Has anyone beat pinworm/threadworm after having them for a long time?

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I've now had pinworms for about 5 months, they've migrated to my female parts, and I believe they are also in my nose and ears. They don't really itch anymore in my lower half, I keep those areas very clean -- BUT that incessant squirming is an ongoing nightmare. I'm 33 and single and really want to be dating, but I know as long as I have them I can't risk giving them to somebody else. It's a very depressing realization to know that I may never be able to have a boyfriend again or get married. I think my doctor believes me, but the internal diseases specialist he referred me to does not and told me I probably just have dry skin down there (dry skin that WRIGGLES? I don't think so). The samples I gave them of course had no eggs on them, I'm guessing it's because I am now being retroinfected, otherwise I really have no explanation.

What I want to know is -- has ANYBODY else who had them for many months (or years, or decades) been able to finally get rid of them??? How did you do it?? Here's what I have tried that has NOT worked:

MEDICINES: Reese's, Albenza, Vermox (high doses). Yeast infection cream mixed with garlic.

NATURAL REMEDIES: Diatomaceous earth (food grade - taken orally and also spread on maxi pads and vaginal wipes), garlic cloves and powder, vinegar, pumpkin seeds, clove & wormwood tincture. Garlic and vinegar douche. Eating mainly vegetarian foods.

PILLS: Garlic, zinc, wormwood, clove and black walnut.

I read that some mountain folk eat tobacco to get rid of them, but it makes you really sick. I am afraid to try it, but I feel like I better try absolutely everything. I just can't fathom living with these things potentially for the rest of my life sad

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    So, I've had pinworms ever since I was about six or so and I'm 18 now and I've been living with for about ten years. My mother had bought me nedicine called Reese's Pinworm Medicine. It works really well, so far, and then I've also changed my sheets and bedding and hopefully they won't come back for awhile.
  • Posted

    Oh my gosh!! Finally I found a place where people worry (and talk) about the pinworm issue. I'm sure I have them. My dr. had me do the pinworm test and it came up negative. But...I know for a fact I have them. How do I get rid of them; especially when everyone thinks I'm crazy...since my tests turned out negative. Our son is not well (putting it mildly). We have two older children. I find it very upsetting that nobody believes me and that I have to deal with this on my own since "I don't have pinworms". Today, I decided to go to the pharmacy and get the garlic supplement. I'll try and eat as much garlic as possible, also; however since I suffer from severe migraines I find it hard to eat (or not) on any sort of regular basis. Aside from that, I'm going to stick with the cleaning part of the elimination...ie: regular body cleaning...more...plus sheets cleaned and bleached (in hot water) everyday. We already do a lot of handwashing since our son is sick and cleanliness is imperative. What else can I do?? I live in Canada and don't have access to the same things as some other countries have at their pharmacies/drug stores... I would appreciate any advice?? Have any of you gotten rid of your pinworm situation as yet?
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      Go to Shoppers Drug Mart or Rexall and ask the pharmacist for Combatrin.  You dose yourself by your weight, and they recommend treating two weeks after your first treatment.
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      I meant to write Combantrin.
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      Are you wanting to write Combantrin to tell them that perhaps the pinworms are getting immune to the Combantrin??
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      No, I meant I misspelled Combantrin in my first reply to you. ☺️


