Gord diagnosis, but scared !
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Hi, I am a mature lady but am happy to admit I am worried ! Suffered dreadful sore throat two months ago. Antibiotics did not help so subsequent gp diagnosed gord. I was prescribed a month of omeprazole and am now in the final week. I no longer have raging sore throat but seem to have enlarged glands in throat and am sooo worried it is something serious. Could the ppi be causing other issues or should I return to gp and ask him again for more reassurance ?? He probably thinks I am a massive hypochondriac. Thanks for reading and look forward to any responses.
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julie03582 suzywong1959
donclaudio julie03582
I've an "idea" as to what Dr or Prof De Souza Pereira used in his study of omeprazole vs melatonin cocktail...will try and research it...and let you know if you wish...it will take time as I must be certain each does no harm, and has no "medical conflicts"...and because we are NOT identical twins, what works for me may or may not work for another...tinkering around with "mini" things often produce better results than any other method....example...some have used small amount of calcium citrate...melatonin...combo with some success at reducing reflux...and some merely using alkaline water...but diet including "what when how much" one eats is most important along with "positioning" after a meal....claudio
julie03582 donclaudio
donclaudio julie03582
I am on the road..will respond when I return home. Bile is produced in the liver,stored in gall bladder (if we have one).ppi's block acidfrom stomach lining. The normal ratio therefore is modified by ppi's. Clsudio
julie03582 donclaudio
donclaudio julie03582
what are your trigger foods?
I am almost ready to give you my "thinking" and some
suggestions...Its been a difficult day today..not medically..wife has a "whip" in one hand and a "stop watch" in the other...preping for visitors...Claudio
julie03582 donclaudio
donclaudio julie03582
This is what I know about bile reflux...bile is very errosive to the throat, PPI's increase the amount and concentration.
There was a recent article in the American Chest Journal with a study that kinda went like this:
researchers found that, while total reflux events and acid reflux events decreased considerably with PPI treatment, "nonacidic reflux" events, such as stomach bile regurgitation, were significantly greater with PPI treatment. Researchers suggest that this increase in nonacid reflux events may explain persistent symptoms in some patients, despite being treated with PPIs.
I would suggest you check the enzymes your taking to be sure your not "increaseing" the production of bile.and if you will be using phyllium husk powder, a reminder its inulin and can produce gas based on quantity, so go with 1/4 to 1/2 tea spoon initialy WITH your probiotics.
You've put some "stress" on your liver...your water consumption should increase (8.2 plus ph) and consider Milk thistle 100mg max an hour or so pre bedtime for the next 2 weeks.
Sore throat and difficult swollowing...a temp fix...I'm on a termianl patient forum, patients with same use D...its a prescription but can be found in a cough syrup R, if I state the name, this post will be deleted as it may be considered advertising. send me a pm, and I'll give you both the med and the cough syrup name. You should not stop nexium cold turkey...so the sooner you have melatonin available the sooner you can taper it.
I will also give you the a safe method to terminate the nexium in the private msg..
Correct me if I'm mistaken..you've had the Fundo? if so, give me your thought put as to pre and post experience? claudio
julie03582 donclaudio
donclaudio julie03582
40mg is a tad much...I would think 20mg x 2? I was hoping only 20mg x1...let me know if 40 x 1 or 20 x 2...
And I do not comprehend why colestyramine use of this drug to improve bile reflux?? As a result loss of bile acids, more plasma cholesterol is converted to bile acids in the liver to normalize levels.
I would think FGF19 would be a better targeting area for regulating bile. (milk thistle)...do a plos one for FGF-19..
julie03582 donclaudio
The fundo was to have "prevented" reflux?? in particular Bile?
Is it possible post op, you may have stretched the location due to a heavy meal?
we tapered as follows after the tripple therapy for HPylori, 40mx (20 x 2)
day one: 20 mg thru day 5 replacing the 1 20mg with one tab of bismuth (262mg)
day six 20 mg every other day for 7 days using bismuth on the skipped day.
