Harmed or suffered adverse effects from mirtazapine? I need your stories
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I am present and have been for the past 6 years suffering with adverse effects from mirtazapine. My story is a long, awful, heartbreaking story which has left me and my family devastated. I have been destroyed by this drug.
I am looking for people who have suffered adverse reactions, problems, severe withdrawals or any other issues related to this drug. I don't want to hear anybody banging on about how this drug saved their life because I have read too many bad stories which outweigh and if the good - believe me, I have done enough research into how these drugs work and what they do. I now suffer from brain damage because of this drug and am interested to hear from others who have had bad experiences in order to do something about it.
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stephenpm sarah78504
My GP and consultant Psych. would have never continued any medication for more than 6 months if an adverse reaction occured.
This sounds suspicious...to the extent... I have reported to the moderators for further investigation.
gillian20097 stephenpm
I know I took Citalopram successfully twice in the past so it was the one I opted for at the start if this episode of anxiety/depression and for the 8 weeks I was in it,I was 100 times worse than when I started!!!
I am now on Mirtazapine....and I feel I should balance out the argument so not to fear everybody on the forum out of there wits.....I am finding it quite beneficial and am having far less adverse effects than I did on Citalopram. It helps me sleep. Calms my anxiety and it's lifting my depression. I've been on it 12 weeks.
As much as I appreciate that it didn't work for you Sarah and that it made your life worse....As this is a public forum,I feel that others should be able to have there say............It really could of saved peoples lives,got them out of deep holes and them voices should be heard too.
I have no doubt that many people will agree with you and have the same experiences as you and I'm so glad you shared yours to make people aware of "what could happen" but on the flip side....I want people to know that there are risks with every drug and just because that was your experience,it doesn't mean that every bodies reaction to the drug will be the same.
Gillian xxxx
NickOliver gillian20097
gillian20097 NickOliver
NickOliver gillian20097
carole08681 gillian20097
trevor22252 stephenpm
I created an account on this site just to address this comment....
With over 15 years of experience visiting psychiatrists, I have to argue that the statement you made is simply not true at all. I've seen dozens of psychiatrists in the military, the VA healthcare system, and at civilian clinics. None of them, and I mean NONE OF THEM, seem interested at all in helping someone discontinue a medication they think is causing them adverse effects. They are much more likely to prescribe additional medications to address the adverse effects, than help you successfully get off of said medication.
The fact that you immediately raise suspicion about this person posting that they've even been on mirtazapine for 6 years, is just wrong. When in your opinion, no doctor should allow a patient to continue a medication with adverse effects for more than 6 months (which I agree with), in the real world this happens all the time. I've been on mirtazapine for 15 years with multiple failed attempts to quit under my belt. I've been begging doctors for the last ten years to help me get off of mirtazapine. Literally, the last doctor I asked to help me with this issue said to me, "you've already taken mirtazapine for 15 years, what harm would it be for you to keep taking it?". You see, no one cares that people like us can't get off of a medication that has ruined our life. Then, to add insult to injury people like you raise suspicion toward our stories and decide not to believe them right out the gate.
Then 6 other yahoos came along and gave a thumbs up to your comment so that its the top comment that shows up. One more like than the original post has which was made 9 years ago.
What a shame, that people with issues like this can reach out for help online and get suspicion and doubt instead of listening and compassion. All because the story doesn't add up to someones text book understanding of how medications are prescribed.
My point is this, SOME people actually have good doctors, and yes they should be trusted with decision making around continuing or discontinuing medications. Unfortunately, many of is have only been in contact with really bad doctors, who truly believe that the meds they are prescribing are harmless, and they have little to no education about addiction to prescription medication and their subsequent withdrawal symptoms.
eric32307 sarah78504
I've been taking mirtazapine for 2 years now and started off at 15mg but my anxiety become more severe and was put up to 45mg . After being on mirtazapine(remeron) for about a year I decided to ween my way off them and got down to 7.5mg OK and this took me a couple of months and then decided to stop taking them completely. The first couple of weeks where great and it was like being my old self again, laughing , looking for new hobbies and generally feeling up beat about life and then it hit me , the anxiety had come back . It was even more severe than when I started taking mirtazapine , I felt like I was having a heart attack , couldn't keep still , couldn't sleep it felt like I was going mad so I decided that I needed to see the doctor again and he quickly put me back on mirtazapine with a weeks supply of zopiclone. So I'm still on mirtazapine now so when I decide to come off it again I will be more prepared.
