Green Light Laser did not work
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My husband had the green light laser treatment for the second time and it did not work. He gets up 8 - 12 times every night to use the bathroom. His urologist is telling us that he will have to live with it. Where do we go from here?
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ianC katy94530
rogcal katy94530
cartoonman katy94530
Hi Katy,
As an interim step, I suggest strongly that he learn CIC (Clean Intermittent Cathing). If he uses a catheter before bedtime, he can empty his bladder, and likely reduce the number of times he has to get up. I've been cathing for over two years (awaiting better solutions!), and 2/3 of the nights, I sleep through the night! Yes, sleep through the night!
derek76 katy94530
That's during the night. How much is he passing each time and how is he during the day.
jimjames katy94530
You need to find out the cause of his frequency first. This will require evaluating both his pre and post Green Light symptons.
Do you know what his symptons were before the surgery? What testing was done pre-surgery? Did they test for PVR (post void residual)? Did they do a urodynamic study?
What is his frequency now during the day and any other symptons? Do you know what his post void residual (PVR) is? That's the amount of urine left in his bladder after he urinates. You can find it easily with a bladder scan at the urologists office. I would have one taken both at an early morning appointment and at an afternoon appointment as the values may differ.
Depending on what they find you go from there.
I would also suggest a very simple urine log for at least a day or two. Just get a simple plastic beaker from the supermarket that has "oz" on one side and "ml" on the other. Have him urinate into it and write down the time and amount of urine that comes out.
paul29249 katy94530
Hi Katy
From what I can get from this forum
FLA is highly recommended but no insurance company will not pay the 20,000 .Im schedule for HOLEP in July at Mayo Phoenix. I Was Looking at Green light and heard it doesn't always work. I Would get 2 or 3 opinion. I went to 4 URL before deciding on Mayo Phoenix,
jimjames paul29249
Why do you think FLA would help if Green Light didn't? IHer husband really needs a proper diagnosis and evaluation of his GL before considering any surgery or procedure.
Good luck with HOLEP. From what I've heard it's an excellent procedure, especially for large prostates, the caveat is that it requires more training, so you want to make sure whoever does the GL has done many cases. There is a certain incidence of retro ejaculation but I assume you've factored that in.
oldbuzzard paul29249
Paul - Holep usually works but it is a major surgery. Long recoveries are not uncommon nor are 1-3 months of incontinence until things get back to normal. And Retro ejaculation is almost guaranteed.
There are less invasive procedures that work for a lot of men with no anesthesia, much lower incidence of RE and much shorter, less messy recoveries. And most will allow you to do something like Holep if they don't work. You might want to look into those (PAE, Urolift, Rezum) before jumping into Holep.
jimjames oldbuzzard
Paul, I agree with O.B. Even though HOLEP is an excellent procedure if you need it, you should explore the less invasive surgical options first and see if you are a good candidate.
I read you failed uroloift? Did they figure out why? What kind of retention and symptons did you have going into urolift and what are your symptons now? Have you had urodynamic testing?
If you failed one procedure, very important to find out exactly why before going into another procedure.
oldbuzzard jimjames
kenneth1955 jimjames
Paul I agree with Jim and OB. Why have something that you don't need. There are so many others that you can do that don't have a long healing time and side effects and other problem. Did you ever check with the doctor that did your UROLIFT and see if they can put in more implant. Sometimes they don't put in enough. Or did the other tell you that it will not work and the Holep is what you need. He may just be telling you that to get you to have the surgery. Take control of your body and tell them no this is not what I want. Please cancel while you still have your prostate. Also look into Rezum or PAE. Yor prostate may not even be the problem. Look at Katy's husband. He has 2 GL surgerys and they did not work. And now he has more problems. If you can't pee do CIC Jim can help you with that he is great. All I have to say is cancel while you still have time. Try something else. You can allways go back Take care Ken
derek76 oldbuzzard
You have been posting here for a very long time when are you going to take the plunge an get somehing done about yours?
richard_39772 paul29249
oldbuzzard derek76
Holep is a longer recovery than GL - that's pretty easy to verify. In fact, Gl was, prior to Rezum and Urolift, the Urolgists less invasive answer to TURP and Holep.
I had Rezum done in March of '16. My bladder isn't perfect but the relief was considerable, I no longer live my life around the bathroom and I'm happy with the results.
paul29249 kenneth1955
The Mayo doctor scheduled me for appointments before the HOLEP to check out for himself, he said he had to look for himself, first, he looked at my record from the other urologist and made some comments in notes didn't make sense. The way they do it at Mayo Phoenix is they put you on schedule and you have appointments before to verify other doctors dionoses, He did say there may be other options, I need to keep a ledger so I can ask him some of these questions.
derek76 oldbuzzard
I'm glad that you had it done but I had not noticed your post about it.
The Uro team who did my (rapid recovery) GL in 2004 now do Holep. They say that it takes more skill and time than GL but it was a split decision to change over.
How different is the result from the steam treatment of Rezum from the now seldom used microwave TUMT procedure.
kenneth1955 derek76
kenneth1955 paul29249
paul29249 kenneth1955
what do you make of the urolift Dr saying that since he's going to put me under we should do the Greenlight. should I find another doctor who will do the urolift while I'm under sedation,
jimjames paul29249
I agree with Kenneth. Don't let the doctor decide what you need, make your own decision. If you think there's still a possiblity for Urolifit, find a doctor who will do the appropriate tests and imaging to see if you qualify. Sounds like your doc will do whatever is easiest for him.