Good days bad days?

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im sorry to keep moaning, I've had my 2nd knee replacement almost 4 weeks ago and feeling like I've been run over by a truck. Not too bad one minute and like a bag of sh**t the next.  Is this normal?  Leg seems to be improving in range and walking but so stiff, painful and hardly any sleep.  Feeling thoroughly miserable.  I think it's like childbirth, you forget the pain when you go in for another!  Anyone else want to moan with me?  Thanks for listening. Xx

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Be positive you are 4 weeks in approximately 8 weeks to go.

    The body needs to heal.

    Good healing

  • Posted

    Very normal!  Apart from the fact that I think it's worse than childbirth!  Hope things soon imporve. . you are over the very very worst bit of it!

    • Posted

      Thanks martina. You're right.  It is worse than childbirth as it goes on for a longer time! I love this forum. Xx

  • Posted

    Hi Elaine!

    Feel free to moan away! Yes, the experience DEFINITELY is a rollercoaster with very uneven feelings, levels of pain and good and bad hours throughout the day.

    It DOES help to distract yourself.

    I moved around, stretched, watched comedies on TV and Netflix, tried out new recipes, cleaned out the kitchen junk drawer, sat out on the deck at night and watched the stars, wrote in my journal, talked to my neighbour at 3:00am when SHE was out moving around when SHE couldn't sleep...

    Distractions helped me a lot. They got me focused on something ELSE besides my knees.

    When I got tired I often rested sitting up on the couch with my legs way up or slept with my legs up against the headboard of the bed and the rest of me laying on the bed.

    At about 12 weeks post op things got better. Until then I TRIED MY BEST to think in a positive way.

    It is also helpful to think about how far you've come since your surgery.

    Opioids can make you feel weird. I got off them after two weeks and went back to my Ibuprofen. Much better for me.

    Sending lots of understanding your way and wishes for many good days and nights VERY SOON!

    • Posted

      Thank you Cheryl.  You are right to focus on something else. I love to sew and make clothes but can't sit at my machine just yet so that's frustrating.  I want to get back to the pool at the gym soon.  I have books to read but not quite in the zone yet! Thank you for your sound advice. X

  • Posted

    It will get better. You just need to be patient. Can you read a book or watch some movies. Write letters or do something to take your mind off of it. Keep hanging in there and ice and elevate several times a day.❤
  • Posted

    I am with you Elaine! 4 weeks today and leg is stiff and pain comes and goes so much.    Sleep in bed has been non existent so far! I hate to sound whimp but I just want the pain to stop ,
    • Posted

      It's never ending isn't it. I just rubbed some ibuprofen gel around the knee. Feels slightly easier.  I live for the next round of paracetamol !  I haven't taken anything like tramadol this time as they don't recommend it this far down the line and I didn't seem to need it at first.  Sleep, what is that, I just doze for a couple of hours then get up and do it all again. Ice, elevate, loo, walk around. Repeat. We will get the though!  I had the other one done and it's totally normal now.  

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      Omg..I understand!! I just want it to stop as well.
  • Posted

    Does the gel help at all? I did not know you could get that.i can not stand to ice mine now, thank goodness it does not swell any worse.the ice seems to hurt deep into the bone.
    • Posted

      Ice helps me a lot. Takes the heat out of the joint. The gel takes the ache away but not for long.  Only way to find out is try it. Sending good wishes. X
  • Posted

    At four weeks I felt dreadful but at six things started to feel a little better. Hang in there Elaine -early days.


    • Posted

      Thanks Jane, it does help to wow people out there on this forum know what tits like.  Most other people I know just think it's been a small op and no big deal. Xx

    • Posted

      I know people have no idea but then again if you haven't been through it and felt the discomfort and pain etc it would be hard to imagine.  I had no idea before I had it done just how hard it was going to be.

    • Posted

      I didn't either. I had no clue how difficult the recovery is. I have PT 3x a wks plus I take walks and do some low level exercise at home. Sleeping isn't good either. I want to get back to my life. I'm trying to find the silver lining.

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