Going through the change 54yr
Posted , 9 users are following.
Hi first time on this site could I just ask if anyone else feeling so low they have bad thoughts and how long will it feel like this .
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Posted , 9 users are following.
Hi first time on this site could I just ask if anyone else feeling so low they have bad thoughts and how long will it feel like this .
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nanc00951 anji63
I am 55, I have just entered menopause, and right now I am at the lowest point as far as anxiety, no light at the end of the tunnel, and not wanting to see anyone or do anything.
I have had pretty much all of the symptoms, but the emotional ones, which are occurring now are the worst.
anji63 nanc00951
Guest anji63
Everyone is different, so don’t get scared thinking this will last forever.
anji63 Guest
Thank you for your reply it's good to know other woman are feeling the same.
jane63977 anji63
anji63 jane63977
bev27429 anji63
Yes, absolutely! I am assuming that you mean suicidal thoughts. Correct me, if I am wrong.
When you feel so low, it's the brain's way of trying to escape. Many people have them at some point in life.
When I feel so bad, I tell myself to stay alive, and I remind myself of all of the amazing things that I have in life.
With the hormones, it has been absolutely insane! I can recall hiking up a mountain filled with suicidal thoughts. I ended up just allowing them to be there because they were just too exhausting to counteract. Once my boyfriend and I got to the top, they just evaporated in a puff of smoke, and I felt filled with peace and happiness. It was crazy!
Knowing that it is hormones helps, and knowing that it will also be over one day helps, too.
Hang in there and love yourself through this very difficult time.
You will get there.
anji63 bev27429
Thank you for your reply it's makes me feel better knowing I am not the only one .
Mars777 anji63
Hi anji , my worse symptoms started @ 57. I had many symptom's before this but didn't realise were to do with
menopause. As my periods were stopping I went to my GP I was put on HRT felt wonderful after a few weeks. The thing is my symptoms became so bad Anxiety, hot sweats really bad , I had my HRT changed to a different one after 3 years. I have taken this one since . You may not want to take HRT but for me it's the best thing I did. I can't believe how good they can make you feel. It's quality of life that's important to me.You have to decide what's best for you.
anji63 Mars777
jackie92665 anji63
Hi,yes getting really badly depressed almost suicidal thoughts at times. Today's been particularly bad. I can't seem to get to feeling better.Being able to cry is a good day. The rest of the time I just feel horrible and numb. I'm on hrt but I'm going to ask for a stronger dose. I can't see me coping with how I feel all the time. I have mental health problems anyway but this is making it way more unbearable.
anji63 jackie92665
bev27429 anji63
anji63 bev27429
Hi thank you for asking suicidal ones I just wanted to know if other woman had the same thourghts as I was worried it was just me.
bev27429 anji63
It is definitely not just you. I have had the same. It's hard to believe that hormones can make you feel this bad, but they do.
Just keep holding on. One day it will all be over.