Hair receding at front
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Hi i just wondered of any of u ladies have had this problem. MY hair is receding at both sides of front of my head😢😢😢. it's sticking up and can do nothing with it. any ideas?? Thank u in advance xx
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maria101 tinaarena.1
Hi, I have hair issues too, dry brittle breakage going on can't seem to do anything with it scalp itches as well....I'm going to treat it with leave in conditioners and good quality shampoo
I know when my sister went through this she lost hair but has since grown back to its natural hang it does come back.
Jokey maria101
itching scalp about 4/5 years ago, just a dry scalp, hairdresser
said no dandruff etc. Had it for a couple of years, then it stopped.
Another one I had totally forgotten about.
Nothing made it any better, used to drive me mad. Then just went.
I think I just stopped worrying about it.
It seems to me that once you have got used to a symptom and
resign yourself to live with it, it dissapears (usually).
Hope this works for you both☺☺
tinaarena.1 maria101
Thsnks for reply 💕y hairdresser did say my scalp was very dry a few weeks ago. My hair is very fine anyway so wudnt take much to break it! ! Xx
notsure47790 tinaarena.1
My hair too is thining a lot. I have ichy scalp too and constantly clean my clothes from fallen hair. I love long hair bit hate how it looks at this point and collecting long hairs everywhere is driving me crazy. I cut my hair with many layers just few weeks ago. I just made peace with me looking ugly and haggy
i hate it but i look bad both ways so, better have my hair breath and so on.
There are many products out there. Maybe try a few. I am sorry this is happening to u. It is distressing and takes a huge toll on selfesteem. I hope as the other girls said it will go back to normal.
Jokey notsure47790
notsure47790 Jokey
tinaarena.1 notsure47790
Ah pet don't be ashamed!! 💕💕 us women hv a hell of a lot to go through and God love u ur so young. is it hormonal? I Def think that's what's wrong with me and u no that can happen at any age xx
notsure47790 tinaarena.1
Tnx for being so nice. It is not confirmed because doctors refuse. My gyno told me that it probably is peri menopause because i have one ovary and my mom started early. I have no thyroid so I slways wander what is causing what. Hormones are tough things to manage
Jokey notsure47790
now days. If your mum went through it early stands to reason
you may too. You are a bit down because you are having to deal
with all this so young. Your hair will get better as time goes on and
you will start to feel better I am sure. Look after yourself you are going
through a lot.
Keep talking to us.
All my best wishes to you☺☺
notsure47790 Jokey
Gillian1956 tinaarena.1
Hi I have a hair loss as well thinking and falling out but I've had a blood test done and my vitamin D3 is very low and that can make your hair thin and fall out I would get it checked out
tinaarena.1 Gillian1956
Gillian1956 tinaarena.1
Have you been told to take amount by your doctor ? Because it depends on how low your levels are you can get the same problems if you've got to high levels you really need to ask your doctor
tinaarena.1 Gillian1956
No I was just advised wen I went to c accupunctist, she said ws good for moods!! Maybe I shud stop taking them for a while then! 🤔🤔 xx
Gillian1956 tinaarena.1