) so had my tablet on Monday morning (48hrs ago) but nothing since. Was ok at work yesterday, really vivid dreams at night - not bad dreams, just really intense - and I'm really fuzzy today.

    How long does it take for the symptoms to go? Have appt with my doc next tuesday.

    Hope you're all felling brighter

    Take care

    e xx


  • Posted

    Hi everyone. 

    I just went cold turkey off of 75 mg venlafaxine (effexor) about four days ago. I was taking it for about a year.

    I didn't really start taking it consistently until a month or two after I began using it. And even until recently I would miss a day here and there. 

    I'm using diazepam to wean myself off after initially trying to wean myself off with nothing. I started taking diazepam a day or two after stopping the venlafaxine. 

    I don't have much experience with other anti-depressant meds. 

    I'm definitely feeling some symptoms, like the tingling, and I had a big blow-out yesterday. However, I'm greiving the recent loss of my dad, have a lot of stress related to losing my dad, and have had a bit of a cold for the last week, so I'm not sure how much of everything is related to my actual withdrawl from venlafaxine. 

    At first i was thinking the withdrawl wasn't that bad and was attributing recent events and symtoms to other things in my life, but after reading all the comments I'm starting to worry that the symptoms are going to kick my ass.

    Do you think the symptoms will get worse from here? I'm on day four, I think, and I took 7.5 mg diazepam yesterday and another 7.5 mg today. I went cold turkey from 75 mg venlaflaxine with no weaning myself off of the venlafaxine.

    I'm just starting to get nervous after reading about the nausea and other side effects. I'm wondering if I really need to go as far as to take precautions for potential side effects?

    I dunno, for some reason I just thought I had already gone through the worst and that I'd be over this altogether in a few days. But the more research I do, the more worried I become. Ignorance is bliss, right wink

    Here's an excerpt I took from a wiki article on antidepressant discontinuation syndrome, which is apparently the name of what we're experiencing? The link to the wiki article is below, too. 

    "Most cases of discontinuation syndrome last between one and four weeks, are relatively mild, and resolve on their own; in rare cases symptoms can be severe or extended.[1] Paroxetine (Paxil) and venlafaxine (Effexor) seem to be particularly difficult to discontinue and prolonged withdrawal syndrome lasting over 18 months have been reported with paroxetine.[5][6][7]"

    I spoke to my mom who's an RN, and she said to reintroduce the venlafaxine to wean myself more safely. She suggested taking a 75 mg capsule every other day, then ever couple days, then every few days, etc., until I was off of it. And to use the diazepam for breakthough depression and anxiety. 

    But, since it's already been four days without venlafaxine, period, I'm resistant to reintroducing it. I kinda want to try to wean myself with the diazepam only, but I don't want to pay hefty consequences so I'm not sure what I should do. 

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you!


  • Posted

    Hello Everyone,

    I've  just found this site - for the same reasons as yourselves - of course - am in the midst of withdrawals from venafaxine. Have been on 150mg "Effexor" for over 10 years, even some of the transitions to get the meds "right" in the first place were awful or having to change same meds different brand of the generic venafaxine.

    Day 3 Cold Turkey. Have tried this before a few years back and resigned to having to return to the meds after a couple of weeks, due to the withdrawal symptoms/or not being on them - who even really know which is which. I would love to hear from any of you - what happened next?

    Doctors will never agree, suggest, god forbid advise anyone should "cold turkey" off this drug, they have been told to advise weening/tapering but frankly, they mostly do not know!!!!! The only people who really know are those who have taken the drug and then come off it! My reasons to come of venlafaxine are probably like those of anyone else:

    - always thought it was a temporary solution 

    - 10-12 years have gone by - "temporary" has now turned into complete dependence

    - my disdain for pharmaceutical industry and its exploitation

    - there must be another solution - natural, clean, non-synthetic 

    - the finacial burden involved

    - the unatural tolls the drug itslef must be having on my body

    - do I really want to take this drug until I die?

