Hair feels like grass

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Hi ladies, I hope you can help me. I am straggling with my hair. After washing and conditioning my hair is fine but the next day my hair feels like grass and I realy don't like it. I used to be proud of my hair and now I just want to cut it all off. Does anybody know's of something I can use.

I also would like to know what supplement is the best to use for peri symptoms.  My bedside table looks like a health shop and I realy would like to know if there isn't one supplement with enough ingredients for all our wonderfull peri symptoms.

Thank you for your time ladies, if it was'nt for you whisdom I would have been in a mental institure a long time ago.




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25 Replies

  • Posted


    I have fine hair & I take nutrition fx which has helped my hot flushes but my hair is looking so much better!

    I have also started Vit B6 150mg, magnesium 375mg. I put linseed in my porridge 1tbs & Juice lots if carrots/beetroot,lemon & anything green! It is all hard work but I am getting the hang of it all! I love this website its so helpful!

  • Posted

    Hi Nonnie

    i have had dry hair, infact at the mo its seems to be coming out abit .. 😳

    i used this for the dryness . and i think its fab. even my daughter loved jt when she came and tried it.

     it is Gliss Ultimate Oil Light Oil Elixir serum its a pump spray black label not expensive.. you have to shake it before use... 

    i wash and condition as normal then when towel dry, spray this on the mid to ends, its brill and smells like chocolate .. really helped mine ...

    heres some additional info 😀

    Schwartzkopf have recently launched their Ultimate Oil Elixir range. A complete hair care system, designed to treat dry and damaged hair with the powers of liquid keratin.

    GLISS Ultimate Oil Elixir works as a hair repair system to renew and reinforce the hair structures. According to the press release, it helps to reduce hair breakage by up to 95%.

          Ultimate Oil Light Oil Elixir serum . Formulated with nourishing oils and small gold particles, gives the hair shine and protects it from breakage. Its light texture and not greasy hair and cakes is very easy to apply and be evenly distributed spray (unlike the classic serums are viscous fluids).

     Thanks to its nourishing formula with argan oil elixir does is repair and nourish hair more damaged reinforcing its structure. It is the special combination of its patented complex liquid keratin and nourishing oils that allow restructure the hair fiber and nourish recovering the natural oils of the hair.

    i only pay 2.60€ in spain for it and its available everywhere i think 

    Jay xx

  • Posted

    Hi nonnie 

    correction...  it is Gliss Ultimate Oil Light Oil Elixir .... is has a Gold Label and Black lid, has a picture of a hair shaft on it.....

    as you know i take 150 mg B6 and B12 etc etc etc and keep going on about iB6 benefits to everyone to try as its great.. but I still need this on my hair, maybe more due  to constant sun and swimming alot ... good luck Jay xx 

  • Posted


    failing that I will bring the lawn mower round and give it a trim 😃

    only joking hun... your description just made me laugh and my humour is abit naughty 

    Jay xx

    • Posted

      At this stage it is laugh or cry and I have cried enough. 
    • Posted

      Hi Nonnie

      bless you hun, maybe a little trim, just the ends off would improve your hair, i have to have my ends off every  10  - 12 weeks, only the very ends though as I like mine clipped up... and this spray is really good, feels so soft, not greasy, it kind of coats the dry parts and plumps them up and nourishes it... and certainly feels like silk for me like it says... non greasy so you can spray away and not worry... 

      any liquid keratin would help you, i just find this the nicest one..

      good luck Nonnie.. Jay xx

    • Posted

      I will do that. I have already found it on the internet and I am sure I will find it in our stores. 

      Thanks again.

    • Posted

      Hi Nonnie

      oh good, glad youve seen it and know which one..

      when I first used it I couldnt stop feeling my hair all day and night, really helped mine... its like a repair elixir ... Jay xx

  • Posted

    Hi NonnieDD,

    I have heard that organic coconut oil is really good for many things such as bad digestion but I have also read that it is very good to use on the hair.

    If you google the benifits of using organic coconut oil I am sure you will be surprised what you read.

    I always have my hair colour and trimmed every 4-5 weeks and everyone always says what lovely condition its in.

    Good luck in finding something that works for you.  Joy xx

    • Posted

      Hi Joy

      i agree.. this organic / virgin coconut oil, i didnt know anything about it until some ladies mentioned it on here the other day... I havent used it before, or even know where to get it... but was so surprised what its used for, some ladies even use it a vaginal moisturiser 😳 but i am abit sensitive with things and Replens MD i get away with ... 

