Has anyone beat pinworm/threadworm after having them for a long time?

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I've now had pinworms for about 5 months, they've migrated to my female parts, and I believe they are also in my nose and ears. They don't really itch anymore in my lower half, I keep those areas very clean -- BUT that incessant squirming is an ongoing nightmare. I'm 33 and single and really want to be dating, but I know as long as I have them I can't risk giving them to somebody else. It's a very depressing realization to know that I may never be able to have a boyfriend again or get married. I think my doctor believes me, but the internal diseases specialist he referred me to does not and told me I probably just have dry skin down there (dry skin that WRIGGLES? I don't think so). The samples I gave them of course had no eggs on them, I'm guessing it's because I am now being retroinfected, otherwise I really have no explanation.

What I want to know is -- has ANYBODY else who had them for many months (or years, or decades) been able to finally get rid of them??? How did you do it?? Here's what I have tried that has NOT worked:

MEDICINES: Reese's, Albenza, Vermox (high doses). Yeast infection cream mixed with garlic.

NATURAL REMEDIES: Diatomaceous earth (food grade - taken orally and also spread on maxi pads and vaginal wipes), garlic cloves and powder, vinegar, pumpkin seeds, clove & wormwood tincture. Garlic and vinegar douche. Eating mainly vegetarian foods.

PILLS: Garlic, zinc, wormwood, clove and black walnut.

I read that some mountain folk eat tobacco to get rid of them, but it makes you really sick. I am afraid to try it, but I feel like I better try absolutely everything. I just can't fathom living with these things potentially for the rest of my life sad

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    Dear Anna,

    i totally understand your frustration. Me too have battled dis on and off when I was a kid and then since a year again on and off. Tried many things like pineapple, pumpkin seeds, carrots, papaya seeds, apple cider vinegar, garlic pills 1000mg. N not to forget vermox.

    now let's get to the point as far as I know I have finally discovered how to kill them off the eggs n the worms.

    Take a big pot and add loads of water like1.5 litre and den add cayenne pepper, cumin seeds, roasted cumin powder, garlic powder or fresh garlic, black pepper powder, big piece of ginger chopped or scrapped, pumkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peel of pomegranet if available, turmeric, coconut oil, thyme and please be generous like 2 table spoons each turmeric 1.5tsp, the icing on the cake is cloves lik 10 pieces dey kill de eggs, and add cinnamon powder. I just add them without measuring and then add tomato purée or chopped fresh tomatoes and boil on low heat for good 1 hour and then add salt. Should almost taste like a soup an indian soup called rasam.

        Now dis you have to drink half a cup every 1 hour and please if u r serious about getting rid of them n having a good night sleep den please refrain from pasta, rice, bread, cheese, sweet, cakes, chocolates. Basically I just drank this and also 

    drink buttermilk which is water added to yoghurt with black pepper powder 1 tsp if you can take the heat and also add 1 tsp of roasted cumin powder add salt and drink this 4 times in a day.

    Finally you are gonna love me ....... This is the best part.just like how we drink green tea or peppermint tea any tea herbal, for those who don't knw.... Take a cup and add hot water and add a herbal tea bag like green tea and then add 1 tsp of cayenne pepper and you can add roasted cumin powder n drink. If your not used to cayenne pepper add quarter spoon and then gradually add half n den full. I drank every 30min green tea or peppermint tea with 1.5 tsp of cayeene n I drink it as often at home n the itch disappeared immediately. Very very effective. Don't worry cayenne pepper is very good for your health so no worrez no matter how many spoons u have.  Der are days when I hav had 6 spoons without any problem.

         I found this very effective the reason nothing works is your eating food which is feeding them. When I went on a colon cleanse like took some senna laxative 2 pills or  dulcolac 2 pills. Empty ur whole system den go on the 1 soup I told you and also the yoghurt drink and the green tea with cayenne pepper. N do not eat anything n since your drinking all this you will be able to control ur hunger easily.