sarah78504 eric32307
eric32307 sarah78504
sarah78504 eric32307
luke11851 sarah78504
your suppost to taper slow, my doctor decided the risks outweighd the benifits and took me straight off 30mg mirtazapine and put me on 10mg vertioxetine been off mirtazapine for 2 weeks now and im having problems, i was only on it for 7 weeks, i feel disconnected, slow, dissacioted, foggy, makes me wantbto scratch my eyes out. im trying to come off every single medication and do it without them as i have tried 6 different meds now over the past couple of years, each making me worse, much worse. whilst this isnt everybodys experience it has certiainly been mine, my body doesnt do well with any kind of medications unfortunately!
stephenpm sarah78504
Sarah - it would be great if you could confirm either way.
I hit poop-out last December...I basically lost all of my emotions overnight and started suffering withdrawals which I couldn't understand because I was on full dose. I had no choice but to withdraw at 10% every 4 weeks....it has been hell and I'm now still left with the following: complete loss of emotions, apathy, akathisia, insomnia, suicidal depression (tardive dysphoria has been diagnosed as a result of the drug), memory problems, muscle twitching, sweating, racing thoughts, head zaps, headaches, a horrible feeling of feeling psychotic, gum and teeth problems, sensitivity to food and light, hair loss, anxiety, severe weight loss, muscle aches and pains, anger issues, bladder problems, my periods have stopped altogether, confusion and disorientation, and a feeling of impending doom constantly.Â
There are probably a whole lot that I have probably forgot to put in but this is what I suffer everyday because of this drug! I feel like I have had a labotomy - I am not even 10% of the person I was before these drugs and it has destroyed mine and my familes life...I have two wonderful children who don't deserve this.Â
I am pleased to see this drug is supposedly saving some but believe me - this drug effects so many different parts of the brain overtime and getting off the stuff is hell. Doctors won't tell you you will hit poop-out at some point...this is basically when the drug has down regulated your natural seretonin as far as it will go, so when it stops your basically left with little seretonin and dopamine - the stuff that makes us feel normal and human!!! God knows what else it effects - just as bad as an antipsychotic from what I have read. And then your left with tardive dysphoria - a treatment resistant depression. Wouldn't mind but I never had depression before medication.Â
I wish I was told what could happen before taking meds or even told I was suffering adverse effects. No way would I have touched a drug. Anxiety and depression is bad but believe me it would be a walk in the park compared to what life I have now. It's been destroyed and I have had a psychiatrist who knows the dangers of these drugs tell me I may never fully recover - I have an iatrogenic illness and he doesn't know the outcome of mirtazapine users because not much research has been done. In other words we are all guinea pigs!!! These drugs are only trialled for a short period of time....I am evidence that serious brain alterations happen over long term use.
Be careful - I would hate anyone to have to go through this hell!!!
1980 sarah78504
Take care x
sarah78504 1980
No - there is no underlying problem - had all sorts of test, brain scan etc...it's all drug related as I know of other people who are suffering the same. I regret the day I ever walked into the doctors office - my life was never the same since.Â
I pray one day I will heal but I know of one person who was as bad as me and still suffering 10 years on. So sad and everyday is about survivng - my life should not be like this. Â I obviously was sensitive to meds and the whole time I was on them I was toxic.Â
I just want to warn people. My anxiety was situational and didn't need meds - therapy would have done the trick. I never had depression before - it's a deep chemical depression I feel now and nothing lofts it. I hope it's not permanent because I couldn't live the rest of my life like this.
sarah78504 1980
1980 sarah78504
1980 sarah78504
I also read about a person who suffers that long (possibly the same one
but we can't ever be sure if someone is having an underlying condition. I don't think you should suffer this long as I believe you're young and fit otherwise. I hear you with the suplements but vit C (best IV), magnesium citrate, iodine, vit D are best to start with. I domindfulness and I wish they were telling people about this before goving prescriptions. This tgerapy really has tge potential to help. And yes Mirt should be banned for good.Â
London_ridge sarah78504
I was on mirt for about two years and went to my doctor because I had such bad muscle aches. He told me I had fibro and there was nothing I could do about it. I point blank asked him if it was the mirt, and he said no.
