Hand Foot and Mouth Adult......HURTS!
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SO much for all the 'MILD' stuff you see on every health website... :shock:
I caught it from my daughter who is 14 months and was in a pretty bad way.
Started with Fever, Feeling Sick, Sore Throat, Aches in all my joints especially my back and the backs of my knees.
Feet and hands feel swollen..
And face and neck.....
Day 2: Spots on hands, and in mouth my mouth feels like it is burning inside.
Feel totally crap
Considering when I had chicken pox the doctor said it was the worst case she had ever seen and gave me anti virals this is worse! I think the NHS need to rephrase there wording on there website. Can't believe my little girl has had to go through this.
Best wishes to all of you suffering.
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i have just been diagnosed with it...i can barely eat or speak coz i have ulcers all over n under my tongue n now have one near my throat...
can't wait for this to be over...
iangraceian Guest
Hi there.
How long did it take to get over it please.
Any advice or info as I have got it and it's killing me
Ive had a sore throat for 3 days and then got pimples on my chest then on my head. Today Ive got spots on my hands and feet. It feels like Ive got blisters on my feet . Abit achy but doesnt seem too bad.I hope this is the worst of it :wink:
Westopher Guest
My two daughters had it first, wasn't really worried about getting it. About a week after they got it thought I was getting strep throat, nope hand foot and mouth. This is by far the most painful thing I've ever gone through, haven't eaten in 4 days, and even plain water is hard to get down. The sores every where else you don't notice but my mouth feels like I've gotten stung a thousand times inside my mouth all day long, and a headache that never goes away. God bless my kids for going through this.
iangraceian Westopher
Hi there.
I too have this illness and I'm 47 years old
I'm from the UK and can't actually find any figures of any other cases.
I have the blisters in my mouth. Drinking water is like drinking molten lava with spots on my hands and fingers like they are being constantly stung by nettles.
Could you please let me know how long it lasts and have you gotten over it ok.
Just for reassurance for me as it seems so rare in adults
Westopher iangraceian
Week and a half to two weeks, I couldn't eat or drink for 4 days. The only thing that I could get down is a coffee coolata from dunkin donuts lol. You probably don't have those there but maybe try milk shakes. It gets worse before it gets better but hang in there!
robin38205 iangraceian
My doc said at least 4 weeks . I have been out of work now for almost six. I have one more week of short term leave. Im not sure if i can go back to work next week. Mostly due to fatigue and not being able to carry as much as i could before. If you look at my previous posts you will see my hands were so swollen that they were not funtional and extremely painful. Apparently this year, at least in united states they think the virus has mitated because many teenagers are getting it. Hope you are on the mend. From what i read there can be life long effects in adults.
Skihist robin38205
You said from what you've read.... I cant find anything on after affects in adults. I'm almost two years past and have all kinds of lower back problems and muscle pain if I do much activity. Before I got it I was walking and running 6 km 4 or 5 times a week. Now walking 5 km is a chore. I stretch and exercise and instead of improving I get worse. This all started after my bout with Infantile hand foot and mouth.
Ky_B robin38205
alisha65969 Skihist
I have had HFM for a week. I have had muscle pain for the past three days. It is spreading throughout my body. I am 45 and concerned that this won't go away. Has your muscle pain gone away since your last post?
AllySalsera Guest
I'm 30 and caught HFMD from my nephew who just turned 3. I was only around him for a couple hours and didn't even come into contact with him, while other adults were hugging and kissing him and didn't catch a thing. He was fully recovered within 4 days. I'm on day 4 now and clearly have it worse than he did. My first symptoms were inhabilitating fever/chills and a nonstop killer headache for two days. Felt better for a few hours on the morning of day 3, and then my face broke out in open sores which have been continuously getting worse. By that night my hands and feet were completely swollen and I couldn't eat anything. Still getting worse. Can barely use my hands or stand. Most frustrating virus ever. It's at least a little comforting to know I'm not the only adult getting hit hard by this virus that all the medical websites blow off as mild and especially mild for adults.
Westopher AllySalsera
Don't worry I'm the one who gets all the weird stuff that the doctors have to dust off books to find out what it is lol.It's been over a month since I had it and still have liitle bubbles of peeling skin on my feet. Very bad for about a week but it does go away eventually...
AllySalsera Westopher
I'm especially freaked out because I'm supposed to do an intense 2 hour dance performance in front of a couple thousand people this weekend. It's so frustrating not being able to practice and not knowing if I'll even be any better in time. x_x
Westopher AllySalsera
robin38205 AllySalsera
Thank you thank you for your post from the capital of the US . .I got hfm along with a pneumonia. No one even knew what was wrong. I went to er 3xs! My arms are Swollen! !! And legs are now having spots that are swollen. It's so horrible. And I know I can take a lot!!! I can't use my hands well and need to be almost totally taken care of!!! It's already been a week and it seems to be coming to a head right now..at least I hope..it's like never ending..just keeps on giving. Not until I went to infectios disease doc did anyone know what was happening. The er was so convinced I had a pulmonary embolism they kept pushing a CT scan with radioactive contrast. I kept saying no...but they instilled the fear of the devil in me. As I watch my legs swell I have to push all of that aside! ! TheRe needs to be more on the Web that coxsackie is painful long illness that adults do and CAN catch!!!
Doshpatrick AllySalsera
I'm on day 7 and still miserable. My hands broke out yesterday my throats and feet have been bad for a week. How much longer will this last. I'm a 33 year old dad of two.
pbdb927 AllySalsera
I'm 47 years old and was diagnosed with hand-foot-and-mouth disease on November 7th. It went away on the 24th and was gone for a week and is now back again. I don't understand this. My doctor has confirmed that he is confident that the disease has returned. Has anybody else had this infection for this long? It's killing me financially as my boss will not let me work and I suppose I don't blame her. I don't wish this on my worst enemy!
pbdb927 AllySalsera
.not that it matters much!