Hard Time.......
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I had been doing so much better until Saturday. Started with feeling so tired and then twice that day feeling like I was going to pass out with my face on fire, no sweating, and a super sick tummy. Started feeling better Saturday night and only had one brief period Sunday feeling like I would pass out again but not as bad. Monday I just worried that it would happen again. Today, tuesday, was ok until this afternoon when I just feel jittery, sad, tired and scared. Anxious. I hate this feeling. Had another episode of dizziness/pass out, face on fire crying and scared and weepy. I am now afraid that any second that feeling will.happen again. I am 45 and been going through peri for about 4 or 5 years. I have had my thyroid, heart and digestive tract thoroughly chexked out and they are fine. I have been working so hard to get my anxiety under control and been feeling so much better. So hard to go back wards. Just makes me so sad.is this hormones? Is this anxiety? Both? It's still hard not to let my mind run away with thoughts of all the things that could be wrong with me. Anybody feel this way? Hardest couple days I have had in a long long time. I don't know if i am strong enough to do this again.
2 likes, 52 replies
delise910 DearDoe
Have been debating getting some kind of medication but I have a muscle issue going on too so holding off til that gets sorted out
DearDoe delise910
Thanks delise for replying. I take Buspar for anxiety and meditate but the last two weeks have been hectic and I guess I just need to remember I am feeling better, but that's cuz i am taking care of myself. I am 8 days away. from my period. If it's this bad.for the next 8 days.....ugh.
Rg4673 DearDoe
Sorry your having a bad couple of days. I hate how you feel good for days then wham it hits you like a ton of bricks. I too wonder if it is hormones or anxiety it could be either it could be both. They both suck!! I have to keep reminding myself that I'm ok I've had my heart checked out bydoctors several times. It's the hardest thing to tell your mind to stop worrying you're not alone Hang in there "hugs" !!!!
DearDoe Rg4673
Thanks Rg. It really is so hard to believe it's just hormones or anxiety and of course that makes it worse. Thanks for your response.
deidra40034 DearDoe
Hello DearDoe,
I am afraid it is the hormones, and it is crazy making to say the least!! I would suggest going to an Endocrenologist. They are the only ones that can really sort out all of your hormones, and get you set on the right meds to get your hormones straightened out for you. They run tests, your GP, and a lot of GYN's won't run. You won't be sorry! They will check for everything, and every sort of levels. You will feel so much better once they figure it all out, and get you on meds/HRT!!! Now days there is no reason to suffer anymore. There are different type of HRT's, some are made to match you biologicly now, but you can have this conversation with the Endo. You can also start reading up on them, along with the others. Don't be afraid of HRT, as the studies made several years ago, the ones that scared the heck out of everyone, were based in incorrect information, and now they have found they are NOT as bad as once thought, as a matter of fact, they have found the pro's are much higher now!!! I wish you luck. Hang in there! God Bless!!
DearDoe deidra40034
One more thing...you can also ask for something for the anxiety, and there is nothing wrong with that at all! Sometime we need a little extra help in that department. It can help you through until this gets sorted out. Just a thought...an FYI for you...
DearDoe deidra40034
Sochima822 DearDoe
maisie05 DearDoe
Have a read up on passionflower, it was suggested by someone on here, it may be helpful to you. I take it.
I typed a long post half hour ago and it disappeared! Think my internet got lost. I'll try again later if this works
DearDoe maisie05
Can't wait to see it.
12 months ago I didn't know what was happening to me, fatigued and shaky and jumpy erratic palpitations. Dizzy, light head, no interest in anything. Had two new baby grandchildren and couldn't find the enthusiasm I wanted to feel. Doctors never suggested it could be hormonal. Did usual ecg, heart monitors and all fine, only a harmless ectopic heartbeat. I thought it was anaemia causing me the problems. Thank goodness I found this forum.
I found it confusing at first when so many different suggestions for different supplements are recommended.
Then after no periods for 3 months the mega night sweats and day flushes started a month ago. I ordered super strength sage, meno serene, and passionflower. I already took CQ10. Then the Vit D3, and magnesium after watching a you tube video about all the benefits after someone here suggested it. I take the passionflower in the evening as says may cause drowsiness.
The night sweats and flushes have stopped, clammy hands gone and I sleep much better. I think my old fighting spirit has returned, rather than letting everything get me down and wanting to hide away. I have more energy. This may be temporary as hormone levels change. But for now I'm going to carry on with the supplements but if necessary, try something else. Even hrt when the time comes. We have to be prepared to change our treatments as our hormones change.
I hope you can find something to help you too.
maisie05 DearDoe
12 months ago I didn't know what was happening to me, fatigued and shaky and jumpy erratic palpitations. Dizzy, light head, no interest in anything. Had two new baby grandchildren and couldn't find the enthusiasm I wanted to feel. Doctors never suggested it could be hormonal. Did usual ecg, heart monitors and all fine, only a harmless ectopic heartbeat. I thought it was anaemia causing me the problems. Thank goodness I found this forum.
I found it confusing at first when so many different suggestions for different supplements are recommended.
Then after no periods for 3 months the mega night sweats and day flushes started a month ago. I ordered super strength sage, meno serene, and passionflower. I already took CQ10. Then the Vit D3, and magnesium after watching a you tube video about all the benefits after someone here suggested it. I take the passionflower in the evening as says may cause drowsiness.
The night sweats and flushes have stopped, clammy hands gone and I sleep much better. I think my old fighting spirit has returned, rather than letting everything get me down and wanting to hide away. I have more energy. This may be temporary as hormone levels change. But for now I'm going to carry on with the supplements but if necessary, try something else. Even hrt when the time comes. We have to be prepared to change our treatments as our hormones change.
I hope you can find something to help you too.
DearDoe maisie05
Thanks for your reply, I can so relate to your feelings of confusion and medical tests and trying new things to see if they would help. I have many coping skills now that do help me, but on the day I wrote my post, for whatever reason, they had disappeared. I seem to be back on top of it for the moment and am trying to let my anxiety settle back down. Congrats on the grandbaby. I am expecting my first little granbaby on Thanksgiving day. I can't wait!