          Within few days I can assure you it shd be gone, if you do have a reinvest atom den continue drinking green tea with cayenne regularly with cumin powder. Continue this diet for 5 days depending on your infestation it shd clear out.

    each and every ingredient is very powedrful anti parasite. So gud luck and this has been my experiment that has been successful n since I know the pain associated I had to share this with you all to benefit.

           No matter what you do do not eat any food as dey survive on this to bite u bum further. Besides u won't die since it's like ur drinking soup n yoghurt n de tea. N a slightest ich immediately or I recommend drinking cayenne pepper regularly. 

       Feel free to reply bak n give me a feed bak.

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      Hi, interesting ideas! where did you get this remedy idea from? Is this tried and tested or did you make this
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      sorry, pressed buttom before finished - did you make this up for yourself or was this recommended to you?
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      hi. will try. its so exspenisve to get everything. What I wouldn't give for my life back again. I just want to know how do they come through the skin? It's horrid yet fascinating.  How do they just appear from thin air, into the crevices of my hands and come through my feet and scalp? Are they literally on the inside, simply biting their way to the surface?


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      If you have parasites coming out of your feet, scalp and hands, I suggest you see a doctor immediately.  Pinworms live in the intestine, and only come out the anus to lay eggs.   After they lay eggs just outside the anus, they die.  They don't live anywhere else on the body.
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      They can actually move around your body into the ears eyes and nose. Just thought I'd let you know 😊
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      I am going to do this soup right now. I can't sleep, the itching is unbearable and everyone things I'm crazy. I cry every day cause its driving me insane. Don't wanna do anything and have become very depressed. I've tried all kinds of things and was going to drink ovex but I like soup so before the grace of GOD go I.

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      EXACTLY! I don't wake up in the middle of the night mostly because I'm a very deep sleeper but in the day it doesn't itch so I think pinworms aren't bad but when it's night I start crying because I want it over and then I keep saying OK IM TELLING DAD TOMORROW TO GET ME MEDICINE and then day comes and it doesn't itch so I think I don't really need medicine do I? I can help you tho. I noticed thread worms early so by the 3rd day I was treating it with home remedies. When I went out to restaurants I order lemon with water and no sodas. That helped. I convinced my family that everyone will do their own laundry from now on and since my family is on the lazy side sometimes the washer and dryer were open to put clothes in a lot and I washed my blankets and sheets and clothes. Then I took showers every single night making sure to use lots of body wash. Then the last thing that topped it off was garlic. I ate a big clove of elephant garlic and it totally helped totttttally!!! You might think everyone says it helps but it doesn't. No, it really does help. For one day there was no itch at all. The next day no itch at all again and to test it I went to the bathroom and wiped to see if it would itch after words and it didn't. I inspected my stool and I could see the pinworms but they weren't moving. So I knew they were dead, but today sadly they came back and that is because I haven't been taking the showers and washing my hands and clothing and bedding as frequently. Also I only took a clove of garlic once. So I just took another clove and I did it totally raw with no honey or anything. Also don't scratch much. I'm gonna take the garlic everyday for two weeks. I am the youngest of my family and I am very young (in the 10-16 range) I have three older sibling one 18 one 16 and one 14. The two oldest are my brothers and the 14 is my sister. Me being a girl, I open up to my sister more than I do to my brothers. Also my mom passed away and my dad gets discussed easily I didn't want to share this with him. So with this medium sized family I am way to embarrassed to talk about this to them. My grandma is in town this week and she is leaving in two days but I really don't want to tell her either cuz she will tell everyone and make a huge deal about it. When she leaves in two days she will be taking my sister with her so I will be left with the guys. That means I will have the room to myself so I can keep home remedies in my room. Also I know that the garlic will definelty get rid of everything. The garlic kills the eggs and adults. If you want to talk about this more I will definetly reply and I understand what your going through so anything you say won't discuss more or anything. Hope you get better soon!!

