Goitre and Thyroid
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been to see GP today as I had noticed my neck swelling and hard to swollow. had constipation too....and going through menopause. I need blood tests to confirm but doctor said I have a goitre and Thyroid problems. is this part of meno pause? I don't want to take tablets I don't react well to any drugs due to underlying problems. feeling upset and worried. Doctor says I will need medication or I will just get worse.
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sabrina1971 ladywear
Don't be scared! I've been living with it for a while now, and yes, I am sure it developed as part of peri. If you have Hashimoto's you don't need medication to control it. I control mine completely through diet and supplements. If you take the thyroid medication it may control the thyroid but won't stop the autoimmune attack on the thyroid which is the real issue with Hashi's. Make sure they check your full panel thyroid and antibodies. Don't panic until you have some results. After that you can find out ways to deal with it. Good luck!
Gypsy014 sabrina1971
Hi Sabrina, what do you eat to control your hashimotos? And does it work for you? If you don't mind me asking.. Does your thyroid antibodies stay low for you on your diet? And have you had your thyroid antibodies rechecked since starting your diet ? I too have hashimotos and I was told not to take the meds as it doesn't stop your thyroid from burning itself out! I don't blame you ladywear for not wanting to take the meds, I don't either as I'm very sensitive to all medications.. So I've just been trying to balance my thyroid also antibodies through diet, and feel too this has all started or else heightened during the onset of perimenopause.. However I was just rechecked and my antibodies are now 28,000 from 1,300 which is crazy high and my tsh is 11 from 6 so this new endo I just started seeing has sent a perscription in for the lowest dose of the thyroid medication that I have not started yet.. I don't feel any worse than how I've felt which is pretty bad, don't really know how anyone could feel worse than how I've been feeling, but I was surprised all my levels have spiked as the tsh was high 2 years ago, but did manage to lower it thru diet, so that is why I'm so surprised its back high again with antibodies super high.. Well anyways thanks for any info you could send this way. On the diet, and how high was your levels, again if you don't mind me asking.. And you can always send me a private message if you don't feel like putting it up on the post.. Thanks.. And ladywear I believe too thyroid definitely gets aggravated during perimenopause ..
Gypsy014 sabrina1971
Oh and Sabrina I completely forgot to ask you what are your symptoms exactly! What do you feel is peri and what do you feel is hashimotos.. Thank you...
Gypsy014 sabrina1971
Sorry supplements??? Too please lol thanks..
ladywear sabrina1971
Thank you so much.
do you know how I stop the auto immune attack on the thyroid? could that be caused by an infect ion? I do have big infections in my mouth....advanced gum.disease. j understand Hashimotos is auto immune but can't find how you treat it ? What supplements do you take please? thanks so much
debra16694 Gypsy014
hi all thyroid sufferers - i am post menopause almost 7 years and am really struggling with bizarre symptoms & now i am wondering if it is being cause from adrenal fatigue or thyroid issues or auto immune disease. i have had the extended thyroid test and my thyroid appears fine, but i still wonder since both my Dad & sister are on thyroid Rx. Can anyone share your symptoms please. Thank you!
sabrina1971 Gypsy014
Hi! I do not eat gluten, soy, or dairy. No cheats. If you cheat you are flaring up the immune attack and literally back to square one again. I take magnesium, selenium, zinc, vitmain c and e, and a combination of herbals prescribed by my doctor. These are for my symptoms and issues with Hashimoto's. The herbals have to be balanced by a doctor who knows what they are doing. Betaine HCI certainly helped at the start to help heal the gut as it's likely we all have a leaky gut if we have thyroid issues. It gives a great boost of energy!
My numbers are not down to where I'd like them to be but they are better. I take each change in my routine slowly. Give it 6 months and then have the energy to try something different. At some point I will go full on anti inflammatory paleo to see if beans and pulses etc are a trigger. I would not be surprised! 😕 I have also to explore adrenal support supplements which will be another route to take further down the line. I do think with peri it shifts the goalposts with your thyroid. What once worked stops working and so you have to try something else. It was difficult at first, but like you I do not want to be on medication because the medication will never cure the autoimmune attack and that is the thing that needs to get under control which can only work through diet etc.
On a side note I had great success getting all labs almost perfect by addressing methylation issues. I had way too much copper in my body and once I eradicated the excess copper and balanced it out (again with just supplements through my doc) everything was in line and I felt great except that it made all my nodules larger! 😕 So that did not work for me, but could work for others if they don't have Hashimotos.