      I remember years ago, when my friend and I were young .. we use to slap coconut oil on to sunbathe with ( not recommended - you fry) we were just stupid then... 😑 so when it was mentioned the other day in virgin form, i was very surprised.. infact ... you have reminded me about googling it... 😃 maybe its abit greasy for the hair, not sure, sometimes i put conditioner on mine and leave it in all afternoon pinned up allow it to dry and then wash off later  ... that softens your locks too ... Jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Joy and nonnie

      oh yeah... virgin coconut for hair too..... heres how..... 

      Why Can Coconut Oil Help with Hair Growth?

      Proper health and hair care go hand-in-hand when it comes to improving hair growth. The use of coconut oil can protect and moisturize the scalp while fostering growth of healthy hair.

      1. Shield Hair Protein

      Fatty acids bind to the protein in hair and protect both the roots and strands of hair from breakage. Lauric acid is found in coconut oil and has better results than other mineral or sunflower oils when it comes to improving hair health.

      2. Seal in Moisture

      Moisture is essential for healthy hair and regular and consistent use of coconut oil is a beneficial technique. By penetrating the hair shaft, coconut oil protects against environmental impurities and excess heat.

      3. Improve Blood Circulation

      A coconut oil scalp massage will effectively improve scalp circulation and boost nutrient and oxygen delivery to your hair.

      4. Provide Nutrients

      The natural antioxidants and nutrients found in coconut oil will deliver critical resources to improve your hair's softness and luster. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E, vitamin K and iron and effectively eliminates dandruff while boosting hair growth.

      5. Contain Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties

      The scalp and hair are high in bacterial content, but coconut oil is an effective remedy to deal with the issue. Coconut oil contains both antifungal and antibacterial properties to protect against dandruff and lice. Both of these potential problems limit hair growth.

      How to Use Coconut Oil for Hair Growth

      It is critical to avoid additives and impurities that can further impair hair growth. The best solution is to use only organic virgin coconut oil. The top choice is Spectrum Organic Coconut Oil and is the most natural form available. You can find it at most health food stores or a Whole Foods store.

      1. Warm the Coconut Oil

      Gently rewarm a jar of coconut oil in warm water. It appears solid in the jar, but melts when heated. Avoid using a microwave as it can damage and alter the chemical structure of the oil.

      2. Dampen with Warm Water

      Use warm water to thoroughly dampen your hair.

      3. Spoon Coconut Oil

      Take one tablespoon of the warmed coconut oil and place into your hand. Begin to apply to your hair. A good rule of thumb is to use two tablespoons for shoulder length hair and up to four tablespoons for longer hair. Apply the coconut oil directly to the roots of your hair by using your fingertips.

      4. Massage the Scalp

      Massage for at least three minutes to get the maximum effects while boosting the circulation in your scalp. Don't worry if a few strands of hair fall out, as this is normal during the massage process.

      5. Put on Shower Cap

      Cover your hair with a shower cap and let the coconut oil work its' magic.

      6. Wait

      Twenty to thirty minutes is the minimum. If you have the time, leaving the shower cap on overnight will provide the best results.

      7. Wash off

      Gently rinse with a sulfate and preservative free shampoo. No additional conditioner will be required, as the coconut oil will leave your hair soft and silky.

  • Posted

    thank you for all the advice for my bad hair days. I really appreciate it.

    I want to make sure of something els aswell. I have been using magnesium complex with vit B6 in it, but it is 10mg and a take 2 pills a day. how many mg am i suppouse to take.

    • Posted

      Hi Nonnie

      i would say 150mg B6 daily ... thats what I take .... i will repost the B6 info again for you in a min .. Jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi nonnie

      here it is... at bottom its suggests daily intakes for peri and post meno..

      Menopause Mood Swings & Vitamin B6

      Vitamin B6 may alleviate menopausal mood swings.

      During menopause, mood swings are inevitable with estrogen fluctuations as the body ends its reproductive years.

      Vitamin B6 may be one answer to alleviating increased agitation, depression and anger. B vitamins are responsible for mood stabilization by controlling hormone production in the brain and regulating hormone levels. B6 declines as menopause sets in and mood swings become evident. Increasing this vitamin may give women the added boost they need to enjoy the golden years with a better mindset.

      For women who suffer with brain fog, and memory issues in perimenopause, low levels of B6 could be part of the problem.

      Depression, confusion, and an inability to concentrate are all associated with B6 deficiency. Vertigo, dizziness, and heart palpitations are also common complaints from women going through perimenopause.

      All of these symptoms have been associated with (among other things) a B12 deficiency.

      Vitamin B6 can also help with stubborn weight gain in perimenopause. It is key in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our diet, and is necessary for a healthy metabolism - both which can help manage weight.