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      Hello, I'm wondering if you'll still reply to this because I really need help, this infection is ruining my life and I so close to killing myself. I cut up garlic and mixed petroleum jelly and put it up my butt with a cotton bud but it's still itchy! Nothing is working anyone just PLEASE HELP!:'(

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      Hold in there. It's going to be ok! I can help you get out of it they did come back to me again just keep eating that garlic feel free to keep talking about this to me I will reply always trust me. I will fight through it with you. When I use the restroom and see them I immediately start getting super sad and sometimes I start crying. I get nervous but I know that they will for sure go away. DO NOT WORRY! Eat 3 cloves of garlic everyday for a week or eat more. I ate elephant garlic and the itch went away and I didn't see them. But they are back and now I'm really gonna eat the garlic. If it went away for a week with 1 clove a garlic for only one day than if I eat 4 cloves a day for a week it they will be gone for SURE!!! 

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      I see some  kids on here coming for adivce on how to treat pinworms so I wanted to write this. My daughter who is 12 just came to me and told me she has pinworms and has had them for awhile now (months) but she was to scared and embarrased to tell me and she thought they would go away on there own. When she figured out that they would not go away by themselves and she was scared for her health she came to me and told me she had them. She had two tiny pinworms on a piece of toilet paper after she had gone to the bathroom to show me and thats when I found this forum because I was doing research on how to treat pinworms. My advice for anyone who is not an adult reading this, is to not be afraid to tell your parents or an adult. This is very treatable and will go away with proper medication and good hygene. You will not be stuck with them forever, they will go away but hiding it and trying to treat it on your own will not work. I was not mad with my daughter at all, I was upset she didnt come to me sooner and she has had to live with them for as long as she did. You can get pimworms from anywhere, it doesnt mean you are dirty and you shouldnt feel ashamed if you have them. From my research they are very common to get, more common than lice. 

      My daughter told me last friday, so that night I went to walgreens and got Reece's pinworm medicine, it is over the counter so you do not need a prescrition for it. She and I both took the medicine that night. even though I had no symptoms of pinworms it is recommened that everyone in the housetold take the medicine to avoid another outbreak of them. Saturday morning I washed all the bed sheets and even disenfected her matress with wiping it down with disenfecting wipes and ran the sweeper on it. I disenfected and cleaned her room and ran the sweeper. I cleaned and disenfected the bathroom, toilet, sink ect. I even sprayed Lysol disenfecting spray around the rooms and carpets after I cleaned. that night 24 hours after taking the medication she said she saw only 2 pinworms in her stool and they were not moving. she told me she usually see's more than that and they are alive and moving. She has not seen or felt any more pinworms since then and its been a week since she took the medication. So the medicine worked for her. We will be taking another dose of the medicine next friday as it is recommended just in case some eggs were left that we didnt get, as the medicine only kills the worms and not the eggs and the eggs can live for 3 weeks in the enviroment that is why cleaning and proper hygene is VERY important even after you take the medication. Do not put your hand anywhere near or in your mouth, wash your hands after using the bathroom, before you eat anything ( you get pinworms by ingesting the eggs)  do not scratch or itch your private areas, change your underwear everyday, clean your body everyday. My daughter likes to shower at night so when she wakes up in the morning I make her clean her private area very good and put on a new pair of underwear. female pinworms go out at night when you are asleep and lays her eggs in the cracks of your anus, so if you put vaseline or petrolium jelly on your anus it prevents the female from being able to lay her eggs. I have had my daughter do that every night as well until we take our last dose of medication just to be on the safe side. Anytime we use the bathroom I wipe down the toilet, sink with disenfecting wipes. I am about to do another cleaning of her sheets and room today. Also dont keep your room dark, the eggs are sensitive to light so in the morning I make sure to open up all the blines and curtains and will pull the sheets down off the end of my daughters bed so the light hits where my daughter lays at night...I just use that as an extra precaution. I figured it doesnt hurt to try it. 

      but so far she has been pinworm free ever since taking the medication (which I paid $8.99 for the medicine, so its not expensive) and making sure she keeps her body clean and washes her hands after using the bathroom, before eating ect. And keeping her room and sheets clean. 