    - an underlying fear factor of what if I'm forced to come off/can't get the drug

    - the obvious dependency and addiction that is  surely worse than anything illegal

    As I cope with all of the described withdrawal symptoms her on this great thread - I have the same question as the original one from flower82

    I also stuggle with the fear that even once these should subside - what about the original reason for their prescription in the first place - mine was "depression" 

    I've lived in various countries during these 10-12 years on venlafaxine.

    First prescribed in California, to me, they were pretty much handed out "like candy" lol. In Hong Kong, I could purchase them from the chemist - no questions, no presecription! In Middle East - the prescription had to come from a psychiatrist, MD wouldn't do - and if the pharmacy only had say 75mg -it meant another visit back to psychiatrist 2  x 75 mg boxes = 150mg were not permitted!!!

    Anyway.....back to my question - PLEASE let me know, anybody....your experience afterwards. Successful? Or not ? 

    Thanking you all for the discussions above - they have been really helpful to me and Thank you in advance for any further help!!!! XOXOXO


  • Posted

    I am on day 2 cold turkey. I have followed this discussion board and thought I could taper down from 150-75-35-so on. My moods were worse. My best friend hated me. My his dab wanted to divorce me. Three weeks of this I decided yesterday to go cold turkey. I did ok doing the day and hit rock bottom when I got home was dizzy and just cried. Had trouble sleeping, night sweats and now still refuse to get out of bed. Well- here I come world!
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     I have been off Effexor since Jan 28th 2016-- My symptoms are unbelieviable --absolute freezing cold then hour later sweating buckets. =Nausea, migraines, all joints and pin in old injuries. Heart pain and severe indegestion. Nightmares when I sleep.  going into my third week and things are almost the same . My doctored ordered a stress test because of the chest pain --obviously she has no idea how ill I feel --no way could I run on a treatmill!!!

    Sometimes have trouble walking in a straight line. This drug should be taken off the market.

  • Posted

    Hey guys....I just ran out of my Meds that I been taking for Alittle over a month at 150mg....tonight is my sec night off of Effexor and I feel soo sick to my stomach and I'm hot then cold then hot ....I been having weird dreams when I do sleep....but I feel like my pulse is racing when I'm lying down resting and I yawn a lot....I get headaches all the time even when I was on it and before it and still after....I do feel like I'm getting a cold....but I have no clue what's going on with me.....I hate anti depressants.....I gained so much weight when I too Wellbutrin n stopped that cold turkey a few times n never felt like I feel now....what is going on with me....I'm glad I'm not the only one .....but still my doctor won't call be back to rush my script but I don't want to go on it again I didn't feel any different on it but I do feel more sad now I'm off....I don't know....I just read all the discontinuation of Effexor and now affrai Of all these blood issues n everything....any advice because I really don't want to take more stuff and I'm bAd at taking Meds and I'm living in a sober living house and just got 2 months sober on Friday so I'm limited on what I can take.....any advice? Thanks 


  • Posted

    So many fantastic information on here. I was on 450mg Venlafaxine for 18 months. It worked wonders for me and aided me with overcoming PTSD. The flip side was that I put on close to 30kg. I dropped one tablet and was then taking 30mg p/day. I did this for just over 2 weeks when I started to feel normal again. I then dropped to one tablet so was in 150mg p/day. My hand tingled, I often got brain zaps and had really bad flu like symptoms. After 15days I started to feel better again so decided to drop the last tablet. I'm currently on niight one of no Venlafaxine, I'm praying I can get through it. The only symptoms so far is sickness in my head and it's only just started.

    I have sleeping pills so fingers crossed I sleep through some of the worst parts.

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    Hi. I am day 3 from 150mg I have not stopped crying feel so bad. I haven't slept and feel like I can't cope with anything

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      Oh no. I don't think it's a good idea. It can be really serious.. I was on higher dose, and stopped on two occasions. Stupidly.

      On the first, on one occasion, I got into a taxi and got taken somewhere I didn't know for no reason. I'd no money. And was stuck had to walk home.

      Second time I got so bad I decided to cut one of my arms clean off.

