Good news!
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I was sitting next to a woman today at the PT office, she was in her 70s. We started talking and she went thru exactly what we all are, she was in her 40s when it started, and she had every single symptom was all do. She said she was just so sick, saw at least 100 doctors, nobody could help her (this was 20 years ago, so you can imagine the knowledge was probably worse). She had CFS, her weight down to 80 pounds, every symptom imaginable.
So the good news. She said when her periods finally ended for good, and she was in total menopause, she got BETTER!!! And she's been OK for the past 20 years!
I really needed to hear this today. It can get pretty scary thinking I'll feel like this for the rest of my days on earth. Hope you needed to hear it too.
16 likes, 22 replies
Guest Guest
Thanks Suzanne! I love that you struck up a conversation about meno...I do the same thing! I had a blood draw a couple of weeks ago and the lady was clearly having a hot of course I had to say something! We had a good little chat about some of the weirdness happening with our bodies.
PGtips11 Guest
Well I've just turned 70 and still having hot flushes and night sweats. will it never end?
lori93950 Guest
gosh thats great news !i too have cfs epstein barr mono ive read it can happen when your hormones drop . handling both all at was is challenging to say the least .
Guest lori93950
It was awful. Two and a half years later and I'm still trying to recover, but having some pretty decent days recently.
Hang in there!
sherry21988 Guest
wow I'm not 80 but 58 but i could have eased your mind a bit. I went through menopause at 49 years old. the hot flashes lingered a little longer than the other ills of menopause. But life is much better after its all done.
Guest sherry21988
Thanks Sherry!
It crossed my mind that you might be my sister who is 58 too, but Sherry went thru meno at 53. lol!!
ampat1 Guest
A big hug to you for sharing such positive post. I am 39 and dealing with peri for almost a year, at the moment I don't see the end of it so I really needed to hear this. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.
Guest ampat1
Nice to hear from someone who recovered! I'm with ya!
jamie37119 Guest
Thanks for giving us some hope. I do hear some people continue to feel like crap after menopause, but am hoping for the majority of us, this will not be the case. The day my periods stop I will be happy, and hoping for them never to return.
JReady64 Guest
Well I'm posting in a pause and my problems didn't start until I was already post minute pause.. so I'm not having a whole lotta hope here. It's been a year for me..
Guest JReady64
I know many women don't have issues until after menopause. This post was more for those of us who are suffering miserably in perimeno.
But i sympathize for all of us peri or post who suffer!
Wish we would all feel good again!
sherry21988 Guest
I understand. I suffered in peri as well I'm just saying that it does get better once its complete
Keljo48 Guest
I am 50 (soon to be 51) and have been almost 1.5 years without a period. I still have symptoms though not as bad.
Hormones are the culprit. Peri they bounce up and down preparing for the home stretch of our productive systems shutting down. We stop having periods, we stop ovulating, our ovaries shrink up and our hormones start to diminish. (not in that order) As much as we are all women our systems respond differently. Genetics, lifestyle, general health, diet, etc. Some women go into their mid to late 50's and still have a period. I stopped my period at 49.5 years old. I had a horrible peri for 5+ years.
I do notice I don't get the anxiety as bad now at all. I don't drink caffeine either. . But I have other issues and I get night sweats, hot flushes then freezing the next moment. Mood swings. I get fed up and depressed really easily. I have a short patience, now.
My FSH last Feb was 86.4. I also had an internally ultrasound and my ovaries were shrinking consistent with menopause.
So I think it depends were we are at with our hormone levels, even after postmenopause. When our hormones tank, it effects our health. Even when one of them drop it effects us.
I used think all this would end once my period ended. Not so. I have requested to see where my individual hormone levels are. Though I am not a candid for HRT because of past heart issues.
I do want to say that my symptoms eased up over time not nearly as bad as peri. But I got sick with a horrible cold in mid January and I had a hard time kicking the cough and congestion. It seems like after that all my menopause symptoms kicked in on high. Weirdly like the cold triggered it.
I am hoping that my symptoms will improve as my body gets used to this. One perk? No periods. No pads, no tampons. So that is something positive 😃
lisa17089 Guest
Thankyou so much for sharing this with us. I worry all the time about how crap my body feels, and this has made me feel so much better xx
nancy0925 Guest
Trust me there is hope! I'm 56 and and officially in menopause. I felt so bad for so many years that I felt like I would never feel normal. I had a heart catherization done when I thought I was having a heart attack. Had an endoscopy done because if bad belching and bloating, anxiety attacks that sent me to the hospital etc. My mid 40's to 55 were miserable. I am happy to say that although I gained weight, I feel so much better and am working on taking off some weight. The best news is I wasn't dying all those years, I'm actually healthy lol so hang in there ladies, its a rough ride but you'll get through it!