Hard swelling under incision after submandibular gland removal
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Hi everyone,
4 days ago I had my right submandibular gland removed due to an infection in it and subsequent swelling that would not go down. After the surgery, I was in extreme pain for about 36 hours, somewhat at the incision site but mainly in my throat, which I think was due to the breathing tube insertion/removal. I had no swelling when I left the hospital (same day) but when I woke up the next morning (after barely sleeping due to pain and anxiety) I had soft swelling all around the incision. Now, 4 days later I have less pain (still some in my throat), a bit of numbness around the incision and hard swelling around the incision. I am seeing my surgeon within the next week for a follow up but wondered has anyone else experienced this after this or similar surgery? I am on antibiotics and have no signs of infection and I did not have a drain put in post surgery to deal with any potential fluid.
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marouane73302 SnickerDoodle
SnickerDoodle marouane73302
Hi Marouane,
I want to say it is normal to have pain start up again a few days/weeks after this surgery, I certainly did. My doctor said it's the nerves coming back to life. In fact, 3.5 months post surgery, I still have pain around my incision. It's not extreme, just dull. And from time to time I'll get a shooting pain. My doctor says this is normal. I also still have numbness around the area.
However, if the pain is unbearable I'd ring the doctor and ask. Is there redness, heat and/or do you have a fever? These were questions my doctor asked me every time I called them with a question/concern to make sure the incision site was not infected. How are you feeling otherwise?
marouane73302 SnickerDoodle
Incision is hard and swelling is still in place. I was asked to apply a cream at night and sun protection if I am out.
Netdun SnickerDoodle
I want to thank everyone for sharing you experiences with this op. I had my op 8 days ago and I am experiencing some of the same issues. Swelling, a hard lump at the incision site, and the most vivid and awesome bruising I have ever had. Still purple 8 days on.still need to sleep sitting up, as lying down I wake up with more pain and swelling. I also have issues with the range of motion in turning my head only about 110° by the end of the day.
I was very lucky to have only a numb ear for about 2 days.
Thankyou all for the reassurance you have given me, by posting you experiences.
marouane73302 SnickerDoodle
Netdun marouane73302
Thankyou Marouane. I also have the limited verticle movement. Need to use a straw or drink bottle, as i find it difficult to drink from a cup or glass. I need a another week off work as the limited head movement is a safety hazard. Im hoping that by then my technicolour bruising will be almost gone.
I found it difficult to eat for a couple of days, just getting my mouth open wide enough to put anything in, when that was not the issue anymore, it was the bruising making it self felt under the tounge. It was possible, but tender and took more time than usual. I have tenderness under the tongue when I yawn, which I am doing a lot of. At least now I dont need to hold the swelling when traveling in the car. The road vibrations caused it to ache. I do notice improvements day by day. Also noticed how sensitve the skin is around the swelling and bruising, cannot stand any clothing near it. Guess its the nerves 'coming back to life'. I look forward to full head movement again and getting back to work. Like the say, you miss it when its gone.
marouane73302 Netdun
Hi Netdum, all this sounds exactly like my 10 days status. But had also some pain on my face as I suppose the Masseter muscle was hurt from mouth opening limitation during the first week. I was able to drive 2 days ago and able to leave home alone. Pain is still in place with verticale head movement limitation (not needed for driving 😉. I get tired very quickly when I leave home and am not complaining about that. The area is still very sensitive and cannot stand any clothing to touch too. I am putting sun crean protection everytime I leave home. Wish a quick recovery for all of us and update me on any new issue. I am a week ahead so I might have the answer 😊.
Cjncarebear64 marouane73302
Hello Everyone! Well I am so happy for this forum I have been following along as I had my surgery 6 weeks ago. Left Submandibular Gland was removed and still healing of course. I still have swelling and numbness at the incision site. My surgery was a crazy one. I had been getting constant infections because I had a 3 stones in the gland and 1 was 9mm in size so when he went to do the surgery it took over 2 hours because of major scar tissue. I ended up with 2 seromas under the incision after the surgery that had to be drained so that delayed my healing process of course. The hard lump under the incision that everyone is talking about does go away takes time I still have some left but every day gets better. I was using cold gel packs to help with swelling and taking Tylenol. Now I have a middle ear infection in the left ear don't think it is related but felt the pressure it needed to pop and same day swelling felt less in neck it was strange. So ya more flippin antibiotics. Regarding your comments with the head movement they told me in the hospital to move my head right away slow movements to help prevent major scar tissue so maybe that is why I really didn't have issues in that area. I did have lose feeling to my teeth and sense of taste for 5 weeks that was not fun. The bruising under the tongue was extremely painfully and didn't get better until closer to 6 weeks. I rinsed my mouth a lot with warm salt water and even just when drinking water swish it around in my mouth that helps. The pangs of pain can be unbearable at times it is like random jolts still getting them in the jaw but I know that is nerves and muscles healing.
I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel at least and this is a long process but definitely will be better.
marouane73302 Cjncarebear64
- Sensitivity and mild pain arround incision area
- Head movement improving but still some limitation
- Swollen lump under incision but getting better
Question for veterans: When can a person go for a run?
Thanks and hope a quick recovery to all
Guest SnickerDoodle
Netdun Guest
Hey Norma,
I was lucky, I had numbness in my left ear for a day or two.
Though at the 4 week mark, I still have minescule external bruising, and still have internal bruising along the jawline and under the tongue. It is still tender when swollowing, or yawning. 🙂 The swelling and scaring is SLOWLY subsiding. After 3 and a half weeks off work, I hope to go back to driving my bus next week, as I now have almost full head and neck rotation. YAY!!!
I still sleep sitting up, as it still swells and is more tender if lay down all night. The incision site is still tender and the skin is numb, with the surrounding area 'burning', with nerve regeneration.
Slowly but surely, it does get better.
Guest Netdun
mel19134 SnickerDoodle
Hello all,
I have a swollen gland under my left jaw and I'm freaked out now because the scan findings are as read below, can anyone tell me what this means?
"palpable abnormality marker overlies the left submandibular gland (this is the one located under the jaw). Bilateral submandibular glands are grossly symmetric. No definite surrounding adenpopathy"
Please offer any info you can.
Anxiously waiting,
Netdun mel19134
Guest Netdun
Netdun Guest
Guest Netdun
Netdun Guest
I know its old fashioned but maybe try rinsing with salty water, and try a suitable topical gel, like bonjela, used for teething babies/todlers, to soothe the areas.
I had trouble opening my mouth wide enough to eat a spoonful of cereal, for a couple of weeks, or even eating 'solid' food, because of bruising.
I wish you the best in obtaining a quick and satisfying solution.
Guest Netdun