going to start Mirtazapine
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Hi folks
Just joined this group, I;ve have just spent the last week not taking citalapram getting ready to start 15mg of mirt. I am getting myself worked up about this as I do not want to put on weight I am over weight as it is according to their charts. I'm afraid I am treating myself to some alcohol this evening as a last drink. My psychaitrist seems to think that this will help me especially to sleep without the dreams. Do you get any side effects of sucicidal thoughts or self harming with this drug? as i still an't get rid of these thoughts for lomg.Thanks.
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australia2014 tina89895
Its normal response to be vigiliant towards new medication and the side effects, it always seems like additional stress to what already you are managing to cope with..If you are withdrawing from Citalapram this possibly could contribute to extra agitation/anxious about a new medication..
Firstly, its most pormising you will gain weight on Mirtz...Mirtz has short term and long term weight gain..you can maintain a healthy eating and lifestyle, but you will still gain weight. Mainting the healthy lifestyle will proove benificail when you stop taking Mirtz as the weight gain usually will drop off quickly as it was gained.
My recomedation for Mirtz and weight gain is to keep the sugar balance in your body, this can be obtained with PEXIS SLIM or another sugar balancing natural suppliment.You may experience bloating and crave carbs,to decrease the bloating try eating a bowl of fibre cereal..The bodys natural reponse is to prerpare the belly for food, thus creating the required gasses in the belly for digestion,the gas will remain until the belly is full..The belly wil always feel hungry on mirtz and your bidy will repond to this in 2 ways 1) with the brain signal petide- which tells your body to store its energy 2) the signals in the belly which preapre the gasses...So eating a fibre cearel, though some have sugar content, will work greatly for digestive and belly gasses and inform your body it is full and no longer hungry
Inregards to the dreams, yes the dreams do dilute, but it may take a few days, and this depends if the Mirtz is the right medication for you.Please keep in mind that trauma does not disapear, i would recomend to any person to seek additonal therapy in combination with any medication..Medication helps with managing the psyhical/biological affects but the problem still needs to be dealt with during and after medication : best of luck
suzie78191 australia2014
australia2014 tina89895
I have just read further post from you and have an understanding to your situation..I can see that there a few things that you are dealing with, all that are connect to prior your husbands departure and after..
Its is a difficult time adjusting from partnership to single lifestyle and the changes you made personally in your life to support your partner prior...its good that you are looking for that support in this forum, as support, as you would personally know is very important
I know it can be hard to find the right words to explain what you are experiencing.I can see few people have given you some inspiration, and thats great..all in all its is refering to "insight" its hard to have such insight when things seem so painful..or you have experienced such...It seems you are still soldering on and i am amazed at your will-power!!..You have to have the will-power..and i know you do
Looking for the trees amongst the forrest can be a confusing perception...I really do hope you Mirtz hepls you and remember nature also has a lot to offer...try taking a walk along the beach or nearby place and pick some flowers...
with love xxx
Mermaid3011 tina89895
I was in exactly your position a few weeks ago.
After lots of online research I found out that the weight gain through mirtazapine can be counteracted by diet, exercise and additionally by taking metformin, which is usually given to Diabetes II patients to control their blood sugar.
I was in a bad place before starting mirt, but being obese myself I was NOT willing to take mirtazapine without the counteracting metformin.
For four weeks now I've been on metformin, dieting and mirtazapine and I have not gained weight.
But I still want to keep losing weight instead of just maintaining, so I saw a specialist yesterday and she suggested Vortioxetine which is fairly new. The drug works similar like mirtazapine, but without the weight gain issue.
It's worth asking your doctor to give you that instead of mirt...
And I promise you - mirt or Vortioxetine - the self harm ideations and suicidal thoughts will disappear! You will feel like yourself again. At least I did.
suzie78191 Mermaid3011
just wondering if you had side effects going on your medications? i am in a really bad place right now as in depression. they increases my mirtzapine,but then i was told to decrease due to anxiety. i have tried other ssri cipralax and paxil, and couldn't continue. you are in toronto right?