I probably haven't answered and covered everything so feel free to ask more. 😃
Gypsy014 sabrina1971
Thank you Sabrina.. I'm not sure why hashimotos needs to be so complicated but it is, any little thing you ad to your diet or daily routine and you are paying for it dearly with symptoms, ad perimenopause to it and what a combo ! I find when I'm super strict with my diet which I am and never change I feel as though I can cope through, but if I ad or change anything my immune system reacts and starts attacking in one way or another.. I was also diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis also auto immune.. Joints flare up on me bad , but seem to be controlled through diet.. I think going through peri menopause has definitely brought on or else contributes to all this.. I've always suffered as a young girl on into womanhood with auto immune issues my whole life, lots of viruses and colds and weak tired low immune system stuff. Never really had any testing until my early 40s which frozen shoulder and weakness dizziness lots of joint pain prompted me to go to the doctor. I had a hysterectomy at the age of 27 for pre cancer cells lots of dysplasia on the cervix caught thru routine exams, so who knows never really have felt good since before my 2 pregnancy and hysterectomy.. Still have my ovaries but am 48 now and think I'm being baumbrbaumbartebaumbrbaumbarted
Gypsy014 sabrina1971
Sorry don't know why it posted before I was done, started writing at the end for me lol.. Trying to say felt bombarded with all this. But anyhow I follow a strict diet only thing I haven't given up has been dairy milk , and not sure if I can its my go to food when my blood sugar gets too low , I drink a glass of milk and it lifts me right up..
Gypsy014 debra16694
Hi Debra, for me my symptoms are lots of all over pressure, dizziness migraines lights make me feel like I'm going to have a seizure or something terrible will happen hard to explain ,off balance dry eyes and mouth, joint pain fatigue exhaustion very cold hands and feet, and all over coldness, weakness numbness blurry vision eye vision disturbances shaky low blood sugar, OCD sadness gloominess health anxiety, lots of anxiety sometimes panic attacks which seem to be controlled now or else don't really have as bad as when this all started almost 3 years, or I should say got worse about 3 years ago.. I also have so many many more symptoms that I'm sure I'm leaving out, brain fog and can't think straight forgetful (scary) I had agoraphobia where I could not leave or go anywhere by myself a few years ago it was terrible I would panic.. That is getting much better, but still and think I always will have issues with that one, I think because I'm too scared something will happen while out and about, I tend to want to stay in my safe zone (home) I get anxiety and panicky when out, and I suffer migraines bad right now ( never had before) but big store lighting will trigger them and who wants that, so I'm a in and out girl at the big stores and only certain ones.. Well those are a lot of my symptoms that I'm sure I'm leaving some out, and I must say I don't know what symptoms belong to what disorders , I just know I deal with a lot of them, day to day, and I've had to learn to live with them all even though I don't like it or want them , They have become my life.. They do cycle themselves day to day month after month like clockwork!
so what are some of your meals that you'll have especially the gluten free ones, as I am definitely gluten free too.. Do you have prepared gluten free meals like gluten free cereals so forth, or is everything freshly prepared and made from scratch, like fruits and veggies, and lean meats and seeds, which is what I eat, don't have any of the prepared foods in a box at all even if it says gluten free..
that last message was for you Sabrina, it just didn't post under your name!
sabrina1971 Gypsy014
Hi! No, I do not eat the processed gluten free food. When I have done in the past it feels almost as bad as eating gluten. I cant trust any of it! 😕
If you fear dairy could be your trigger I wonder if raw milk would be beneficial to you instead so you can still drink your glass of milk? Or almond milk? I eat nut butter if my blood sugar is low. Of course avoiding the dreaded peanuts in case that is an allergen. gah!
Guest ladywear
I've been on synthroid since I've been a teenager. Only side effects would be that you will feel better.
angela87831 ladywear
Hey ladywear, I was wondering if when you say swelling in the neck was it your thyroid that was swollen or is it your neck ? I think I'm in peri too and all of a sudden my thyroid on one side is bigger than other side.I've been on synthroid for a long time but this one side of my thyroid ilarger than other does worry me..
ladywear angela87831
Himy doctor said it was my thyroid /goitre. it's t the bottom of my neck just below Adams apple
angela87831 ladywear
Hi ladywest, thank you for replying. Was your thyroid larger on one side? Is that what makes it goiter? And also did u have to do bloodwork to determine that or can he tell by looking at it? And does he prescribe medication for it? Sorry for all the questions I'm just really curious 🤔 I appreciate any info you have..
ladywear angela87831
Hi yes the goitre is sort of to the side although the swelling is all around the bottom of my neck. you can see it just by looking and the doctor could feel it. it's all new to me. I am having blood tests tomorrow to see what is going on with thyroid.