Has Any One Else Noticed this Unusual Vision Issue with Symfony Lens

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I had a cataract surgery on my right eye a week back and decided to go with A Symfony Toric Lens because of all the positive things I have read about the lens. I have had a IOL in my left eye for almost 18 years, which I have been happy with for reading, so that I was looking basically for good distance and intermediate vision with the Symfony (I am used to monovision for the last 25 years).

My right eye still has some astigmatism (slowly improving), had issue with seeing streaks from lights for only the first 3 days, am seeing halo around the lights (will probably get adjusted to it), but also have another interesting vision issue which I had not seen mentioned by any of the doctors or the patients on the web. Using just my right eye, I don't just see a halo around a light, but see about 7 perfect concentric circles around the light, with the diameter of the outermost circle being about 3-4 times that of the halo diameter. Since the Symfony lens has the unique feature of having about the same number of circular “diffractive echelette design” in the lens, I am sure that the concentric circles which I am seeing is because of this proprietary design.

Looking through these circles to look at a light is like looking at a light through a spider web. It is not so bad that I wish that I had not selected Symfony lens (I like the Extended Vision), but why has this effect not been publicized more? Have any of the other Symfony Lens users experienced seeing these concentric circles?

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    I got the symfony lenses 3 months ago. The halos and cons

    centric rings are so bad, it's dangerous to drive at night. I am considering having them replaced

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      Did your surgeon offer to replace (swap them out) if things didn't go well prior to your surgery?


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      It takes some time getting used to them. I had astigmatism... and that was also corrected. It has been two years and I would not go back. We live in a time where everyone wants everything now. Learn to be patient... it pays off.

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      Hi Sharon

      I'm glad that you are having such success with your surgery. Its been over 3 years for me and I still cannot see well. My long vision is non-existant and my near vision is problematic. Over-all my vision is very blurry and the huge light flares inhibit my ability to drive at night. Every light has a halo around it. So unhappy. My surgeon has every excuse and we have done every possible test. He pretty much just shrugs his shoulders.

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    cannot complain more about my symfony lens, mostly endless floaters, shadows, and the worst...horrific night vision. let me know if there is,a class action suit

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      Sorry you are having problems. The floaters are gone, I have better vision especially for distance than when I was young. Maybe you need to have your surgeon do some adjustments. My surgeon removed and inserted a second lens due to his assistant misreading the prescription for the left eye.

      I am very pleased with my Symfony Lenses.

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      Hi Riley I have good vision with Symfony lenses. I do experience the concentric circles around certain LED lights (red traffic lights, cars when they brake certain porch lights). I doubt there will be a class action against these lenses. But as with all premium lenses there is more halos and glare at night - tradeoff to being less glasses dependent. If you see poorly though say or night there must be an issue going on - power calculation off or lens bot positioned right or increased astigmatism. Get s 2nd opinion to check to see all is OK.

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      Sorry, Riley. Since you have lots of floaters, I'd agree with Sue.Ann about a second opinion. I never had floaters until after YAG, but they abated with time and I was told I would have some. I was never informed about the possibility of night artifacts with the Symfony, which would have been the basis for any law suit I filed -- lack of informed consent. In the end, I kept the lens, and just deal with it but I refused to have the Symfony put in my dominate eye, although it was recommended. The night vision with the Symfony never improved, although some have said it did for them, and I still need to use readers if I read a book.

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      From what I know the surgeon should replace them with different type of lens given your problems. From what I have read in may blogs these premiere lens's are not what they are cracked up to be. I find these aberrations unacceptable.

      The lenses should be perfected more in this area before marketing and placing into patients eyes. Sounds like myself and everyone else experiencing this phenomenon is a result of uncorrected astigmatism.

      Before you seek legal I suggest you get replacement. Lots of surgeons do this for unresolved issues in the eyes.

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    I just had cataract beginning of this month and after the surgery the images I am seeing are bizarre and I have yet to read one patient report any of these. I have mono/vision with distance on (R) and mild near/intermediate vision on (L). In addition I have astigmatism's left over from the LRI's (Limbic Relaxing Incisions) that were done during surgery to release those.

    So what I am seeing are crescent moons, boomerangs, hockey sticks, boots circles, starbursts and Santa boots approaching my place of residence.

    My follow up appoint with regular Optometrist revealed I have residual astigmatisms.

    I believe the astigmatisms are responsible for these aberrations and need further intervention.

    My opinion about these newer lenses are not as wonderful as marketed in their brochures, yet they are charging an arm and leg for them. I spent hours reading about these lenses and now I wish I had just kept my glasses as I still need readers for close up which I am not enjoying at all. I can see at a distance but it's not real clear. Perhaps I expected too much.

    I don't think marketers want to post opinions like yours or mine or I would have just kept my glasses having read other folks negative but honest remarks.