The option for you would be using "melatonin vs bismuth"
will send you via pm the melatonin weening protocol.from the study mentioned earlier..Claudio
julie03582 donclaudio
donclaudio julie03582
good job re initial nexium reductiion.The colestyramine
binds to bile in the colon.Again, As a result , loss of bile acids, more plasma cholesterol is converted to bile acids in the liver to normalize levels. Where is the gain?
Bile is necessary but "you don't want it in your throat" right? What you want is No Reflux...its difficult sometimes to see the forrest when in inside and see only trees...I too have this problem, and sometimes too often.
Probiotics are very good, and some that need to get beyond the stomach, need a transporter/chaperone...the psyllium husk will help accomplish this task. Enzymes are OK provided you know which enzymes you need and where they are useful and not harmful...thus the reason I prefer femented plant foods...and fermented dairy...
You can make home made kimchi without the spice...simple, and you can add the good gobo or daikon root as well...youtube for some basics.
Yogurt and kefir a tad more labor intensive but studies have shown that they are very potent compared to commercial products. Claudio
donclaudio julie03582
and as a bacteria suppressant.
Melatonin in studies has shown "almost" the same effectiveness as omeprazole (PPI) without side effects...in one "very small) study, it also red to strenthten the LES...imo study too small to be a "sure thing"...and because melatonin cannot be patented, no studies that I'm aware of but hope to see some from the big nutritional lab in Shanghai. Claudio
julie03582 donclaudio
donclaudio julie03582
you didn't mention you were are a sleep med?? I need to know what you are taking so that anything I might suggest is appropriate.
And sleep meds "can" relax the LES.
julie03582 donclaudio
donclaudio julie03582
there are 112 references (studies) for this medication, its predessor and the newer version...I haven't the time to study all of these 112, just "skimming" they are all over the place..good not so good...some in combo etc...both melatonin and Dex should not be considered while on this medicatiion. nor any other med without a skilled pharmacist approval...guideline....
I haven't a suggestion to replace either...I've have had some experiences with klonopin, Amitriptyline, used for sleep side effect...and my sense is not to add anything due to so many "possibilities"..again..both good and not so good...therefore, don't use either unless a pharmacist approves..Claudio
suzywong1959 donclaudio
donclaudio suzywong1959
very happy you've not had "rebound".
I would schedule an appointment with an ENT, you can always cancel it should it not be necessary.
Since your phlegmy in the ""mornings"" has some bl blood, its quite possible the humidity may be inadequate at this time...an easy "check", place a large wide mouth bowl of water near bedside over the next few nights...
If this clears it up, you can cancel the EnT appointment unless you yet wish to have an expert evaluate your condition...I don't think a GP has the skills and experience of an ENT specialist.
No need to "stress out", a mild virus can cause the phlegm, and this is the time of year for these to be around...be sure to protect yourself in grocery stores as basket and cart handles can harbor bad guys.
I'll consult with ann and nick about my suggewtion and see if Nick has ideas...he is either in Tokyo or Yokohama, could be a few days before we touch base...please let me know how it goes with the bedside water...to lift your spirits some, do a youtube search for cutibabyinchina, a 3 year old singls like an angel, try the 3.45 video...my best to you...claudio
donclaudio suzywong1959
Niick just called..said he thinks you've had the mucus for some time, and its most likely a side effect of the anti depressant...there are two side effect suspects..one..throat swelling and dry mouth...both will elicit an immune response much like that of "dry eye" when excess tears develop.
The ENT could collaborate with a specialist within this specific area to offer solutions...In the meantime...drink plenty of cool water, try some papaya or mango merely to see if it "helps"....claudio
suzywong1959 donclaudio
donclaudio suzywong1959
Won't be scheduled for two or so weeks...plenty of time to
cancell it ..if if .claudio