fast forward two more years muscle aches getting worse went to another doctor and asked to get off the mirt just in case it was the problem. Could not successfully withdrawal from the mirt as my body mind and soul was hooked on the drug. Had to go back on the mirt. BUT...when I went off for 20 days the muscle aches dismissed greatly.
went to another doctor pleading for help getting off this horrid drug. I am now off it over 7 weeks, and I have to say it was the worst thing I've ever gone through it affected my whole body, UTI, IBS, nausea, weight loss, headaches, chills, backaches, insomnia, itching like crazy, female problems.Â
So, yes the drug does help some people, but for others it can mean a loss of quality of life for who knows how long?Â
Not one doctor I went to weather they were a shrink or a GP knew ANYTHING! How can you hand out a pill and not know ANYTHING about it. I got more help here than I did from a doctor.
so, this message needs to come across because not all but some people suffer greatly from this drug, and if your the one suffering, its horrific.
for those that it helps, I say go for it...although I might mention like all AD, it will poop out at some point and it is a possibility that you will get WD and possibly permenate damage. We need to be real with these types of drugs. Even the people who concoct them don't understand them that well. So we all need to be aware. This is not to scare people. If it works for you, it works. But for the 30% who can handle it, who helps us? Seems no one is willing to pick up the pieces.
i for one won't let mirt take me down any longer. I will take my life back, but I'll also print this for people in the same spot, whether it's mirt or another AD. Doctors need I step it up, they cant continue to be ignorant to side effects. Just because a person takes an AD does not mean they are crazy and what they say has value. They need to double check when someone has a complaint while on an AD. I looked I up myself and 6% of all mirt users get muscle problems. Why didn't my doctor stop me right there in the beginning ...instead of making up a false diagnoses?
if something is off while you are on an AD report it, and double check it, and insist on help.
eric32307 London_ridge
London_ridge eric32307
gillian20097 sarah78504
I went in the doctors with situational anxiety and within 8 weeks I was a wreck.
Although I've not had many adverse effects off the Mirtazapine. You have certainly given me food for thought and I will probably think about slowly tapering down.
Thanks again
sarah78504 London_ridge
Akathisia is one all doctors need to be aware of. It breaks my heart to think of those been wrongly diagnosed with severe mental health diagnoses and drugged further because of akathisia. So many take their lives because of it and I can understand why they do. It's torture.
6% is a low percentage but you will probably find its MUCH higher than that! People don't report side effects and like you say doctors don't link patients problems to the drug they are on.Â
sarah78504 London_ridge
sarah78504 eric32307
1980 sarah78504
Would you please let us know the site or even just tge key word to search it. Private message is good for websites and details. I know I'll need everyrhing that's out there to help me through it. The two months I lasted without mirt back in June were full of tears and phisical pain, not sure which was worse...
Warm regards x
jenny55612 sarah78504
Hi Sarah, I'm having exactly the same issues with mirtazepine, I'm so angry at the prescribers, apparently it's one of the top antidepressants to cause suicidal ideation, and has numerous black box warnings. Robin Williams was on this drug and I'd put money on it that it was what killed him. It's a case of suicidal symptoms on the drug versus withdrawal symptoms that push you and those around you to the brink if you try to come off. I'm glad you posted so vehemently if it keeps getting brushed under the carpet more people suffer unnecessarily.
sunshine1234987 1980
Hi 1980..
I know this post was years ago so I'm hoping you receive this. It looks like there is no way to PM you. I have been diagnosed with probable Lyme disease (low CD57 result and awaiting actual test results) and am also withdrawing from mirtazapine. I was wondering how you got along and maybe what to expect. I only took mirt for a month and am 5 weeks off but I am having horrendous bouts of anxiety and awful awful depression to the point where I can't even read a book to distract myself. I was not like this before taking mirtazapine even with everything else going on. Please if you're still on here give me some good news!
Clem_clem 1980
Hello 1980. I've noticed you had written 3yrs ago. But how did you come off Mirtazapine. Doctor start my chart a month ago. Basically 45. Down 30 down 15 then 15 every other day. For a week then every 3rd day then down to nothing. But by doing this I've also been taking floxutine 10mg and when I drop down to nothing I started taking 20mg floxutine. But this morning I've woken to withdraw symptoms and feeling like I've got butterflies/shakes all at the same time. (It's a bit like a fright feeling or you've done some wrong feeling). Did you have any withdrawal from it.