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      Hi ,

      i had my surgery done almost 2 years ago . and It was a long process to achieve good result

      Note i never had any cataracts, but had to wear 2 to 3 pair of glasses and wanted to get rid of glasses all together or at least for outdoor activities, and RLE was the only option as only laser surgery was not suitable for my 4.5 long-sited and presbyopia and things normal for old age , apart i was only 45 years of age when i did the lens replacement

      And i also posted a few complains for these lenses . Still not a 100% happy but it is at very good level probably 95% from what i wanted now apart from night and slightly reduced contrast ( at low light conditions some times is a problem)

      My Doctor did 2 corrective laser surgeries after the lenses were installed and that improved a lot. But had not had too much trouble at near vision and not too many artefacts at day light from day one , and my post operative astigmatism was around 1.25 / 100 on the right and 1/ 90 on the left

      One mistake i did to warn: we discussed with the Doctor when the correction should be done initially i could not drive and we did the first laser surgery on the dominant eye only after 6 weeks , which the doctor was suggesting to wait at least 3 months if not 6 or more but he was ok as i needed a car .

      One of the problems from the research and questions i asked my doctor is the hidden astigmatism and not always correct prescription until the operation. Apparently very few places has good enough equipment to measure it and even then not always 100% accurate

      in my case was not too bad and the laser surgeries improved it by mile and adjusted the distance. My laser surgeries were included in the total price if were needed for correction.

      Now i see in distance, almost perfect and near i can use phone and read print 8 normally on 6 struggle a bit but if i need to read for long time or small print i need my glasses , which i use once a week some times less. That is after second eye was adjusted for distance before that i did not need any glasses but distance was not so clear

      The halo and star burst will be always be there , and yes they do not emphasis on that fact , eventually with the age may reduce , my optometrist showed me example when the pupils reduce size and disappeared (with small pin hole black filter glasses) , eventually in 15 to 20 years from now

      But one thing which i have noticed with the time the brain adjusted and only very few lights at night are bothering.

      Also i did a procedure to improve the eye oils and liquids that gave a bit of improvement as well both in day and at night , and very rarely need eye drops

      After i joined this forum i found the FTA approval research in USA this lenses showed that more or less every one has hallow /star bursts and etc just the level of is different and very little percent do not have it at all . But is a lot better then other lenses. Only monofocal lenses has the least amount of side affects, but also happens and for the compromise of glasses and/or different strength in the 2 eyes and still glasses are needed.

      My Advise is to get the best doctor you can find. Wait do not take rush decisions and listen to the doctor advises if a problem still exists they can change the lenses, or laser correction can be done if needed. But do not be in a hurry even if you straggle for a few months just discuss it with him when and what can be done to improve. And if you are not certain of the doctor just take a second opinion or/and change the clinic and the doctor . And prepare for a long process in my case to get the good level which is probably around 95% of what i want took almost 2 years The second laser surgery was done over an year after the lens replacement.

      Hope that gives some comfort

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    it has been almost 2 years since i had symfony lens...i have never seen better in my whole life however if i was to be picky there are halos around lights at night. basically my brain filters them out ..also to see tiny print i need good light otherwise it fades rather than blurs.This was it what happens with this type of lens..i no longer use readers as i have adapted..thrilled just about everything clean and fresh

    it took several months to fully settle...i needed a yag to remove area where some cells had accumulated and it can happen ..

    i went to a major hospital and follow up involved many tests....also learned correcting astigmatism can upset cornea for awhile..try using lots of artificial tears..plus my surgeon is a cornea specialist..He is really into dry eye in older people..i now massage my eyelids and lashes in hot shower and have artificial tears to use often especially at night ..

    look up dry eye on youtube or read about it has far more effect on vision thani ever thought

    m y dr told me just about everyone happy with symfony though measurement errors could occur which can be fixable..i was measured many times prior to surgery....many 6 times...

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      Didn't know you were permitted to rub eyes as It could dislodge the lenses.

      I was told to never rub eyes.

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    take a look at dry eye topic on youtube.You do not rub eyes to express clogged glands which release tears..you gently massage down without squishing tne eyeball so to speak.....it is shown in youtube videos by various opthalmologists..Also warm compresses...there are some close ups of clogged glands expressed..yucky..but dry eye is a big topic in tne eye world!

    before i had surgery i researched the pros and cons of premium lenses....pro was basically goodbye glasses and cons needing a bit more light and halos at night...Since then new tri focal lens have been approved withh tnese drawbacks..

    what i know is i have tossed all glasses and feel quite young again...i never expected perfection.../

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    Thank you at201 for starting this topic. Thank you all participants.

    I have read all 20 pages, still needing help after IOL surgery with lots of unwanted negative outcomes.

    The history: RLE (clear lens exchange) bilateral with toric trifocal IOL with diffractive concentric rings to see clearly in all distances (no EDOF). I am 52, had myopia, astigmatism (2,25) in both eyes. I used rigid gas permeable lenses for 35 years and I was happy with them. Presbyopia forced me to change from monofocal to multifocal contacts. I was able to read everything, doing computer work absolutely fine, driving at night was no issue but the lenses, esp. in my right dominant eye were not very well centered which caused increasing problems with clearity. I tried a lot, had three rgp-lenses within the last three years and was then told that a clear lens exchange with premium trifocal IOLs would solve my problems.

