Hand pain. Please someone help!
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Please someone help...
I have experienced pain in my hands, bilaterally, only at night or prolonged periods if nonmovement, for over 2 months. Every single night, each time i move, my hands wake me up. They seem to be stiff and difficult to move, and when i try to move the fingers, the pain is enough to make me cry out. After flexing the fingers various times, each time i regain a bit of flex and each time the pain lessens, until, after 6-7 flexes, the pain is almost gone. Fall asleep... repeat. Every night, all night. I have seen an Internal medicine doctor for this; rheumatoid factors normal, inflammation markers normal, everything normal. except it isn't. They have referred me to a rhuematologist but the appointment is a month away 😦(( Please tell me someone else is experiencing this, it is menopause related, and they've discovered a way to stop it!!!
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claire71812 burnbabyburn
i hope they get to the bottom of what is happening and help you.
i have had shooting pains in my fingers and sometimes feet, and feeling as if they are in muscle cramp. it was not as bad as you describe.
doctors have said it might be adrenelin. i developed daily headaches shortly afterwards. the pains in my fingers has mostly gone.
i tried beta blockers for it but gave me a tight chest and breathlessness, which i am still battling. doctors are basically telling me its all stress related.
Edell7329 burnbabyburn
about 6 months ago i started getting pain in my right hand. that comes and goes but i do.wake up with stiffness in my fingers that goes away once i flex a couple times. i dont really have the pain anymore just the stiffness in the morning.
Edell7329 burnbabyburn
about 6 months ago i started getting pain in my right hand. that comes and goes but i do.wake up with stiffness in my fingers that goes away once i flex a couple times. i dont really have the pain anymore just the stiffness in the morning.
Edell7329 burnbabyburn
about 6 months ago i started getting pain in my right hand. that comes and goes but i do.wake up with stiffness in my fingers that goes away once i flex a couple times. i dont really have the pain anymore just the stiffness in the morning.
burnbabyburn Edell7329
is it a struggle to move it the first time you do? Like bending something that wasnt meant to be bent? I've had a lot of issues since before the menopause started. i struggled with stomach pain and weight loss for over a year. And crazy ringworm-like lesions on my arms for over a year on and off. Sore ligaments. And low blood pressure at one point. Saw Internal Med, rans tons of tests, and couldnt find anything) All that seemed to clear, and i had about 8 months of pretty good health (except hourly hot flashes, insomnia, migraine auras... what i chalked up to as "normal menopause symptoms".) Then one night out of the blue my hands started giving me pretty bad pain. Here i am, 2 months later, and still no hope of finding out whats wrong . I hoped someone else out there experienced the same thing. I need to know why I am suffering, and what to do about it!
Rainbow976 burnbabyburn
We have had a lot of the same symptoms including the ringworm like lesions! I just went to the dermatologist again last week for this and they say it's not ringworm or eczema. Supposedly just good old fashioned dryness made worse by winter. Never had this particular issue until the last few years and turning 40, I don't trust any doctors anymore either because none of the 30 issues I have are related and it's b.s.
I went thru a period of right hand (dominant hand) pain, particularly my pointer finger.
I have been taking the multi type Collagen pills and it could be helping. Knee and hip pain diminished too, though I never know if a symptom moves on its own or if a supplement is what solves it. Anyway, maybe try Collagen but look to see which type helps with joints.
ang28869 burnbabyburn
Did they ever test you for lyme disease? When you mentioned lesions it made me think of a tick bite.
burnbabyburn ang28869
Yes, they ran an test for Lyme. It came back negative.
Gypsy014 burnbabyburn
I developed severe pain in my shoulder when I turned 43 the pain was excruciating , it spread to all my other joints eventually and the flare ups would always last 72 hours.. I was referred to a rheumatologist who did many tests and diagnosed me with rheumatoid arthritis.. At the same time hashimotos thyroid .. Lots of autoimmune stuff going on with me.. I had a hysterectomy years before but with ovaries left in me so I could go thru my change naturally.. But honestly there has been nothing naturally about it, I have suffered with symptoms ever since my surgery, because ovaries start to die as soon as blood supply is cut off to them.. So many years of peri looking back on that I never really put together symptoms wise until my joint pains hit me , then all the other unbearable symptoms hit as well, dizzy off balance night sweats ( I don't ever break a sweat) not even now I don't get hot flashes . knock on wood.. But do get some nasty night sweats, and migraines and auras jelly legs very weak , I went thru almost a year of crying and feeling like I couldnt be alone or drive anywhere or go anywhere without anxiety and panic setting in it was awful I woyld get dizzy weak and panic while out shopping and have to leave the store, just awful times.. I'm 49 now and by no means better, but much more settled for the most part tolerable I would say.. Except the nigrains I'm fighting badly now...still.. My joint pains have settled down a lot, and I do believe because of the peri menopause it has a lot to do with it, sounds to me like those ring worm type skin issues is a sign of Candida ( fungal) on you , which I use to get all over my back when younger is caused from too many yeasty type foods beer bread yeast many years I lived with that stuff in my diet, and once this all started to hit me bad I definitely had to clean up my diet I had no other choice I was reacting to just about everything food wise from the declining hormones.. So I'm no gluten free absolutely no wheat or yeast in my diet and thats by the way is a HUGE trigger for joint pains, I eat pretty much lean turkey and meats eggs salads veggies fruits seeds nuts lots of water.. Its boring but it has changed a lot of my symptoms to be way more tolerable now.. For sure as woman going through our change to menopause we need to find what works for us individually because everything that we went through as young woman is magnified by 100xs or comes back to haunt us all because of these hormones that are declining.. I find with me less is best.. And I can't do hormones breast cancer runs in my family and I had hysterectomy for pre cancer cells on cervix.. So none of that for me... All natural.. The joint pains should eventually settle for you over time.. Try and clean up the diet exercise drink lots of water and I'm telling you, its tough but have to push on thru until it settles and eventually it will..
burnbabyburn Gypsy014
I went to a dermatologist, they did skin scrapings, all negative.
Ella23ps burnbabyburn
You know in the 70's they did a TV show called The Waltons and in one episode the mother was going through menopause and the number one symptom she talked about was her hands and how badly they would hurt. I watched it a few months ago and laughed as they reduced 5 to 10 years of peri-menopause into an hour long TV show and the main symptom she went on about was her hands hurting LOL. As bad as the hands can hurt and it can be horribly bad I know, but I do wish our peri-menopause was like hers......an hour of sore hands, then we stop having a period and then life resumes to normal, all in an hour LOL. I use cayenne badger balm on my hands. It can definitely be hormone related. I will say a prayer for you.
rachel54558 burnbabyburn
i get this sometimes when i am sleeping. i think its do with blood circulation not being as good due preimenopause and the position i am sleeping in. its worse if i sleeping on side or have a arm tuck underneath my body.
burnbabyburn rachel54558
its always both hands. Feels like horrible arthritis pain, until i move them a few times. Never pins and needles, never numb, so it isn't circulatory related pain.
new symptom... This morning I woke up and have trigger finger in my right pinkie finger. After 10 minutes it now bends correctly without popping.
chinye28443 burnbabyburn
i usually feel numbness in my left finger and pains in my left arm. shaky legs and head that comes with headache. its really horrible.