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      Sorry. lol...I guess I better "get with it"...duhhhh. Sorry about that.
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    I wonder...is the Combantrin available in both kids and adults doses?? I ask because I have to take so many because of weight. It's like it's been designed for kids. Because I am 101lbs (way underweight, I know), I had to take 6 tablets. It said for 101lbs to ? is 6 tablets. Up to 100 lbs, though, is only 4 tablets. Sounds weird. But I went ahead and took the 6. I will be repeating in the 7-10 days as it says on the packet. Since nobody else in my fam seems to have them (they think I'm nuts because my sample from the drs came back neg), they are going to take their dose when I take my second one. In the meantime, I have put "Operation Eradicate" into effect. I wash all bedding everyday on all 4 beds (including our comforters, pillows, etc in hot water and bleach). I use Lysol when I can't vacuum the carpet immediately. Lotsa work but well worth it, for sure. It just all better work. Thanks for the advice. Fingers crossed. All the comments here sound so negative and not working for them. Hope it works for us.
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      I think it only comes in the pills, which is annoying because I just discovered them on my 21 month old daughter.  I remember last time I went when I had them the pharmacist told me to treat everyone by crushing them and putting them in yogurt, applesauce, etc.  I was like, really, there has to be a better way!  Why don't they make this easier for children?  Anyway, no one else was showing symptoms so I just treated myself.  So I've been looking for solutions online for her right now since I doubt trying to feed her ground up pills will work.
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      That's crazy!! They have everything else for kids. Why not something that is a common childhood illness: pinworms!! Good luck with that. Let us know how you make out with your daughter. I feel for her...and you..Personally, I'm just going to do my next round tomorrow. My family has finally agreed to take the Combantrin even thought they're still convinced I'm imagining things since the Drs tests came back neg. My family Dr, however, believes me completely. Guess that's what really convinced my fam to take the pills also. There is no other reason why I should have become reinfected; especially rigorously following the cleaning protocol...including washing pillows up to several times per week...with bleach. Fingers crossed for this round. Good luck with everyone else...
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      I ground up a pill for her with a wooden tart pusher (looks like a pestle) and stirred it into yogurt.  Good thing she only needed one.   She ate it, so we will have to see if they return. *crosses fingers*
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      Good luck with that. When I was tested for them, the test turned up negative. Soooo, since my family (2 teen daughters, husband and 9 year old) weren't showing symptoms, they didn't want to take the Combantrin. They figured: why waste the money? My Dr and pharmacist told me to make sure the entire family received treatment even if they were symptom absent. He and she said it can literally take a few months before symptoms (like "the itch") can appear. Since this will be my 2nd round of the pills (since I took the first round 10 days apart as directed), my family has agreed to "take a round". I've followed the cleaning protocol to a "T" and still ended up with them again. It has to be coming from my fam; unbeknownst to them. Hope all goes well for your daughter and family, My heart goes out to you all. Good luck!
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      That sounds odd.  If I remember from my research it takes two weeks from ingesting eggs to pregnant adults coming out.

      Anyway, this time I was looking for something natural and I found New Roots brand grapefruit seed extract with wormwood at a health food store.  I took it until the bottle was empty and I'm very sure it worked.  No recurring symptoms and it's been...two weeks now?  Although it made them come out like crazy which was irritating and required a lot of showering and cleaning.  It costs the same as Combantrin, but if you're looking for something natural that works, this is it.

      My 7 and 5 year old boys haven't mentioned anything but they sleep downstairs and use the bathroom down there so I wasn't worried about it spreading to them.  My husband also hasn't experienced anything.  So hopefully we've gotten rid of them for good.  Maybe try the New Roots stuff if the Combantrin isn't working.  It could be the timing is off, that you're taking it when there are no adults to paralyze but there are eggs stuck in your intestines waiting to hatch.  Then by the time the medicine is out, they start hatching and it all starts over. 

      Never thought I'd be talking about this tmi stuff on the net, but hey, that's life...lol

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      Thanks for the info. I will definitely try the extract. You're right. I never thought I'd be talking about such a thing either. Just the thought of anything living inside oneself is creepy. My Dr says it stresses me out more because of the stress I'm already under. As far as distance between doses...I went on the interent to research the lifecycle of the pinworm. The reason...I had 2 different pharmacists tell me a) second dose between 7 and 10 days and b) 14 days between doses. After checking into their lifecycle I learned that if I waited the 2 full weeks for the second dose, then the young pinworms would already be laying eggs again. But if I caught them just before they were old enough to lay eggs (approx. 10 days), I would have the chance of getting what is remaining. Fingers crossed as I just tried it (Combantrin) one more time. If I do end up trying the extract you mentioned; is it something you take more than once per day?? How long did it take you to use the entire bottle?? How long before noticing them coming out from the first dose of the extract?? Thanks so much. I know it's a pain in the butt (pardon the pun) just talking about this horrible thing. By the time I finished reading TOO much on the internet, I had myself almost believing that I had every worm out there...threadworm, etc. My doctor warned me about over reading this stuff on the internet. Jeepers, you can start by looking up a pain in your side and come away from the computer thinking you have some sort of cancer, or worse, a rarely heard of diease. lol Thanks for your help. Take care. Fingers crossed for all of you.
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      Ha, yeah, I hear you.  

      The bottle had 90 capsules, and you take two of them, three times a day (so six per day.  I took it for two weeks straight, but then found out I had more coming, so I just continued to take the whole bottle, crossing my fingers that it would be enough.  Amd it was!  Nothing has come back yet.

      I can't remember when things started happening, I think I kind of blocked the memories because it's so gross. wink. If this site allows links, here's what the product is:  

      good luck!

      Emis Moderator comment: I have removed the link as it was to a site unsuitable for inclusion in the forums. If users want this information please use the Private Message service to request the details.



    • Posted

      What this extract? This capsules? Where we ca buy it?

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