      Please dont get discouraged. This is very treatable and will go away with proper medicine and hygene that is why it is very important to not be afraid to tell your parent or adult so they can help you get rid of the pimworms. I'm so happy that my daughter just no longers has to suffer from them or feel afraid and embarrased. 

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      I went to Djerba many years ago. I got thousands of worms after eating 'something', The doctor in africa gave me some treatement and they went away. But you can get them again, yhey ate very common and irritating, I take ovex and bath every night and eat raw garlic and garlic in mh mesls. I was my anus very well in the bath. Fourteen days after the first ovex dosage, I take another dose of ovex. This should be sufficient to clear them away. Please go tobyour foctor for help if tgey do not go after sll this. Best wishes

    • Posted

      Hi there Shee!

      Are you still worm free?? I'm contemplating about trying this or doing a 10 day fast with only lemon and cayenne pepper in water.

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      Ivey, has this worked for you? I'm thinking about trying this soup or a 10 day fasting.

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      Jc64107, I got pinworms from work and it's been 2 weeks now. I've used the Reeces medication and am on my 3rd bottle, which is more than the dire tions. I suspect I am getting reinfected. I an washing bedfing and sleep wear every day, washing bathroom, after each use, wet mopping floor, cleaning sink, shower, toilet. I felt better for a few days and then they're back. Saw,a doctor and prescribed me a medication that is over $400! Can't afford that! I am supposed to leave Friday out of town, but the it h us maddening! And I don't want to spread it. What are you ysing as cleaner?

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      I want one tell my mom I really do but I'm too scared I have had them befor and it took my a long time to tell her and also the only reason I told her is she saw me crying about it and I thought it was a maggot...

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      I omg thank you thank you so so much you gave me courage to tell my mom and she's getting me the medicine I hope they are gone soon I can't stand them but omg thank you!!! 😀🙂😄

      To: Jc64107.  

    • Posted

      I cured myself from pinworms over a 3 week period. I approached it the same way I got rid of fleas on my cats. Flea meds don’t kill the adults and eggs, they have to be treated separately.

      Took Reese’s Pinworm meds every Sunday for 3 weeks (3 doses). This is killing the adults in the intestines.

      The key for me, I think, was removing the eggs that had been laid during the night! Put some hydrogen peroxide on a paper towel (leave a roll in the bathroom). Every morning, before going to bathroom, wipe very well. Dig around in there (sounds gross but works). The 1st day, I had tons of eggs and a couple of worms come off on paper towel (didn’t even need a magnifying glass). The 2nd day, many eggs. 3rd day, less and so on. Each day, there were less eggs. Finally, they were gone. If I felt itchy during the day, I’d wipe with the peroxide paper towel.

      I also took baths with some hydrogen peroxide in the water- to help kill any lingering eggs.

      Practice good hygiene so that you do not get re-infested from eggs in the house or yard. My doctor told me that I probably got them from the soil and I garden daily. A couple of ideas are: sleep in 2 pair of undies so bed sheets are not affected, spray crotch of undies with Lysol before putting in hamper, scrub nails after gardening, peroxide in washer, etc.

      Some other observations I have made:

      Some people have suggested putting vaseline on butt so female cannot lay eggs. I think this is kinda dangerous. That female needs air and is desperate to lay her eggs. She may travel up the digestive system to another opening…the nose/mouth. I want her to stay in my gut so the medication can work. 

      I’ve taken an alternative type approach to healing for decades. I’ve found that herbal remedies are simply not strong enough if what you are trying to fix is strong. Pinworms appear to be very strong since some people are posting that they have had them for years.  I took MSM and garlic as an adjunct to the Reese’s meds. Maybe they helped, who knows? 

