Going cold turkey Of tramadol

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i have been on tramadol for about 5 years now before surgery high doses after surgery low doses, first time I did cold turkey wasn't so bad only had the shakes this time round wow never taking tramadol again.

 First day fully off tramadol was on Saturday the flu symptoms was horrible felt good while was out walking as soon as I stood still I just wanted to sit down on day 4 now and still feel hot and cold am beginning to eat a little more each day which is helping just hate what I am putting my family through.

 Just make sure anyone being offered tramadol thinks about the long term affects and speaks to there doctor about the addiction of them and the withdrawal after its not nice.

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19 Replies

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    I just wrote a long reply. I didn't see where to send it. I pressed something. Bang! Erased! I'm Just testing with this till I can see how it's done.
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      I thought about taper but I need my life back and had done cold turkey before and that's why I did it again but this time is a whole lot worse then I would of ever thought but day 4 is def a lot better then the first 3 days I could actually eat something this morning and not get the stomach pains.

       Baths help just as much living in the uk tramadol isn't so easy to get as it was when I first went on tramadol before I had it on a repeat without having to go to docs now you have to go to the docs every time you want another batch.

       I don't regret doing this way have an amazing partner who helps when he is at home and some brilliant kids luckily teenagers who will make drinks and are not complaining about the windows being opened all day and my dog who is with me all day giving me cuddles. I broke down last night but I think it had a lot to do with realising my op hasn't worked and the stomach cramps and feeling like rubbish had taken its toll. 

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      I'm happy you're strong and have a good deal of support. I guess if you're off, you're off. So there was really no need to mention tapering. I find I crave it at times. It sounds as if you weren't functioning with it. Must have been a high dosage! Take care and good luck with your health.
  • Posted

    Okay. I did this one right, so I'll reply in long form tomorrow. Main thing is taper, taper, taper and get someone willing to help. I hired nurses each time. They rubbed my feet till I could get some calm and let me jabber forever. Okay. The main thing I said is meds are not a one size fits all thing.

    Doctors know the narcotics are high on the DEA list. Because tramadol is an opiate derivative, they hand it out like aspirin. It's not high among controlled substances. But I'll tell you this. I love tramadol. I don't get a buzz from Vicodin or Percocet, but I feel more happy and calm from Ultram/tramadol than I do from tranquilizers. So yes! People need to know how addictive this drug is for certain people (I'm high strung

  • Posted

    Hi,I have been on 400mg tramadol daily for 17 years but have daily headaches so I am reducing just to see if it's that,going cold turkey is not recommended as I have done this before several times,I reduced a lot of my slow release tramadol and replaced it when needed with tramadol drops,I have had no problems except my normal pain,now I am on 100mg daily,I tend to take 25mg drops morning and afternoon then 50mg slow release at night as I couldn't sleep,it sounds great what you have done but I have seen others on here that say it's no problem at all going cold turkey (either not long on it or just bull s**t) as there are younger and also older people on here that might think I'll try that and get in trouble, I'm not talking about you here it's just some irresponsible people I see writing post get right up my nose. Have a lovely day,it's good to talk. 😀
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      I wish I was a young person again I might of found it easier if people can get the support of doctors then they should, it's not been an easy 4 days I did the sensible thing I spoke to my doctor before I took the leap they did want to warn me off going cold turkey but again because I had done it before cold turkey they didn't see it being an issue.

       On day 3 of coming off I rang doctor to see if this was going the right way they suggested going back on tramadol and coming off slower but am slightly stubborn and thought well done 3 in was it worth going back again.

       I would advise anyone before taking that leap to speak to gp also make sure you have support around you my docs only concern was the temperature going up and down with concerns of seizures you have been on it a lot longer then I had.

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      Day 5 off coming off tramadol went out in the car yesterday and got my contacts fitted and how do I feel now well I am feeling a lot better and can see light at the end of the tunnel still not brilliant but a lot better then the few days before.
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    I have gallstones and am waiting to have my gallbladder removed. I have had one or two really bad atacks of stomach cramps and pain in my right side. At that point the GP has injected me with tramadol, but i do not have them all the time. one GP waid he thought Ibuprofen and Cocodamol 30(which you can only get on prescription) were better than tramadol.

    It's good you have the support of your family

    Hope you manage through this difficult period.

    Take care


    • Posted

      Sarah, you don't have to have gallstones removed. Doctors don't know nutrition!

      I've had gallstones for over.10 years and I also have a thick gall bladder lining.

      Gallbladder attacks are excruciating. Really, really horrible! Two surgeons and my GP wanted me to have it removed. It's all $$$ for doctors and hospitals and pharma!

      I simply kept fat out of my diet! It's bad for you anyway. So now you can be really motivated to keep your calories from fat down. Your whole body will thank you!

      I would actually stand on my head. Hit my back with my long shoe horn. Rock myself, ANYTHING to get rid of that pain. Even tramadol didn't help. I had a zillion attacks for three months before they knew what the problem was. No painkillers till I begged!

      I fixed it all with diet! I have no more than about 8 grams of fat a day, and I've not had an attack in over ten years. I will eat good fat, like in avocados, a tiny bit of extra virgin olive oil, fish. But that's about it.

      Sincerely no attacks! No surgery! No painkillers!

      Please try diet! Please. You can do it. I have many gallstones, but they don't block the bile duct, unless they get inflamed. Fat inflames them.

      Best luck to you.

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      PS, do you have projectile vomiting, and is the pain on your right side in the back and moving up to your shoulder?

      I'm asking, because you may be misdiagnosed. Gallstones cause very specific pain.

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    Hi Katrina do you know any rehab center in London please 
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      Sorry no I don't know about any rehab centres in London but it might be worth talking to your gp they will no the best route to take.
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      Nessa, rehab centers are expensive jokes. I still say hire a nurse for a few days! You can be going crazy, weird, but she'll sit and distract you and comfort you, and she'll rub your feet and just be there till it all passes, and it will. It will.

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