Clem_clem sunshine1234987
How are you doing?
sunshine1234987 Clem_clem
Hi Clem!
I'm slowly doing better. I am now almost 6 weeks drug free. I have some anxiety in the mornings and some pretty terrible depression some days but I just had a 4 day streak of being pretty normal and even happy at times. Flu symptoms are gone I think although I get the occasional headache. Hoping in a few weeks I'll be back to normal! Sleep is going back to normal too. You doing ok?
Zara136 Clem_clem
Hi clem clem
The butterfly and fright feeling you are having is the very same as I had when I was 1st put on mirt but I thought it was withdrawals from my old mess, until I started withdrawing from mirt then they came again so it's defo the withdrawal causing the odd feeling in your tummy
Clem_clem Zara136
Thank you. I'm seeing my dr tomorrow morning so I'm thanking on taking one more tablet tonight. But I do feel I'm going backwards but if it withdrawal symptoms then I feel that I need to come off them a bit slower?. I'm still taking the floxutine.
Clem_clem sunshine1234987
That's really good news. The days your not good it's a horrible feeling.
I've got Dr tomo but I've had really bad withdrawal today. But I'm on my every 3rd day tablet but that's at 15mg and Dr expected me to be off them by Wednesday but if I felt like this today then what am I going to be like if I'm not taking any taper. I'm still on floxutine 10mg then 20mg on Wednesday.
sunshine1234987 Clem_clem
Zara136 Clem_clem
Hope you're doc was able to help you with advice regarding your tapering (my doc wasn't much help just told me to stop them at 15mg) what a joke !! !maybe once you have upped the dose of your other tab thing will even out for you but in the mean time just try and ride it out it does get better (I know it's hard when your feeling crap) I'm so close to 6wks free of that hateful mirt and tho I don't feel brill I'm definitely better than what I was,my worry now is will the withdrawals pop up again....let me know how you get on with your doc...
Good luck
Zara136 sunshine1234987
Hi sunshine
How are you feeling now? I've been reading your posts and I think I am around the same length of withdrawals as yourself.coming 6wks on Thursday?
Hope your doing good
rob43667 Zara136
I’m determined to come off them - I’m going to give cold turkey a go after this month - fingers crossed is about all I can hope for - some do it successfully this way others take time to taper over a couple of months - others over years..
It’s truly a minefieldÂ
joanne21018 jenny55612
Hi I am in total shock after reading you're statement. It describes me so well.
I have only been taking Mirt 15mg for 6 days and have experienced the most horrid thoughts ever,wanting to harm myself,feeling suicidal and feeling like there is a devil inside me.
When this all started all I wanted was something to help with my anxiety and low mood,caused by the menopause.
Being told that I could not take hrt because of history of breast cancer.
After trying 3 other forms of anti anxiety meds I was put on this.
Cant believe that I feel so low and suicidal after 6 days.
I will be contacting my gp tomorrow.
I will risk the complications of hrt . People have said how wonderful it makes them feel.
I just want to be my happy self again.
steve26624 joanne21018
Hi Joanne.
Sorry to hear that it's not going well for you. Thankfully I recovered from the mirtazepine. It took me quite a while but I was on it longer than you. The side effects you are feeling are fairly common with antidepressants but mirt was extreme for me. Happily. Back on citalopram now.
Good luck
barb57112 joanne21018
barb57112 joanne21018
Are you feeling any better?  I took 1 dose about a month ago oh Mirt and now having terrible panic attacks and general feeling of fearfulness.  I especially wake up all through the night with the panic attacks.  Was not like this before 1 stupid dose of this stuff!  I can’t believe it can do it after 1 dose but I have felt much worse since taking it!  Hopefully things will level out soon!  Hope all is well for you!Â
ox123 sarah78504
barb57112 joanne21018
briant1000 barb57112
I just went cold turkey been on it since August
Houston sarah78504
I have experienced the exact same thing! Don't let anyone, especially a Dr, try to get you to believe that what you just described didn't happen to you because of the drug you took. I have read so many accounts of people suffering 'our' pain. My prayers go out to you!