      I’ve studied gut health for a long time and have a healthy gut. I eat low carb, no sugar, take probiotics. Pinworms ARE NOT the same thing as the bacteria in our gut and seem to feed on fecal matter (see Dr.Greene article below). So, approaching the killing off of pinworms with only diet doesn’t really make sense.

      What are pinworms?

      The pinworm, or Enterobius vermicularis, is one of the most common parasitic infections of humans. Somewhere between 10 percent and 40 percent of children have pinworms at any given time. 

      The adult pinworms are white and measure less than one half inch long, with the diameter of a strand of thread. 

      The adult worms live in the colons (large intestines) of human children and apparently feed on human fecal matter.

      When adult male and female worms copulate, each female pinworm produces about 10,000 fertilized eggs. At night, the pregnant female migrates from the colon, out through the child’s anus and onto the skin of the buttocks. There she violently expels all of her eggs and dies. Some of the eggs become airborne and land elsewhere in the child’s room, but the great majority of the fertilized eggs stay on the skin of the child’s buttocks. The eggs mature within six hours of being laid.

      The adult worms and the eggs on the skin of the buttocks can cause intense itching in the child. When the sleeping child scratches, the eggs often get on the fingers and under the fingernails. If the child sucks his or her thumb or otherwise brings his or her hand to the mouth (perhaps while eating breakfast), the pinworm eggs are swallowed. They usually hatch within the small intestine and mature there. When they become adults, they move to the colon where they take up residence. The entire life cycle lasts four to six weeks.

      Occasionally the story goes a little differently. Sometimes a child can inhale airborne eggs and become infected that way. Every now and then the eggs will hatch on the skin of the buttocks, and the immature larvae will crawl back through the anus, up into the rectum and eventually arrive in the colon. Also, the eggs can hatch on the skin of girls and the larvae crawl into the vagina instead of the rectum. This happens in up to 20% of girls with pinworms. The vaginal pinworms usually die out with no outside help.

    • Posted

      I cured myself from pinworms over a 3 week period. I approached it the same way I got rid of fleas on my cats. Flea meds don’t kill the adults and eggs, they have to be treated separately.

      Took Reese’s Pinworm meds every Sunday for 3 weeks (3 doses). This is killing the adults in the intestines.

      The key for me, I think, was removing the eggs that had been laid during the night! Put some hydrogen peroxide on a paper towel (leave a roll in the bathroom). Every morning, before going to bathroom, wipe very well. Dig around in there (sounds gross but works). The 1st day, I had tons of eggs and a couple of worms come off on paper towel (didn’t even need a magnifying glass). The 2nd day, many eggs. 3rd day, less and so on. Each day, there were less eggs. Finally, they were gone. If I felt itchy during the day, I’d wipe with the peroxide paper towel.

      I also took baths with some hydrogen peroxide in the water- to help kill any lingering eggs.

      Practice good hygiene so that you do not get re-infested from eggs in the house or yard. My doctor told me that I probably got them from the soil and I garden daily. A couple of ideas are: sleep in 2 pair of undies so bed sheets are not affected, spray crotch of undies with Lysol before putting in hamper, scrub nails after gardening, peroxide in washer, etc.

      Some other observations I have made:

      Some people have suggested putting vaseline on butt so female cannot lay eggs. I think this is kinda dangerous. That female needs air and is desperate to lay her eggs. She may travel up the digestive system to another opening…the nose/mouth. I want her to stay in my gut so the medication can work. 

      I’ve taken an alternative type approach to healing for decades. I’ve found that herbal remedies are simply not strong enough if what you are trying to fix is strong. Pinworms appear to be very strong since some people are posting that they have had them for years.  I took MSM and garlic as an adjunct to the Reese’s meds. Maybe they helped, who knows? 

      I’ve studied gut health for a long time and have a healthy gut. I eat low carb, no sugar, take probiotics. Pinworms ARE NOT the same thing as the bacteria in our gut and seem to feed on fecal matter (see Dr.Greene article below). So, approaching the killing off of pinworms with only diet doesn’t really make sense.

