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Has anyone out there had the "GREEN LIGHT LASER SURGERY" for your prostate???? The Doctor that did my Urolift said if I wasn't satisfied with the results of that then the next step would be this type of surgery. I would love to hear from guys that have had this specific surgery and how they are doing. Especially in the sex department.
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lester90053 ChuckP
ChuckP lester90053
bill80656 ChuckP
For me my Turp was medieval torture compared to the PAE that I had last June. Green light is similar to the turp.
Good luck.
PAE = prostate arterial embolization
ChuckP bill80656
rogcal ChuckP
Base your decision on what you already know of your own circumstances and informed comments found in peer reviewed reports and match the treatment to what is best for you.
The internet is a wonderful tool if you use it wisely and in conjunction with information which is based on sound evidence.
By all means take note of what we have to say on hear but what has been good (or bad) for one individual may not be the route for you to take.
Personally I would recommend HoLEP over any other form of procedure designed to remove prostate tissue but I shall leave you to research this particular procedure and draw your conclusions.
As for me, I had a HoLEP and I had some serious issues following the procedure but if I had the choice again knowing what would happen, I would still opt for it.
Good luck.
ChuckP rogcal
rogcal ChuckP
The treatment entailed bladder irrigation for 4 days via a 3 way catheter and 3 days with a 2 way catheter and a bladder flush whenever a clot blocked the tube. Sent home with a two way catheter in situ which remained in place for 7 days.
I have now been free of the catheter for 24 days and all is well with no bleeding and a really good flow. I call it my "Niagra" which compared to the "dribblethon" that I had to contend with for a good two years, is fantastic.
I knew there was a 10% risk of a hematuria developing before deciding to opt for a HoLEP but given that other procedures have a higher percentage risk of post operative complications plus with a HoLEP your are pretty much guaranteed to be discharged the same day without a catheter as I was, it was a no brainer and went for the HoLEP.
As for sex a life (yes at 67 I still have one), I've not been hung up on that as a must have to enjoy life but to date the urge is still present and what little expermenting I have done has shown that I fall into the retrograde ejaculation catagory and all the other sensations seem the same.
One thing I do enjoy is not having to stand at the urinal for several minutes and looking for somewhere to pee when urgency kicks in.
Hope this answers the queries you have.
derek76 rogcal
I had moved to S.E. England when I needed my second procedure in 2013 so I did not go back to Newcastle who by that time were about to switch to HoLep from the second generation GL equipment. They had been doing both procedures and they felt the difference in results to be marginal and it was a split decision to decide to opt only for HoLep.
I do not understand why some patients have problems after laser procedures from what is a gentle operation that seals off the blood vessels as it goes along. A urology nurse said that much of the later blood passed is from the urethra as it suffers a lot of trauma from the instruments used.
david04187 ChuckP
I posted my situation the other day. (not sure if older posts are hard to find so I am reposting again). As far GL goes - I was pretty active within days (I'm turning 63 tomorrow and am in great shape to begin with). I couldn't wait to get off the table. I cringed what was done what was done and going home with the catheter. (you will definitely need help constantly emptying the bag).After the catheter was removed (next day) I had extensive stinging (penis) for 3 or 4 days (to be expected) when urinating. I got used to the stinging (sitting seemed to help). My doctor repeatedly said keep drinking water AND juice/gatorade. The blood did lighten up the more I drank. After about 3 weeks the blood was usually at the beginning of the flow and once in a while quite bloody (also to be expected). Although it looked at times that there was no bleeding there was still a red sediment at the bottom of the bowl. The bleeding did completely stop at about week 5. I started full activities once the blood stopped but I did excercise after about 3 weeks (at an easy/slower pace). The procedure didn't hold me back from doing any of my major daily activities (work, theater,walking,transportation).
My stream is definitley much stronger now but I don't see any other improvement yet.
I have mostly bad nights. every (hour-2 hours). It's hard for me not to drink after a certain hour but when I reduce liquid intake I seem to faire better.
At the 6 week follow up, the Dr. said everything I'm feeling is normal and give it time. So I will have another followup in 3 months. My days aren't too bad (less urges) but I sometimes have to go again immediately after a main urination.
I haven't had any incontenent issues (never did before or after).
The other MAJOR thing that disturbs me is ejaculation. I wasn't informed of the rentrograde ejaculation. I didn't even know what that meant until I logged into this site. It is unsettling but hopefully that will also get back to some sort of normal.
Maybe (too much info) but haven't had any issues with errections. I have a very weak orgasim if any with absolutely no fluids. So strange! (The Dr. says this is also normal and will improve).
I am up to 7 weeks since surgery and I still feel a slight discomfort only when I start a flow. I was hoping that each day/night that I would see differences but can't say I have except the stronger flow (I do drink more liquids daily). I get very down about having the procedure but my Dr.'s seems to have confidence that I will see a major difference with time. So I'm trying to stay will take time per Dr. (I hope). I will keep up to date with my recovery. Can't wait to sleep through the night (or least only one wakeup call).
ChuckP david04187
kenneth1955 david04187
derek76 kenneth1955
rogcal ChuckP
I researched the best in the UK for the HoLEP and found it was situated at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridgeshire and I eventually got on the operating list of the foremost Urologist who specialises in the procedure (Tevito Aho). A more decent human being you couldn't ask for.
Incidentally he does the procedure as a private treatment and attracts patients from around the globe for an all in price of around £8000.
I have no idea what the cost is in the US but it must be comparable to the cost over here considering the salaries of all the staff concerned in the procedure plus the equipment costs are similar to here.
nealpros ChuckP
bob120 ChuckP
My main problem is a very fast growing very large prostate. After the three procedures it is presently 203g. I'm currently on avodart to shrink it, and will know in 5 months if it has been siuccessful.
Regarding retro, I know many men seem to have a problem with it, but it hasn't affected my sex life at all. I have only ever felt my orgasm, not the semen leaving my body. With retro the orgasm is the same, the semen just is pumped into the bladder in stead of out.
Unless you are in retention, or have a PVR (post vodi residual left in your bladder after urinating) of 200ml or more, I would forget about any procedures and learn to use the urianal so you can get right back to sleep.
Another thing that can cause urinary symptoms is an enlarged bladder mouth. Tissue grows over it and may block the bladder mouth even if there is no obstruction in the prostate. When I had my second greenlight my bladder neck was resectioned (widened). This improved my symptoms more than the original greenlight did. I needed both procedures to do what the doctor had told me the first greenlight would take care of.