Good days and bad days
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IM 48 years old, i started having perimenopause symptoms earlier this year, off balance, forgetful, cant put sentences together, hot flashes and anxiety ive always had anxiety issues for years and have been on zoloft for a long time (100mg). my periods are irregular either lite or gushers. My doctor up my zoloft to 150 and was doing great. IM A TOTALLY HYPROCONDRIAC. Had so many tests, all fine. I woke up this weekend, anxiety back at full force, my mind just races. i have good moments during the last 2 days, which last for like 5 minutes, because realize im not thinking about my anxiety and then i get bad again. I cant sit still, even to read my people magazine (my bible lol). If you would asked me last week i was going to be like this i would have laughed. Ive been off of work the last 3 days for vacation and im hoping when i go back tomm, i wont have time to think about it.. im suppose to get my period on friday but who knows. i talked to my doctor this morning and he has upped my zoloft to 175. any advice i would appreciate it..
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2chr2015 Pamwhid
hi. i really don't know how much help i can be, but maybe give you something to think about. i am 46. i am in peri and also dealing with these hormonal ups and downs. i have been taking zoloft for 20 years. high doses, low doses. The high doses really messed with me. They made anxiety worse. I'm not sure how long you have been with this doctor...but i had a doctor that kept increasing my dosage bc he didnt know what else to do. Thankfully (well sometimes) we move around a lot with my husbands job. I've had several different docs. young and and not. The best thing that ever happened was when one of them put me on a mood stabilizer and lowered my Z dosage all the way down to 25mg. I know hormones are in play here as well and i have had to play with my dosage some since all of it started. Just wanted to mention that incase the Z is making things worse. Hope you feel better soon
mrs_susan74280 2chr2015
HI there what modo stabiliser was it please
2chr2015 mrs_susan74280
Amalie13 2chr2015
I have a similar story. I have been on every conceivable dose of Paxil, for almost 20 years. Sometimes as low as 2 mg every other day. Or as high as 40 mg a day. If I had to average the dosage amount, it would probably be 10 mg a day (for 20 years)! Anyway, since my peri journey started at age 49, my anxiety/ocd accelerated. I gradually increased my paxil dose to 40, however I did not seem to get the typical relief. My doctor suggested that I switch to Zoloft, gradually increasing to a higher dosage. It was a nightmare. My symptoms went through the roof. Eventually I returned to Paxil, which seemed to kick back in, after a month long reprieve. It is not a panacea (nothing is) but it is better than Zoloft at a high dose. I also take ativan, as needed. After being on such a low (almost placebo dose) of Paxil for so many years, it is disheartening that I am back to 40 mg a day. Oh well. This too shall pass. I hope. This site has been a life saver.....knowing that you are not alone. xo
Pamwhid Amalie13
Oh I hear ya, every day is a different day with my anxiety and the other 64 symptoms of menopause.. When my period stops, I'm having a party..
2chr2015 Amalie13
yep. i totally understand. i am on 37.5mg of zoloft which is a weird dose, but my ocd and anxiety get worse of i go up anymore right now. i feel stuck. i have no energy, no motivation to do anything, which makes the depression worse or the other way around. happy and energetic are allusing me at the moment
Pamwhid 2chr2015
i hate playing around with zoloft. You never know are you getting to much, not enough.
Nettie261962 Pamwhid
I started menopause at 48 but the horrible symptoms you mention started 4 1/2 years ago. It started with dizzy spells then terrible anxiety that doesn't let up much, nausea, irritability, mood swings, muscle twitching and spasms, head pressure, feeling of falling or a pulling to the ground feeling (this one is the worst), and so much more. Had all kinds of tests, scans etc and nothing revealed (thank God!). Exercise, hobbies, getting enough sleep and this forum have what kept me sane! Hugs to all that are suffering the same!
Pamwhid Nettie261962
I also had every test, even a brain Mri. All fine , thank GOD. My mind just racing, i cant even read my people magazine. I have a burst, where i start to feel better and then bam its back i also take alot of supplements adrecor and travacor and cortisol manager ive been taking those for years. i exercise alot, have a low carb and no sugar diet . Everything is a challenge right now, but i get up and do it. Like going to the store . Thank u so much for your response
Gwenn1120 Nettie261962
Oh my Nettie,
You don't know how much I appreciated your comment. A big hug for that. 😃
I am having the SAME things.
Had a battery of scans and tests which came back fine according to my GP. As I've posted before , still trying to get the courage to see a neurologist , the twitching all over and even in my feet has freaked me out. (I do have Restless Legs Syndrome as well)
But those other things, yes. I'm battling insomnia which doesn't help either.
Hang in there everyone, there has to be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Thank u so much for your reply. My doctor is a personal friend He has been with me through thick and thin. i would be lost with out him. This anxiety just came out of nowhere and my mind just doesnt shut off Last week at this time no worries. my boyfriend is so understanding and trues to calm we down. its hard to talk to people who dont understand anxiety and perimenopause
mauiblue Pamwhid
Mind racing
can sit still
I feel so much the same. Lying in bed worrying myself about my 13 yr old son, just cant stop the worries, its so
hard to live in this manner, day to day just getting through, unable to relax, feel at peace. I just want to feel peaceful, but i have so many real REAL things going on that im overhwelmed, so i just go day to day.
ive had some good days which were soooo nice, but its kind of back to the same dark, anxiety ridden mess.
If you spoke to me i dont think that you would know that i suffer like i do, because after all we have to face our world, our kids, jobs etc.
i feel for you dear, im there with ya.
It is so true because I'm this fun energetic person, and I'm carrying on a conversation with someone, and i'm not even listening to what they are saying just thinking about how im going to get through the day. I live in Florida, its 1:00 in the morning, and im up i go to work at 4:00 . The plus side is i slept like a rock last night. Was in bed at 6pm, i was exhausted. Melotonin seems to help. Woke up ok, but then im hey, i feel ok, but then i started thinking again, and now my mind is racing. im very crampy this morming so i hope i get my period. Thank you xoxo
mauiblue Pamwhid
Hi Pam
I dont know how you can sleep 3 hs and work the next day.Its an absolute nightmare for me. My body and mind can not take little sleep and then be able to function, or present myself to the public.
So i make sleep a sacred priority. I plan it all around making sure i recharge to go do it again the next day.
Pretty pathetic way to live but hey im doing it..
Pamwhid mauiblue
i dont know how i do it either. Just keep going . im in bed by 7 most nights. I usually get 2 hours solid and then toss and turn and my mind goes
mauiblue Pamwhid
Its hard to turn off the mind.
So hard sometimes