Halo Haemorrhoidal,Artery,Ligation,Operation.
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Hi i am wrighting this today as i have just had the above operation done 5 days ago,i would be very graitefull if anyone who has had the same operation would be able to advise me as how long the pain and discumfort will last as i am getting like a contraction type pain in my anas area and when braking wind it is very painful.Going to the toilet for a poo is not normal as i was a one a day person.Iam hopeing this will all settle down with time.Any help would be very greatfuly reseved,thank you.
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mia54105 bandit
The pain does die down after two weeks take lots of pain killer and for your poos to be normal they must always b soft this means laxative (laxido)a few times a day.
Eat loads of fresh fruit vegetables drink water 2-3 litres a day and avoid alcohol
I had mine done on the 20 th November if I have a soildish poo it's very painful and spot bleeds it's still weeping discharge my nurse reckons this will stop in 8-10 weeks my follow up appointment is mid feb I will let you know how it goes hopefully it will be all healed up
Take care get on the laxatives and painkiller I'm 5 weeks In and still relying on laxative try not to get considpated its agony 😞
Little_Miss_RC bandit
mia54105 Little_Miss_RC
Can I please ask when did your bleeding after bowel movement stop ? I still have slight spotting with hard stools .
I was told 8-10 weeks but I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow to see what his thoughts are.
Glad to hear all is well with you as well.
Little_Miss_RC mia54105
mia54105 Little_Miss_RC
I saw my doctor today he told me to stop worrying as it's just healing I had a colonoscopy in August and biopsy and they where all fine .
It just odd I'm still having slight bleeding with hard stools he did mention a possibility of new piles
Before you had your piles treated did they bleed at all ?
bandit mia54105
Little_Miss_RC mia54105
mia54105 Little_Miss_RC
This evening I had a lot of blood on my stool with bowel movement I don't think the op was a success I don't know what to do now 😞
fmaqbool mia54105
I underwent Halo procedure 14 January, after operation 50 min I felt the urge to go to toilet. I relieved myself some water and plug. After that for three days I ate normally but there was no urge to go to toilet. I had to force myself to go to toilet. When i tried to relieve myself it took me good 20 min effort. At no point I had blood coming out of me. Doc told me if you have pain and it is increasing that means you have infection than do not waste time and straight away come to hospital. I was given Tramadol after operation but I did not even take a single tablet because there was no pain. If there was little it was manageable by Paracetamol. Believe me I had so much pain (piles) before halo procedure. I am so so very thankful to Dr. Crate and King Fisher ward at King George Hospital I have no words to express. I am 50-60 % healed in regards to piles. I can drive for 12 hours without pain and swelling. Before operation I can never think of. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. Best Wishes
mia54105 fmaqbool
Was your op the 14 th Kan 2016?, my experience hasn't been like yours I had mine on the 20 th Nov 2016 I'm still having bleeding with bm i I don't think the HALO has been successful for me I'm exhausted with the bleeding 😢
fmaqbool mia54105
I have read hundreds of posts and I can assure you that you are at a risk of infection. God forbid if you suffer from infection! Doctors need to stitch up your wound as early as possible. Please do not waste time because it will not heal on its own. Please take laxatives and isphagol so everything is soft and you would not break stiches when going to toilet.
I can not stress ... you need urgent medical attention.Â
fmaqbool mia54105
mia54105 fmaqbool
They said my operation was not successful I need another pile treatment to stop the bleeding in a few months .
Thanks ,
fmaqbool mia54105
mia54105 fmaqbool