Groin Pain, Iliopsoas Tendonitis or Impingement After Hip Replacement

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Chronic groin pain 8 months after Anterior right hip replacement has brought me to this board where I am finding what doctors say is very rare that it is indeed not rare but very common.

In reading posts I am finding some commonalities. It seems the anterior approach or super path hip replacement. I don't see a lot of posts about groin pain from posterior approach.

I need your help in gathering feedback. If you have groin pain after hip replacement, please let me know and who the manufacturer is of your implant..Yes the manufacturer of their implant everyone should know..You just don't get an implant without knowing what it is...

For example: I had anterior right hip replacement in FEB 2017, and had Stryker ceramic implants.  The hip implant manufacturers changed their diameters of the femoral head several years ago and I feel that is the cause of alot of groin problems.

IF U.S. I would like to recommend everyone check their doctor out here. This website is part of the Medicare/government site.  unch. It was even more surprising to find all that money came from Stryker...Put your doctors name in search tool, $$ will come up in one tab, the other tab tells you what company paid it.. THis was part of medical transparency act , which is part of Obamacare...Needless to say Stryker ceramic implant was not the best choice for me personally as i have already been told by independent dr. (Sorry i dont know what the sites are for other countries)

Please let me know if you are having groin pain and type of surgery you had.So many people are having this, its shocking!

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    I thought it was just me.   7 weeks post op, Right, THR (anterior)  Dupuy titanium stem, Dupuy Ceramic ball, highly cross linked poly ethylene cup.  OK, home day after surgery.  PT came 2 days later, 6x over 2 weeks.  Could not do straight leg lift, but PT encouraged (forced) me to keep trying, until,  Bam, groin muscle pull.  I try daily to to the SLL, but no joy.  I have to use hand-arm assist to get in/out of vehicle, and bed.  Groin pain is much reduced, but it seems my initial progress of walking w/o pain or limp at 14 day OS follow up is regressing.  It takes a few tentative steps in much discomfort, to finally get walking.  Pain and limp is reduced but not removed at this point.  Still doing PT on my own, and elliptical and swimming.  I have a 7 week follow up in 3 days.  Don't want to hear "everything looks good, just be patient", unless that's true!  What do I ask the OS, or what additional exercises will benefit me?   Right now, I feel like I traded one hip pain for another, and am not really enjoying life any more than before.  I admit to being impatient, but I'm no couch potato and want to get on with he program.

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      Sorry sorry it took so long for me to respond. I would immediately go get a second opinion and check the other Forums on here especially under iliopsoas tenotomy. My doctor wouldn't listen to me either so I had to switch drs and it's now 10 months of pain but now I finally do have a good doctor and I am going to talk to him Thursday about what kind of surgery. The surgery that you get to fix this problem has a great deal of contraindications as you will find out. Not a good trade-off

  • Posted

    Hello, I just happened to stumble upon this discussion on Psoas issues. I had anterior total hip arthroplasty about 10 months and a few days ago. Since post op day 1, I have not been able to recover from my Psoas Tendon getting roughed up from the surgery. My surgeon, who I trust, diagnosed me with Psoas Tendonitis and Bursitus early on but always hoped,as I did that it would calm down. Doctor told me about 4 pct do not recover from the complication of Tendonitis or Impingement. I've had the imaging studies, lab work and corticosteroid injections and now I will have the Psoas Release arthroscopy done by a different surgeon in same group who specializes in Hip Arthriscopy.

    I just want to get this done and hopefully get rid of the awful pain in my new hip.  I've worked hard to strengthen my hip the last few months. My scope surgeon said my hip was too weak for him to agree to do the release. He gave me instructions on what to do to strengthen the hip and I have done that daily for 2.5 months. He examined me throughly about two weeks ago and was impressed with the big difference in my hip strength. So, day before Thanksgiving I have my surgery. Wish me luck.  Sorry this is long. 

    Dino in Tennessee 

    • Posted

      Dino do you know why your hip has to be strengthened before a tenotomy of the illiopsoas? What sorts of exercises? Do ypu know what the functional/ athletic consequences are of an illiopsoas release ( love the euphemism for "severing"wink

      know I have impingement from anterior, from a very experienced doc who I think used a resident cause I was such an "easy"case. I am pursuing further treatment right away from ah different surgeon. I jogged 1.6 miles on a hill the day before surgery; 5 weeks later I can't go even to the next room without crutches.