      B6 supplements of ** 100mg to 300mg per day ... depending on severity 

    • Posted

      the way i feel sometimes i want to take an overdose but thank you very much.
    • Posted

      Hi Nonnie 

      i also take magnesium, but in efferevescant form now, 375mg  they are..

      as they help hot flushes .... i stopped taking and whoooosh they came back big time up to 20 a day some days, waves of flushes ... and never had any for years..

      it helps, but i still get a couple though, its about the only thing that bothers me now, but i have had 10 years of peri, and if I get to 14 Aug ( next month) it will be a year no periods.... so I will be meno then, so they say, but will still of course take everything that i do now, to keep sane 😀 had to be natural for me, as cant take HRT and dont want to..

      i have found lately ( dont know if it is just the spanish summer heat or not) but I am sooo warm all the time, from within, like my thermostat broken, i find the pool heaven and i dont even flinch with it being cool to the body, so odd as last year i use to think Jeeeez its baltic, call an ambulance, now no reaction.. isnt peri crazy, liberating, but crazy .... hahaha

      jay xx


    • Posted

      Hi Nonnie

      no no no no no... please dont say that ...

      maybe you need to take a look at your supplements  ,...

      are you taking all you should be? .. or are you on HRT...

      dont feel like that Nonnie, it gets better, look at me... I am proof... I try and share my long old journey and try and share what works for me, incase it hells other ladies, 

      please up your B6 to 150mg daily.. you can get it from biovea web world wide ... that helped me in about a week, i was low before, you have the blues Hun, it will pass, but you need to assist it with the Vits, once you do that, and get your hair soft and silky and it will be, you will feel nonnie again

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      I am sorry I didn't want to alarm you. I think that is the one thing I wouldn't do but some time i feel that peri is going to win but i think i am getting more wiser the more i read i just wasn't sure how many b6 i must take. 

      I think you are our peri godmother who is always willing to help

      thank you


    • Posted

      Hi nonnie

      Peri God mother .... how sweet... 😃

      keep you pecker up hun... dont feel alone, i am always at the end of the ipad, apart from when i am swimming as it tends to knacker them ..😀

      be happy .. Jay xx

    • Posted

      Hiya Jay,

      See I was right this morning when I said you were so lovely!!!

      i get my organic coconut oil from Amazon! 

      I use in for all of my cooking, even use to roast potatoes and once I boil the potatoes and then drain and then give them a good shake to fluff them up, whilst boiling the potatoes I heat the coconut oil in oven and when really hot put them in to roast, not only more healthy than goose fat etc they are really scrummy!!!

      hubby says fried eggs don't taste so hot when coconut is used! Can't please everyone!!

      that description on how to use thanks for looking that up!! 

      Take care Hun!!

      My old dog has even had her accupuncure today for her stiff legs and shoulder and she even gets her daily allowance of coconut oil! She's the one with a pace maker fitted, I heard that after her treatment she spotted some chickens in the garden of our vets so I think her treatment is working for her! Ha! Ha!coolrolleyesxxx

    • Posted

      Hi Joy

      isnt  it amazing ... this coconut oil.... wow weee

      been looking at it different makes etc... 

      wish it sorted hot flushes 😕 thats my only annoyance ... had a few of the bad boys today.... 😡 i just have to grin and bare it... 

      i eat fruit, and really healthy stuff ... odd cheesecake, oh i am into them at the moment ... yummy... not a huge big one ... just individual ones.. 😃

      i have no man here, hes always working overseas ... so gotta have a treat..

      god i am on fire tonight... got Ac on and still on fire ... 😮

      mind you it was still 36 degrees out at 8.30pm... 

      dont know now if its with changing from estroven max to menapol plus, maybe estroven was better i cant remember if these flushes came back before the change over or not now - didnt put that in my diary did i..

      i think i had them before i changed ... ummmm ... thats great about your dog,

      she has a new lease of energy, bless her ... arrrr i have german sheps and cockers here ... they also keep me busy ..

      Jay xx


    • Posted

      I have got to really share something funny with you that I have just gone to put my phone into my handbag to find my stapler from the office inside it!! How daft is that, never ever done that before!! What a pickle I feel, just showed hubby who just smiled and said you've been nicking the stapler from the office you naughty girl!! Must be another peri thing!!cheesygrin

      Going back to your hot flushes have you ever tried starflower tablets? 

      Nite nite hun!

      Joy xxx 

    • Posted


      Listen ..... Dur dur dur dur

      The stapler police are coming

      Ur funny

      Jay xx 

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