Has anyone beat pinworm/threadworm after having them for a long time?
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I've now had pinworms for about 5 months, they've migrated to my female parts, and I believe they are also in my nose and ears. They don't really itch anymore in my lower half, I keep those areas very clean -- BUT that incessant squirming is an ongoing nightmare. I'm 33 and single and really want to be dating, but I know as long as I have them I can't risk giving them to somebody else. It's a very depressing realization to know that I may never be able to have a boyfriend again or get married. I think my doctor believes me, but the internal diseases specialist he referred me to does not and told me I probably just have dry skin down there (dry skin that WRIGGLES? I don't think so). The samples I gave them of course had no eggs on them, I'm guessing it's because I am now being retroinfected, otherwise I really have no explanation.
What I want to know is -- has ANYBODY else who had them for many months (or years, or decades) been able to finally get rid of them??? How did you do it?? Here's what I have tried that has NOT worked:
MEDICINES: Reese's, Albenza, Vermox (high doses). Yeast infection cream mixed with garlic.
NATURAL REMEDIES: Diatomaceous earth (food grade - taken orally and also spread on maxi pads and vaginal wipes), garlic cloves and powder, vinegar, pumpkin seeds, clove & wormwood tincture. Garlic and vinegar douche. Eating mainly vegetarian foods.
PILLS: Garlic, zinc, wormwood, clove and black walnut.
I read that some mountain folk eat tobacco to get rid of them, but it makes you really sick. I am afraid to try it, but I feel like I better try absolutely everything. I just can't fathom living with these things potentially for the rest of my life
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Yesterday i found out i had threadworms (i was so disgusted) i told my bf and i went the next day to get
mebendazole from just over the counter as its non prescription. its supposed to take 2-3 days to kill the live
worms but it doesn't kill the eggs.
so to do that you just need to be thorough with hand washing and shower in
the morning to wash away any eggs etc. i have been sat here for hours on this site trying to convince myself
that the horrible 'itch' will go away easily but if anything its made it worse..
i have read that once you have them, you're stuck with them. the symptoms can get better but apparently we can never be cleared 100%
I'm really worried now.
i was also thinking, and a while ago i had felt some weird crawling sensation around my butt and was really
freaked out! but i had a look and couldn't see anything so brushed it off my mind. occasionally tho the
feeling would come back for a bit and, again, i would just ignore it cos it wasn't that bad.
but the other day, in the daytime, i was absolutely fine until i was lying in bed at night and felt really itchy.
i then felt crawling around my actual vagina and also a bit of pain so i ran to the toilet. i peed and when i
wiped i found 2 worms on the loo roll.. (which was when i told my bf and got mebendazole the today)
so I know realise that the feeling i felt a while ago was most likely worms which means I've had them for quite a while.. great.
i dunno if this effects the ease as to which i can get rid of them or not, i hope not.
even though I'm yet to have any effects from the mebendazole cos i only took it today - i would suggest you
try that as its something you haven't tried yet.
fingers crossed they go away
i would hate to be stuck with them forever.. good luck.
Gettingbetter MMC2000
luis17129 MMC2000
Another remedy is grapefruit seed extract. Mix 10 drops in a large glass of water and drink three times a day for a week. This product is commercially available and has other health benefits as well.
It is important to remember that you must continue to treat for pinworms to avoid re-infestation. There is every possibility that you may be able to wipe out the adult pinworms, then their eggs will hatch and you're infested again. You need to maintain whatever regimen you follow long enough to kill the second "wave". Good hygiene must be observed. A second treatment two weeks after the first is recommended to kill worms that hatch from eggs present at the first treatment. The medications do not kill the eggs.
You have to be diligent when eliminating them from your home; this requires lots of work and bunch of energy.
Keep us posted about the progress. Take care.
Gettingbetter luis17129
I wash my hands so frequently that my skin feels like sand....
I use clove oil, coconut oil, take ground clove, garlic in pills, fresh garlic, papaya with seeds, pinapple, bitter melon, carrots....etc....all my nutrition is based on fighting them....
I am in my fifth round of meds followed by herbs, hopefully they go away now, but I feel this crawling in the nose and ears....
La-Dee-da Gettingbetter
I found out elmers glue..I put it on my face thick...let it dry...completely they don't like OT and it run them out ...take your meds on top of that👌👍...I put it on and peel it off before and after I get in bath...it works...I put it on my face and can sir threads of it when it dries on my legs and feet...it slows them down and dries them out...cucumber masks don't work...the oil that the thread worm makes your skin feel like doesn't dry under the FACIAL type masks but elmers glue works and pulls the eggs out too...only problem you can't cover your whole body...but it does cut the population down quite a bit.
Guest Gettingbetter
fran06834 MMC2000
know how hard it is not to). So, have you tried a complete fast? 10 days of eating
nothing, and just drinking water with fresh lemon juice squeezed in to it, and a little
cayen pepper. This did it for me once, many years ago. It is also a great test of the
Secondly, I have successfully used red wine - I kid you not - it was used by the ancientEgyptions (due to its very high acidity) to flush out worms. After a long trip to South
America, my gut was full of them. I faster for two days - with the exception of lemon
water, then drank two bottles of strong red wine on the second evening. Follow this up with an anal flush of a strong salt water solution. Go to a sex shop (or online) and buy
one of the inserts (which looks like a penis) you attatch a bottle/ bag which has the rinse in it. They are used by anal lovers, apparently. Squeeze it in, and leave for 15-30 mins. Again, I kid you not!
As for your nose infestation, go to the chemist and buy something called nettipot, which is a brand of nasal rinse. You basically squeeze a saline solution up one nostril, which
then runs out of the other, and flushes the nasal passages out.
If this all seems a little Cuckoo to you, sorry, but I travelled much as a younger man,
picked up all sorts of worms, and have tried it all.