    I spent 8200 $ and received the mentioned IOLs October 2020. That was when my nightmare started:

    The day after surgery (they did both eyes same day) I was unable to read biggest letters and wasn't told the cause even though it was obvious to the doctor. I should simply adapt to the new lenses. After one horrible week unable even to pay my bills, another doctor found out that there had been a significant rotation in the dominant eye. A second surgery was made immediately and the lens rotated again: now 10 degree out of axis. Therefore I still have astigmatism in my dominant right eye (- 0,75). The left eye has an induced astigmatism of - 0,5 plus slight myopia of - 0,25.

    I can't see clearly far, can't see clearly intermediate - sharpness only within 12-14 inches. Got prescription glasses now for far and a another one for intermediate sight but with the far ones I can't see clearly during driving inside my car (e.g. navigation) and they are an annoyance during shopping. I asked for progressive eyeglasses to correct everything but was told that this is now impossible due to the trifocal lenses in my eyes. How can this refraction issue be solved? I do need smooth reading within 15-35 inches during my work. Surprisingly what works best for this is the far correction glass plus a cheap reading glass of + 1,0 put in front of the far glasses as a piggyback.

    But even worse: I have severe halos, glare and most disturbing spider web circles of huge size around point light sources which are described by many participants here in this forum. Even in daylight I have these reflections on car paint, in sidemirrors and on other polished surfaces. Night driving is now horrible but I have to do it. I can't sleep because of these problems. The question of explantation has been raised in this forum but unfortunately people didn't tell wether they have done it and how the outcome had been. What do I see if they put in a monofocal IOL corrected for far after a lens exchange? There are lot of risks: How long can I wait with the decision? It's a plate haptic. I know from this forum that my vision issues will not disappear (I was misled from the doctors prior to surgery and they still tell me that one day everything will be gone. I should wait at least 12-14 months they say). I can't go on with the situation I'm in. At least I want to be able to see clearly in all distances to go ahead with decision for explantation.

    I am thankful for any help.

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      So which trifocal IOLs did you have put in?


      "What do I see if they put in a monofocal IOL corrected for far after a lens exchange?"


      I will leave the explantation to others that have that experience. I do have an AcrySof IQ Aspheric monofocal corrected for distance in one eye. There is a residual of 0.75 D of cylinder (astigmatism). My spherical is 0.0 D. I can see 20/20 quite easily with it, or perhaps a bit better. I can start to read print on a computer at about 40 cm or so. That may in part be due to the residual astigmatism. My non operated eye has a mild cataract but still can be corrected with lenses. I currently use a daily contact that leaves me about -1.25 under corrected. With this mini monovision I can do 95% of all my daily activities without glasses. I do need low power readers to read the smallest print. No issues with halos or significant flare at night. In fact my natural lens eye with a contact and a mild cataract gives me more flare than the IOL. I do have progressives that I were a small amount of time. It does give me overall sharper vision as distance including astigmatism is corrected in both eyes. That said, I prefer the no glasses and mini monovision contact arrangement better.


      They do make reader glasses (Foster Grant?) that only correct the bottom half for reading. I wonder if that would work with your trifocal IOL's to let you read better?


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      i am so sorry for your situation. Breaks my heart reading stories like yours and I wonder how any reputable doc can recommend this to correct presbyopia. Some day there may be a perfect IOL or ways yo adjust post implantation.

      This is s great solution for cataracts and those of normal cataract age who have lost great vision years ago. My own surgeon (as i was diagnosed with cataracts where my vision could not be corrected with contacts or glasses at 53) told me someone 15 years older have something to gain whereas at 53 would have to decide which compromise to make.

      Terrible to do both eyes at once and I know from colleagues and friends it is done do you cannot compare vision between eyes. A cataract surgeon usually waits min 2 weeks. The IOL shifts and vision cam change over a 6 week healing period. Adjustments can be made to 2nd eye in case target is off.

      Exchanges require a more skilled surgeon - involves more risk. If I were in your shoes I would get another consult to see if these are centered correctly and no other issues going on. If you do decide to exchange your IOLs most change to monofocal lenses as they have less issues with contrast sensitivity and night time glare, halos and concentric circles. Yes you may need glasses anyways but that may be preferable to what you are experiencing now.

      Sending you best wishes and hoping you find a solution.

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      Thank you RonAKA!

      I've got trifocals from ZEISS put in: ZEISS AT LISA tri toric 939 MP.

      To solve my refraction issues with additional eyeglasses and/or contacts the reading glasses you've suggested are an idea. I would even wear contact lenses plus eyeglasses if I can get back to good vision.

      I'm thankful for any idea to get this done in my current unhappy situation.

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      Thank you Sue.An2 for your consolation and advice. I learnt a lot from your previous posts.

      Yes, I'm trying to get another consult.

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