      I don't think it can be done. I lasted at most ten days. And even when I realised I cudnt do it, when the dose went up, I was still sick for 2-3 weeks. I still on it I can't see myself stopping.

      Why are you doing it? I really don't think it's good and I'm not sure it's even possible. People here talked about cold turkey. But with benzos and other things. That's not cold turkey. Anything from 150 up I don't think you should. You'll have a week of misery, you'll be worse after, and I don't think you'll even get off it

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      Hi Ted. My doc told me it would be fine to come off them I had started a lower dose but just made me feel terrible. I have to say yesterday was the worse day my far but I have slept last night a bit and feeling a bit more normal today.
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      Hi Rachel.

      Hopefully you are feeling OK. I guess if you're on a lower dose and your doc knows it's a bit safer.

      Mines probably one of the more dramatic. I guess I've spent years at high dose that I need ti be in hospital really. After my last experience, I pleaded with a doctor to put me back on. Hegave me 75. After a couple of days I was dying. He said I was over the worst but I wasn't at all. I was getting worse. So I have to admit I upped it to 150. Doc wasn't pleased but at that stage he had to prescribe me 150. I don't recommend that!

      I'm still at 150 since my last episode. To be honest after going thru those two, I've learned that however annoying it may be taking them,however much you think it's pointless,the alternative is a million times worse! For me anyway. At the moment

  • Posted

    Omg... I was on two 75mg tabs per day for 2.5 years, came off, and I forgot how horrible it was. That time, I weaned myself, but it was equally as bad as this time around, same dosage. Sweats, zaps, instant feeling that I just woke up while I'm awake already, and I thought my cat was dry heaving earlier! The zaps are really strong and my hearing is effected. Last night I had severe stingy pains run right from my abdomen, through my heart, and to my brain in front of my boyfriend. "I went straight cold turkey this time" I explained to him. He was just excited for me to just get off. I don't feel suicidal, or emotionally wrecked, but I was crying while my boyfriend serenaded me after we made love. I'm on day 3 and my energy is SO back! My thoughts are racing back again as well, but I missed them! Before, I was so careless, and hadn't really worked the whole time I'd been on the meds; 4 mths have passed since I started. Thankfully I'm a Realtor and know my stuff. I've felt nauseous, tingly, crampy belly, and well, can't trust my toots, but no panic attacks, or melt downs thus far. TMI... probably, but it felt good to share. Hope it helps.

  • Posted

    Hello everyone, I'm really new to the drug venlafaxine and this is my 1st time ever joining a chat group or discussion thread on line so please bear with me. I started taking 75mg 1xday at night 3 weeks ago. The first couple of days I felt naseau but besides that the side effects in the beginning were ok about week 2 I started having really vivid dreams that have only become worse and are causing me severe stress. They are really bad dreams that are upsetting me that I don't want to fall asleep and when I do it's only for a couple of hours here & there. I want to stop taking the meds cold turkey but I am nervous because I suffer from extreme anxiety. Did anyone else have bad dreams or night sweats associated with this medication. I don't feel like the drug has done anything different for me but I realize it's still early in taking them but the dreaming is starting to really negatively affect me. I have been through a lot of therapy to get past things that have happened to me & these dream are stirring all this bad stuff I have blocked back to the surface. I would be grateful for any feedback and welcome your thoughts. Thank you for listening.

    • Posted

      Hi papersky.

      I'm sorry to hear that. I have to say i had no side effects at all. Zero. Now as I've highlighted above coming off them is utter hell. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to. Currently im thinking about going to rehab for other reasons but all the rehab places are drug free. And i think if i came off venlafaxine it could literally kill me. I'm not sure if I'm an extreme case or what.

      Back to your story, if you're only on them a few weeks then there's 2 options. You could probably stop now, quickly without much withdrawal. Or you could keep going to see if the effects settled down and then the venlafaxine may help your nerves and other problems. But then you'll have to deal with stopping some time. Although maybe not. I'm not sure as the drug i guess had only been around decades, but maybe you can take it forever

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