Groin Pain, Iliopsoas Tendonitis or Impingement After Hip Replacement

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Chronic groin pain 8 months after Anterior right hip replacement has brought me to this board where I am finding what doctors say is very rare that it is indeed not rare but very common.

In reading posts I am finding some commonalities. It seems the anterior approach or super path hip replacement. I don't see a lot of posts about groin pain from posterior approach.

I need your help in gathering feedback. If you have groin pain after hip replacement, please let me know and who the manufacturer is of your implant..Yes the manufacturer of their implant everyone should know..You just don't get an implant without knowing what it is...

For example: I had anterior right hip replacement in FEB 2017, and had Stryker ceramic implants.  The hip implant manufacturers changed their diameters of the femoral head several years ago and I feel that is the cause of alot of groin problems.

IF U.S. I would like to recommend everyone check their doctor out here. This website is part of the Medicare/government site.  unch. It was even more surprising to find all that money came from Stryker...Put your doctors name in search tool, $$ will come up in one tab, the other tab tells you what company paid it.. THis was part of medical transparency act , which is part of Obamacare...Needless to say Stryker ceramic implant was not the best choice for me personally as i have already been told by independent dr. (Sorry i dont know what the sites are for other countries)

Please let me know if you are having groin pain and type of surgery you had.So many people are having this, its shocking!

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    I had a the anterior on my left hip, I was doing great until my therapist had me do the elliptical & some new exercises & instantly the groin pain increased so ouch that I was bedridden for 4 days, my surgeon said I’m just healing give it time. It’s been 7 weeks tomorrow & I can barely walk for the groin pain, still using a cane, I can’t sit for more than 15 min for the pain, getting up & down is excruciating. Any ideas? My surgeon won’t listen to a word I say, I quit pt due to the pain setting me back!

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      Hi Tammy. Its just been 7 weeks. Rest and go slower i would think...I am 10 months out with serious groin pain but at 7 weeks its very early. Lets see what the others say.


    • Posted

      I had a posterior hip replacement 10 weeks ago and I've had groin pain since. At  6 weeks, I gave up my pole and began Silver Sneakers weight training class. I quit after 2 weeks because the groin pain is so bad. I also did PT during first 6 weeks. I had my leg shortened and simple walking is difficult and makes the inside of my knee hurt. It's depressing. The arthritic pain is gone (and what a relief!) but the groin pain makes it very difficult to walk. After reading other posts, maybe I will use my pole again and rest until I see the OS in 4 weeks.


    • Posted

      I've been away from this site for a long time but got a notice about a previous thread I responded to months ago.  I was walking without a cane or walker 4 days after surgery, but my in home Physical Therapist pushed me to do straight leg lifts from a lying down position and it pulled the tendon near the site of the femoral head being sawed off.  My recovery still went well and I played golf 3 weeks post op, but I couldn't lift my leg to get into bed or in the car without my arm assisting.   On my 7 week follow up with the OS, I mentioned it and he said these things usually resolve themselves, but in the event it was still not working at 12 weeks, come back for review.  I decided to back off any PT that hurt (straight leg lift), and about the 12 week mark I attempted to do the straight leg lift, and sure enough it started to respond.  Within a few days I could do 10 reps so i never went back to the doc.  The moral of the story...muscles heal with exercise, tendons heal with rest.  Tendons in the groin can be very painful and they are needed for so many movements.  Try to be patient and let it heal on its own.  Find exercises that don't put strain on that tendon.  Best of luck, Jack

    • Posted

      PJ- I meant to respond to your note about tendon pain, but accidentally sent it to Tammy6266.

      Please read what I sent to her and see if there is any relevance to your situation.

      Best luck in your recovery.  Jack

  • Posted

    Greetings, at my 12 months out appointment,  in December i brought up the groin problem with my San Francisco surgeon who advertises as the most experienced surgeon for anterior hip replacement in the city. His PA examined me first and came to the conclusion there was iliopsoras issue in the groin. When the Doc. came in he immediately stated it was a spinal problem. I was overruled when I suggested a pinched/irritated nerve would not have give referred pain in inner groin. He disagreed was certain etc.etc. I next saw a physiatrist -spine  Doc, told him my problem, after a full exam he suggested 2 MRIs one for my lumbar-spine and one for the hip.

    The results for the hip- show bursitis,in several spots, a cyst & tears/strains of the muscle and more. I need to re read the report a few times to get a clearer understanding.The iliopsoras area is a mess and iIdo not know how bad it is or if it can be fixed?

    So now what to do next? I for sure have lost trust in the surgeon and am shocked at his attitude. Does the tendon need rest, or stretching?