The best of luck.
Gettingbetter fran06834
I have not fasted yet because I am afraid of getting worse since I have been taking a lot of meds to get rid of them. Also afraid of my liver reaction if I drink two bottles of red wine after fasting. I barely drink one glass of wine without vomiting.....however, if you really tried everything and this is the only thing that worked out then I might give it a try....
Magnet Gettingbetter
Do a second rinse on all clothes and bedding with a quart of white vinegar
You can the use a fabric sheet if the smell bothers you.
South Americans use Papaya seeds.. the fresh ones.grind up and eat every three days.Vacuum every day.Damp mop all floors every day and add 2C white vinegar to water.Wipe toilet and bathtub with white vinegar in scrub water.....Pay attention to ingredients on cleaners. I once mixed lysol for floors with a cup of clorox. I did not know lysol had ammonia in it and I almost suffocated. Never mix ammonia and clorox and I knew this but did not read the lysol bottle.
Keep finger nails and toe nails very short and clean every day .Lightly wipe phones, computer equipment,door knobs and the fridge door handle with 91%alcohol.70% is rubbing alcohol and rarely kills the worms.Watch the tub,clean after each use.put tooth brushes in a peroxide rinse.Floss every time you brush. Be careful with peroxide in mouth you do not want to use much on teeth.Good Luck.It takes a while but it goes away. Also 10% sulfur solutions for hair and scalp,10%sulfur soap for bath.It works.Available from Amazon and its cheap.Check out Organic Cider Vinegar.Couple TBLS per day.
Magnet fran06834
umar59287 fran06834
lilly26337 Magnet
Hello magnet, I have just realized I had pinworms/threadworms about five days ago and I have been saying things to my dad like "oh I saw a pinworm on the floor today please take me to the doctor because I could get infested" I was trying to hint at him that I had them since I'm too scared to tell him being that I have three older siblings and I'm quite young. Plus I think he would be highly discussed and not want to get close to me. ?? I just wanted to know which remedie did you try? The fasting one? Because I can't drink whine and I feel that fasting would be easiest. And don't worry about me asking my dad because I want to break it to him tomorrow reply as fast as you can PLLLLLLLLEASE
joey09708 lilly26337
lilly26337 joey09708
joey09708 lilly26337
We had been fighting them off and on for about 5 years. MSM had given us 5 months totally free of them. We still take it periodically just incase but did tiny doses in water for about a month when we first got it. So grateful to have my life back!!
chelsea12484 joey09708
Joey! Hi there. My name is Chelsea and I live in Arizona. I caught pinworms from living with someone 5 years ago!! I can't believe it's been that long since I've had them. I recently was able to spot them and was diagnosed with pinworms. I have tried everything; diet; cleaning; washing; and of course meds both Albenza and herbals. What is this MSM?? I am at a point where I cannot live with them and I desperately need some help!
chelsea12484 fran06834
chelsea12484 joey09708
I just purchased some MSM from Amazon ( I looked at the reviews, and all were amazing but one ( she doesn't like the taste, which I can understand). I took one tablespoon with water this morning and one tablespoon again just now. I read that if you safe fighting a parasite to start off within 5000 mg a day and then decrease to 3000 after week 3 or so. I'm curious, when did you stop feeling them after taking this? And how are you now?? I look forward to your response. Best, Chelsea
Wrenne Magnet
Hi Magnet, can you please specify which if the remedies you tried that worked for you? I am not sure. Thanks! I pray it works for my family and I as well. We are so miserable. 😣
sandy30255 chelsea12484
How did this MSM work for you? I just recently discovered I have pinworms. I took Reese's pinworm medicine the other day and gave it to my husband and son even though they show no signs of having pinworms. I know I do because of night time crawling sensation. Uggh!! I want to get rid of these and have them never come back. Are you using the MSM ? What brand and has it been working for you? I appreciate your response. thank you.
chelsea12484 sandy30255
Mimi1981 fran06834
jules105 chelsea12484
roshan_1987 Magnet
roshan_1987 chelsea12484
joanna_32293 joey09708
Hi Joey, my family & I have pinworms...I saw two in my three year old's stool and I felt wiggling in my rectum so my husband did the flashlight test on me and saw one...we recently started drinking apple cider vinegar and lemon water and taking diatomaceous earth...I was just wondering if you & your family are still pinworm free? What brand of MSM/Organic Sulfur did you use? And how much did you take daily? And also your kids? And when you had pinworms what oil were you putting on your children that made it worse? I just started putting coconut oil on my children's bottoms, but will stop if it makes it worse...we're going to cut out all sugar and simple carbs and make sure we're drinking enough water...we're also planning on taking digestive enzymes and probiotics, but hoping the MSM indefinitely will get rid of the pinworms for good
jennifer16244 Magnet
What did you do exactly that worked? I feel like I might die from this damn thing and I don't want to die. Please help if possible! Thank you!
richard28579 jennifer16244
Teripress fran06834
red wine and salt flush gets rid of pin worms?...
Teripress joey09708
what company do you get msm..i ve had this for years like 31
claire93178 joey09708
Im Begging you what is MSM.. I'm from London so have no idea.. I've told my family people about my suspension of Threadworms I have taken OVEX twice now & flowed it up 14 days again 5mil each dose.. I cannot get to sleep until silly o'clock in the morning 4am 5am somtimes 6am.. I allso suffer with ptsd.. That doesn't help I have told my family but because they don't have any symptoms.. They obviously ain't taking the treatment or taking things seriously.. I really need help here please someone... 🙉🙉🙉
jess78531 Teripress
any change for you? 7 years in and want a cure
jess78531 chelsea12484
seven years in with 4 kiddos...please tell me what worked. I have done all of the things you listed. help!