Groin Pain, Iliopsoas Tendonitis or Impingement After Hip Replacement

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Chronic groin pain 8 months after Anterior right hip replacement has brought me to this board where I am finding what doctors say is very rare that it is indeed not rare but very common.

In reading posts I am finding some commonalities. It seems the anterior approach or super path hip replacement. I don't see a lot of posts about groin pain from posterior approach.

I need your help in gathering feedback. If you have groin pain after hip replacement, please let me know and who the manufacturer is of your implant..Yes the manufacturer of their implant everyone should know..You just don't get an implant without knowing what it is...

For example: I had anterior right hip replacement in FEB 2017, and had Stryker ceramic implants.  The hip implant manufacturers changed their diameters of the femoral head several years ago and I feel that is the cause of alot of groin problems.

IF U.S. I would like to recommend everyone check their doctor out here. This website is part of the Medicare/government site.  unch. It was even more surprising to find all that money came from Stryker...Put your doctors name in search tool, $$ will come up in one tab, the other tab tells you what company paid it.. THis was part of medical transparency act , which is part of Obamacare...Needless to say Stryker ceramic implant was not the best choice for me personally as i have already been told by independent dr. (Sorry i dont know what the sites are for other countries)

Please let me know if you are having groin pain and type of surgery you had.So many people are having this, its shocking!

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74 Replies

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    I had a Stryker ceramic implant uncemented. I have had no real groin pain, in fact not much pain at all overall except for when I have overdone activity.

    I had posterior. From following this forum I have also been coming to conclusion there is definitely more muscle and nerve problems with anterior method. Due to less visibility for surgeon to see what they're doing I personally feel the benefits of supposed quicker recovery are questionable.

    My whole journey has been really trouble free except for occasions where I did something I shouldn't i. e. fall over, do digging on allotment! !!! By 7 weeks I was feeling like I'd never had op other than being pain free and just tired most of the time.


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      Thank you Sandra. I see people who had posterior did very well except for ones who had anterior approach
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    I had double anterior hip replacements and have contant groin tightness and left hip clicks which i beleive its the hip flexiors rubbing over the cup. In saying that im back training martial arts kicking at face height again also doing kickboxing but limiting power kicks into thai pads to around 40 %. I can only train through with the aid of 2 pain killers because of the hip flexiors. I think the groin tightness and pain is unfortunately a side effect of joint replacements. I had mine done at 43 years old. Im now 47 that tightness and slight pain in the groin has been there from day 1xafter surgery. Being a black belt in taekwondo im just happy i can train again but weary that these things my struggle to last 10 years with my training. But hey we only live once.
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      You shouldn't be able to feel the hip implants at this point and certainly not have constant groin pain. That's a conflict between tendon and the cup. It will in time make tears. Please do research and find an arthroscopic orthopedic surgeon in your area

  • Posted

    March 2012 I had RTHR, anterior approach. Had and still have terrible groin, thigh and side of hip pain.

    ?Due to the hip being the wrong size and it dislocating March 2017 had a revision. Still have this pain 7 months afterwards. I wish I knew the answer. Seeing my OS in 2 weeks and hope to get some answers then.

    ?The 1st hip was a Zimmer and don't know what this is.

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      Forgot to say the revision was posterior approach.
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      Hi Charlotte. So sorry for your pain. I'm in worse groin pain then before the hip replacement. might I recommend that you do research on an orthopedic surgeon that does arthroscopic hip surgery which very few of them do period irregular orthopedic surgeon who did your joint replacement can't do arthroscopic surgery to fix what the other guy did. I hope this helps you some what

    • Posted

      Also, forgot to mention the revision was posterior approach.

      Assuming the anterior approach and dislocation has damaged everything - soft tissue, muscles, tendons, ligaments.

      ​OS said at my 2 month check that it will take me 2 years to recuperate as all this is damaged from the previous THR and not corrected for almost 5 years.

      ​Oops, I said March 2012 - I fell at this time - fractured my femoral head and pelvis - had pins put in.

      Then, June 2012 had RTHR.

      I am not on any pain meds either, I guess all this pain is making my brain goofy.frown

    • Posted

      I think the anterior approach has caused alot of damage to thousands of people...glad you had posterior revision...sending you healing thoughts!
  • Posted

    My THR was done by a surgeon in my city.

    ?My revision was done by an experienced revision OS in St.Louis which is about an hour and half away from where I live.I had done extensive research to find another OS. My niece who is a hemotogolist in Florida had asked her colleagues who are Orthos about my situation and they said St. Louis. So between I and my GP we found this OS - very caring, sits with me until I have my current questions answered.

    ?At this period of time I have other questions that I have emailed his RN on the portal website and according to her Dr.says I shouldn't still be having this much pain so made an appointment with him.

    ?I honestly hope all of our pains would dissipate so we can get back to the life we once knew without any complications.

    Hugs to all.

  • Posted

    I found your post particularly interesting because it gets to the heart of my problems.

    Aside from being bone on bone, I was active and fit prior to surgery. 

    Now at 1 year 5 months post surgery I am left with chronic groin discomfort , pinching in the groin and upper thigh, extreme tightness, pulling sensation from the groin to the knee which I noticed the day after surgery and continuing to this day, and the residual I am left with is probably here to stay.

    But to do a revision based on this discomfort feels like I am rolling the dice because who knows if another major surgery will correct the problem.

    My walking is better but my mobility and flexibility is far more limited now than the night before surgery.  Now I have constant stiffness and tightness upon bending my leg at the groin.

    Had such a bad and long recovery I was considering doing the anterior approach for the next go round which has to be done very soon.  But I am convinced that the anterior approach is far more risky in the long run and will probably stick with not going that route for the other leg which I am scheduling to do soon.

    I have no doubt that you recover faster with the anterior approach  but I'm not so sure about the long term success. 

    But since my posterior approach surgery didn't go so well with similar problems as yours I don't know what the answer is.

    I also think it's a conflict between the tendon and the cup.  I was told from MRI that the cup is impinging on the capsule.  Therefore I am feeling this pinching, tightness and impingement.

    But I can't help to wonder if an improper placement is also to blame besides the type of approach or the material or make of the implant. 

    I will private message you for the website link you mentioned since it was removed from your post for more information.

    My surgery was posterior approach , long stem, Smith and Nephew.

    Hugs to you and all my fellow hippies whether surgery is successful or unsuccessful for a better tomorrow.😔

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    Sorry I don’t know the manufacturer of my replacement. I’ve had a pain that travels down my groin continues to my knee and then my lower part of my leg? I basically have had it from day one and had every test done but the specialist cannot find anything? He even lengthened the leg so they are the same size. That’s 15 year of this phantom pain! 
    • Posted

      I know how frustrating that is...may i suggest you read on iliopsoas tendonitis and see if it matches your symptoms...dont give up! There's a doctor out there that can help you you just have to find the right doctor .good luck to you

  • Posted

    The posterior approach is an exceptionally flexible methodology. In numerous patients, just a standard hip replacement is fundamental, and in these cases frequently an anterior approach can be utilized with the same achievement rate as a posterior methodology. Consult Travcure for Hip Replacement Treatment
    • Posted

      Thank you I will. I think you're exactly correct anterior approach those used way too much and as you can see thousands of people are ending up with groin pain

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