H pylori Postive, Very sick after taking medicine. Severe depression and anxiety
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I am 28 years old and I have had stomach pains for 5 years, we did endoscopy in 2015 and nothing was found I kept asking them for stool test and finally found I am H pylori I lost 4 stones in the matter of 4 years and continued to lose weight. The doctors kept sending me back saying its nothing as endoscopy didnt find Ulcer. after been given Amoxiclllin 500MG taking Two twice a day, Omeprazole 20MG taken One twice a day. Clarithromycin tablet 500mg to be One a day twice a day.
I took Omeprazole 20MG in the morning before food, and ate Oats, and then I had Amoxicllin capsule 500mg one and then spaced the dosage of Clarithromycin space of 2 hours. At night i had Amoxicillin and then Omeprazole I felt very sick and did sick on the second day of having Amoxcillin capsule at 8pm and then omprazole at 9pm... I wanted to ask what diet should I be on at the moment I am only eating small meals of boiled lentils and beans. And has anyone taken these dosages that it didnt make them sick? Thank you very much Its been a tough ride with severe depression and axiety
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Jluis bilal70496
I eat super healthy , no junk food and my sympthoms got worst , now it burns my chest and back , I thought it was my heart but all the tests shows nothing ., I feel anxious sometimes and makes the pain even worst ., so first thing , get calm and try to find yourself what Food makes you feel sick ., hopefully the h pilory is gone , you need another test to find out if this bug was got rid off .
Some people needs one month antibiotics .
In the endoscopy I showed mild gastritis , some they told me stop dairy products, fruit and citrics.
Good luck and I hope you feel better soon
bilal70496 Jluis
Jluis bilal70496
HumanBeing bilal70496
bilal70496 HumanBeing
HumanBeing bilal70496
bilal70496 HumanBeing
bilal70496 HumanBeing
garnella24377 bilal70496
I don't know what country you are in but I think you need a complete work up with two or three doctors to confer. If you live in the United States I would go to the Mayo clinic because it seems clear that if you are losing weight, something is wrong. Good luck because I am going through a difficult time as well from stomach pain, bloating and nausea.
bilal70496 garnella24377
suzanne_96353 bilal70496
Bilal be grateful for nhs im now living in ozz pay nh in my wage
Plus equivalent of £250 a month private too it ill cost me gap £800
Ozz nh called medicare you wait as long as nhs
Private well thats different but would you pay £300 for you and your wife not children just 2 a month. Then have a gap payment out of your own pockets for 100s f pounds average price for a baby £3000
Im sorry your so bad some people are alergic to certain antibiotics
Im alergic to amoxycillin i am so nauseas. Go back to gp 😀
pippa58442 suzanne_96353
debbie_68890 bilal70496
I have been tested for that - 2 weeks ago - by blood test - I have had a lot of tests and they still don't see anything - I hurt in my right side under rib and sometimes under my left rib - and I have nausea alot. The last thing the doctor prescribed was Doxepin - I haven't tried it yet - I am so bad with side effects of medicine - but know I need to try it.....I don't know if it will help or not. I feel for you - it's not good feeling bad all the time!
bilal70496 debbie_68890
suzanne_96353 debbie_68890
have you had a scan for gall bladder?
My gp 2 weeks ago after every test except endoscopey took me off all medicine except for my dual action gaviscon and to be honest i do feel heaps better. Still got ache along tummy and acid but the rest has eased
Its now 4 weeks nausea almost gone bppv gone but tummy bad.
Tight like a belt along my upper abdomen knawing ache ache under right side under the boob area wind its as if theres acid sloshing.
Everytime i eat it causes aching bloating every day its the same.
All im taking is Dual action Gaviscon and eating as bland as i can.
I just flew 3hrs in pain is this it? My life? This tightness is horrible