      What are pinworms?

      The pinworm, or Enterobius vermicularis, is one of the most common parasitic infections of humans. Somewhere between 10 percent and 40 percent of children have pinworms at any given time. 

      The adult pinworms are white and measure less than one half inch long, with the diameter of a strand of thread. 

      The adult worms live in the colons (large intestines) of human children and apparently feed on human fecal matter.

      When adult male and female worms copulate, each female pinworm produces about 10,000 fertilized eggs. At night, the pregnant female migrates from the colon, out through the child’s anus and onto the skin of the buttocks. There she violently expels all of her eggs and dies. Some of the eggs become airborne and land elsewhere in the child’s room, but the great majority of the fertilized eggs stay on the skin of the child’s buttocks. The eggs mature within six hours of being laid.

      The adult worms and the eggs on the skin of the buttocks can cause intense itching in the child. When the sleeping child scratches, the eggs often get on the fingers and under the fingernails. If the child sucks his or her thumb or otherwise brings his or her hand to the mouth (perhaps while eating breakfast), the pinworm eggs are swallowed. They usually hatch within the small intestine and mature there. When they become adults, they move to the colon where they take up residence. The entire life cycle lasts four to six weeks.

      Occasionally the story goes a little differently. Sometimes a child can inhale airborne eggs and become infected that way. Every now and then the eggs will hatch on the skin of the buttocks, and the immature larvae will crawl back through the anus, up into the rectum and eventually arrive in the colon. Also, the eggs can hatch on the skin of girls and the larvae crawl into the vagina instead of the rectum. This happens in up to 20% of girls with pinworms. The vaginal pinworms usually die out with no outside help.

    • Posted

      They do live in vagina. Extremely difficult to get rid of. Since the colon cleansers and other meds work thru the intestinal tract, is there anything that kills pinworms in the vagina???

      Is the concentration of MSM enough in vagina to kill pinworms????

    • Posted

      Vaginal pinworms are coming from your rectum. Those suckers crawl like no other.  Clear up your intestional problem and the vaginal worms will die off.  

      I've tried Pyrantel Pamoate for many months and have had absolutely no success.  I must have something in my system that negates this stuff.  I have been taking double doses weekly for several months and have finally given up.  I ordered the MSM tablets and am trying that.  Next, I will see a physician and see about getting a prescription. 

    • Posted

      Please give chewing tobacco a try! I am up on the post and have been suffering with them for 5+ years. I did everything the doctors said to do, and they failed me. The medicine didnt even touch my pinworms. What HAS been working is.. Red mans chewing tobacco. I am FINALLY starting to see them come out. I am hopeful this completely irradicates them so one must take it for atleast 14 days. Hang in there MommaJ! I hope this helps you. God bless. Chelsea
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      Yes, in a woman they do enter the urethra and vagina, however, they eventually die out. Focus on the anus. I apply vicks vapor rub and cloves (or clove oil). Drink the clove to kill the eggs, and take the medicine. Also apply ointment on vagina to trap them when they crawl! Hang in there love. Chelsea
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      Hi Julie, just wondering how much peroxide did you put in your bath water ? Iam having a horrible time with not washing them off my body. I have already used 2 applications of Reese's Pinworm Med and going to get more. I think I have had this problem for quite some time. Had no Ideal, thought it was some kind of bladder infection. Iam 67 yrs old, really embarrassed to even go to the Dr.

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      Did you get rid of this? Is there hope, because I feel like killing myself too.
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      Have you found relief? I feel as if the same thing is happening to me
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      Hi there, this is the third time I have the infection and I know it's gross and frustrating and time consuming with the cleaning and worring about not spreading eggs or swallowing them. But I know for sure that we can beat them and live a normal life. Last time I discovered them was 4 years ago. I woke up in the middle of the night and found one crawling. It took about 8 months to cure but finally we managed to get rid of them.

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