    How do I find the site which will tell me the manufacturer  of  the implants used by this surgeon/hopital

    Any other advice is requested,

  • Posted

    I had anterior double. I also have a bit of groin pain also . I cant walk long distances without pain and im 47 .Had them done 4 years ago now . It seems to be common theme will anteriors . I would like to know how many others have this issue.
  • Posted

    I am 4.5 months anterior approach numb in groin area on top of thigh and inner part 12 inch long x 8 inch wide area.  Still have groin and butt pain.  Not sure my brand of implant will find out soon.  I thought I would be much better and don't think it is gonna be successful thx

  • Posted

    I’m a 48 year old gymnastics coach, choreographer, avid hiker, and well, just an all-around good athlete...until last Halloween that is.  It’s been a year and 3 months of unbelievable hell.  Gone, r all the activities I loved.  Even Thanksgiving ping pong proved impossible, and I was the reigning champ, well, from 2015, before the surgery.  Oh, and with respect to technique used, add a tally to the posterior column.  Under  “scar type,” check “doozie!  And truth, I could give two s**ts about the scar(s) any scar, and lovelies I do have, but factor in the unpredictable stab of doom (translation:  I’m most likely going to fall, hard) the

    taunting pinch of submission (meaning, I’ve just been given a staunch warning to immediately  cease and desist whatever it is I’m currently doing, be it an ever so detectable jog, already improvised dancing, spontaneous “OMG” spotting or attempting and failing to demonstrate some fundamental skill like a freaking handstand.!!!  My God, I can’t even kick up to a basic skill I’ve literally spent the greater part of my life either holding, passing through or teaching by way of demonstration without my yearlong bff “Persistence Pinch”   sabatoging my efforts.  So, needless to say, I’m done sucking up, done tolerating, done pretending and done hurting.  I mean, do I expect to run a marathon, play shortstop for the “once upon a timers” softball team or show off my vaulting skills to the Mighty Mights? Probably “not.”  But I would very much like, better yet, I would expect to be able to climb into my adored Mini Cooper without having to pick my leg up with my hands and literally hoist it into the car.  So please, if u could forward, post or suggest any and all 😬 pertinent info, links, etc, then I will be most appreciative.  I know this process isn’t going to be easy, especially considering we’ve already declared war on the Orthopaedic Group.  Not out for blood or blood money,.  Don’t care about money period,  just want to be able to live again...

    Thank you,


    • Posted

      Yea Claire! Have 2 total replacements. I am in pain management currently for spinal issues but my right hip started to not love me anymore about a year ago. Replacement done March of 2015. After too short a time of being pain free (in hips) started having groin pain running through thigh and throbbing in knee. YES! Dressing and washing is difficult AGAIN! The pain increases as the weeks go by. No, I do not sit on my butt agonizing over it but it (pain) always there in the background and right up front and loud with EVERY movement. Must use whatever doc I am referred to now due to Market Place Insurance. Live in Florida. Good old Florida Blue Select. The word “select” turns off a lot of specialists. Some ask me why not go back to the surgeon who did your surgeries? He doesn’t accept my insurance that’s why! Wonder what I’m in for. The pain of Avascular Necrosis is still fresh in my mind. Not sure what the near future holds.😯

    • Posted

      Hi I just read your post...i have similar situation...the picking up your leg to get into are you doing now...i would be interested to know where your at.

      For myself its been 7 years post op...and mostly unable to do the things i dreamed of doing before op...had the run around for the last 5 years...i was 60 when i had approaching 68..its a gas...i may end up with a good hip when im 75 but too old to enjoy it...

  • Posted

    I had posterior December 2016 with  Stryker implant on my right hip.  I also had posterior December 2017 with Stryker on my left side.  I have had groin pain on my right side from day one.  Hurts to lift my leg getting into vehicles, putting on my pants and when I rollover in bed.  My left implant feels great.  Must note doctor put the exact same size in both hips.
  • Posted

    Hopefully this topic is still active. Fra more grai pain immedately after Anterior THR 1 year ago. Diagnosed as psoasis tendinitis. Scheduled to cutt he psoasis lose next month.  Has nayone had this done and what should I expect for leg mobility?
  • Posted

    I also had a hip replacement back in August 2016. For a whole year and a half I kept complaining about tightness, pain, and catching when I’d move my leg in a circle or figure 8, or much less walk normally.  Then  on Dec, 6, 2018 I woke up and felt zapping, burning, lazer like pains that ran from my back through to my groin & down my leg; to the point I couldn’t Stand or Sit!!  I was rushed to the ER, and was admitted to the hospital.  After 2 weeks in the hospital,  I was diagnosed with Maralgia Parasethica.  6 cortisone shots (L4, L5,  S1, femoral cutaneous nerve, iliopsoas, and iliac  crest nerves) later, I received some relief, but only for a few months.  The pain gradually came back, but this time my whole body ached and I’ve been  bedridden.  Dr’s have given me opioids & SSRI’s, but none have helped and the side effects have caused other issues.  

    I’m awaiting another series of shots, but am afraid of the long term side effects.  What natural means has anyone used for relief?  Or has anyone experienced this pain?

    • Posted

      I am so sorry for you...I hope somebody responds that has been through this...If not keep posting, you can't be the only one...Are you in U.S. or ?

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