      Everything else is on track except horrible cutting groin-pain

    • Posted

      Dino do you know why your hip has to be strengthened before a tenotomy of the illiopsoas? What sorts of exercises? Do ypu know what the functional/ athletic consequences are of an illiopsoas release ( love the euphemism for "severing"wink

      know I have impingement from anterior, from a very experienced doc who I think used a resident cause I was such an "easy"case. I am pursuing further treatment right away from ah different surgeon. I jogged 1.6 miles on a hill the day before surgery; 5 weeks later I can't go even to the next room without crutches.

      Everything else is on track except horrible cutting groin-pain

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      My surgeon tested my hip strength by hands on exam of my hip and determined the hip was weak. He gave me orders to get on the stationary bike at least 30 mins everyday and to get my heart rate while on the bike to 160 bpm. I guess that was to make sure I am working the bike hard. Reason for the strengthening is the psoas tendon is attached to the main flexor of the hip and when they release the tendon the hip flexion and overall strength is reduced. So he would not do the surgery until the hip was stronger. Makes sense. Post operative protocol is for crutches approx. two weeks and a hip brace to keep hip from flexing so the surgery can heal. How long in the brace I'm not sure. Eventually the hip function should get back to normal or very near normal with no more groin pain.

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      Sounds like you have a good doctor! Your not in south Florida are u? I cant find a dr who can do this. .
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      I've had a half hip replacement as I use a wheelchair because of MS and have had constant groin and thigh pain for 6 months.  Surgical registrar terrified me by saying I might need a revision as implant might be causing wear and tear on my socket.  These posts have given me hope that he might be wrong.  Is it possible that tendon? bursa? muscles? could be damaged and this could be causing pain? Agony when I try and lift my leg when lying down but if someone lifts it for me it doesn't hurt at all.  I've asked for a steroid injection as I'm learning that sometimes they're wrong!

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      i do know the steroid injection into the psoas tendon is a diagnostic tool for diagnosing psoas tendinitis. My doctor told me he needed to check the box if I received any relief from injection. Relief for short period of time is positive sign the psoas release can be successful. No relief from injection would have meant my doctor would be very hesitant to perform the surgery. Hope this is helpful.

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      Thanks so much Dino. Good luck and keep us posted as to your recovery.
    • Posted

      All i can say is 4 years after double anterior hip replacements my hip flexiors are constantly stiff and when i walk for more than 100 metres they hurt. Feels like they are always inflammed. If i take anti inflammatorys they feel ok but ii only take them when im training. They feel very tight and my left is clicking when i raise my leg up and down.
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      Dino, how did the surgery go??  I am scheduled to have my psoasis cut next month!
  • Posted

    Hello Patientzero007:

    I had an Anterior THR back in July 2016, and have had chronic pain ever since!  I have a combination of a pinching groin pain that shoots to my back, and burning around my outer hip.  I can’t sleep on my left side, and constantly wake up to burning aching pain at night.  The Drs say it’s nerve damage, and that it will go away, but 1.5 years later- I’m still in chronic pain and can’t sit or stand for more than 5 minutes without the volume of my pain turning up!  Also, I was fit and athletic before my surgery and now I can barely walk a block without my hip tightening up and aching.  No one seems to be able to help me!  I’m so afraid of a revision as the Dr. says the implant looks fine, but he’s only taken X-rays and no MRI to look at the soft tissue.  I’m also concerned - if anyone else has feedback and has experienced the same and found a resolution please share.

    I know this isn’t an answer to your question, but you are not alone.

  • Posted

    Thank you for your post! I had a bilateral hip replacement last year. My right hip is wonderful though I have significant pain in the groin of my left. When I sit back (at about a 45 degree angle) and I bring both of my heels together, it is extremely painful in my groin. In fact, I can only do this very slowly. When I abduct both knees and bring them out, I can feel as though the ball of the hip passes over something. I am not sure if it’s part of the striated muscle or the socket of the prosthesis itself.  If you (or anyone) has any ideas please let me know. Thank you!

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