Has anyone beat pinworm/threadworm after having them for a long time?

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I've now had pinworms for about 5 months, they've migrated to my female parts, and I believe they are also in my nose and ears. They don't really itch anymore in my lower half, I keep those areas very clean -- BUT that incessant squirming is an ongoing nightmare. I'm 33 and single and really want to be dating, but I know as long as I have them I can't risk giving them to somebody else. It's a very depressing realization to know that I may never be able to have a boyfriend again or get married. I think my doctor believes me, but the internal diseases specialist he referred me to does not and told me I probably just have dry skin down there (dry skin that WRIGGLES? I don't think so). The samples I gave them of course had no eggs on them, I'm guessing it's because I am now being retroinfected, otherwise I really have no explanation.

What I want to know is -- has ANYBODY else who had them for many months (or years, or decades) been able to finally get rid of them??? How did you do it?? Here's what I have tried that has NOT worked:

MEDICINES: Reese's, Albenza, Vermox (high doses). Yeast infection cream mixed with garlic.

NATURAL REMEDIES: Diatomaceous earth (food grade - taken orally and also spread on maxi pads and vaginal wipes), garlic cloves and powder, vinegar, pumpkin seeds, clove & wormwood tincture. Garlic and vinegar douche. Eating mainly vegetarian foods.

PILLS: Garlic, zinc, wormwood, clove and black walnut.

I read that some mountain folk eat tobacco to get rid of them, but it makes you really sick. I am afraid to try it, but I feel like I better try absolutely everything. I just can't fathom living with these things potentially for the rest of my life sad

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    OMGGGGGGGG. I have them also!!!!!!!!  Took Albenza twice and these suckers are still going strong.  I have read every post TWICE and will try several things.  I too feel them in my ears and nose.  Anyone felt them in their mouth? Or am i imagining them?  It’s been almost two months now and I am going CRAZY. No one in my house believes me but the Dr. did.  My hubbie thinks I am crazy.  Please continue to comment if you have news.  Thanks and I am so sorry anyone has to go thru this MESS! 
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    yes you can get rid of threadworms. A pill called Mebendazole works, and can get it most pharmacys, everyone in your house should take one. It's just a small pill. 2 weeks after you have to take another for the eggs that have hatched to catch them quickly. A home remedy is putting coconut oil on you bottom so fight against the eggs and it works. Keep hasn't clean regularly
  • Posted

    In fact, I have beat the pinworms parasite. I'll tell you now, that I think where I've lived slightly contributes to it, so I'm not sure how useful this will be.

    I had pinworms for nearly fourteen months. It was awful. Not being able to sleep because of these little Invaders in my intestines. I went and got treated twice. The first one was with just some regular over the counter medicine from the drugs store. I took it once, and again in a few weeks. The symptoms seemed to dissappear after a while. I knew I'd had them because I'd seen them with my own eyes. White squiggly worms about the size of a staple.

    Keep in mind, we didn't know exactly what these were at the time so that was frankly all we'd done. It was no wonder I got them back a couple months later.

    The thing about these worms is that they're persistent. They wait until you think you've finally dealt with them, then they show up and rain on your parade when you let your guard down.

    Now here's the thing about my story. I lived in a household of eight people. But only three of us ever got it. Talk about luck, right??

    When they came back, I panicked. I was confused because I had been sure they were gone. But I guess I was wrong. The first thing I ended up doing was butt loads of research. But it all just seemed useless because the Internet is absolutely undecided about everything. It was all contradictory and nonsense about strict routines and whether or not the infection is permanent. All I had to go off of was the cold hard facts. Those seemed to be my only solace, knowing they were harmless, just agitating.

    I wasn't very confident in hearing people say that it was a life sentence. It honestly scared me to death. I wasn't sure what to do. So I simply did the only thing I could think of.

    I went down to the nearby Urgent Care Center and asked what my options were. My doctor was cool. He gave me Albenza, which I've found is a stronger version of the other parasite medications. He told me it was all he was allowed to give since this apparently just doesn't happen around here. (I live in Oklahoma)

    It was two pills a day for two days, then repeat in two weeks.

    I've seen people go on complete cleaning fiascos and use very odd herbal remedies and diets to try to get rid of the infection. Something in me felt like that was just over doing it. It just didn't feel necessary. But seeing as these were my only sources of help, I did the same, just not to such a ridiculous extent.

    I took my medication, cleaned everyone's bed stuff and clothes, washed the bathroom and all surfaces people normally come into contact with either their hands or bosom, and bought a small hand scrubber for every sink in the house. We all washed our hands before eating, doing chores, cooking, and using the stall.

    We made sure nobody ever touched their bosom, or face, we broke the little kids of picking their noses or sucking on their fingers, and repeated this process only when the took the medication again.

    From that point forward all we do is wash our hands thoroughly with the brushes, avoid touching our faces, and wash our bed stuff every weekend. Nobody has shown symptoms or come back with positive tests of them since. We've been worm free for about eight years now. We go about every six months to get a test for the worms, but we always come back negative.

    Now, I don't know how this will help (or even if it will) , but I hope it a least gives some people hope. I really feel for those of you who've dealt with this for like, ever. Either it's easier to get rid of than people think, or the three of us in our household of eight got really lucky. Either way I wish y'all luck in freeing yourself from such an agitating parasite.

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      Can you tell me if medical insurance covers Aldenza. I have heard that insurance is not covering and it's very expensive. Thank You 

  • Posted

    I am 13 and I have pin worms I am scarred to tell my mom is just feel so gross
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      Sara, look I know it seems gross. I felt embarassed too and had to tell my household even though I'm a grown woman. BUT...they are like anything other bug that we catch. You can catch a cold or the flu bugs...same thing. Pinworms are very common.

      Read my post as I cured myself. Your parents need to help you! Remember, that's what they are there for. Tell them!!

  • Posted

    I have had pinworms for a few months now. They went away for about 2 weeks but came back to my disgust. I am 15 and scared to tell my mom. But they are becoming all consuming. I wash my hands incessantly, I went through an entire bar of soap in 2 days. I don't go out at night anymore because I don't want to be in a situation where I can't access a bathroom quickly in order to scratch my butt. I've recently tried eating garlic cloves so we'll see how that works out, fyi I find it's easiest to cut the garlic into small pieces and then swallow them like pills because I can't stand the taste. I also try to eat yogurt. I shower 2-3 times a day because it is the only time I feel clean. Please help!!

    • Posted

      Pinworms are very very common. Lots of adults and children get them. We all catch bugs, like cold or the flu and they are nothing to be embarrassed about. Although, I was a little embarrassed when I had to tell my household and I’m a grown woman.

      You need your parent’s help to solve this problem as it involves medication, cleaning of the whole house, other stuff. You probably won’t fix this on your own. Tell your mom!!

      You can read my post as I cured myself from pinworms and now it is no big deal.

  • Posted

    I have them and I'm too scared to tell my mom 😢

    • Posted

      Pinworms are very very common. Lots of adults and children get them. We all catch bugs, like cold or the flu and they are nothing to be embarrassed about. Although, I was a little embarrassed when I had to tell my household and I’m a grown woman.

      You need your parent’s help to solve this problem as it involves medication, cleaning of the whole house, other stuff. You probably won’t fix this on your own. Tell your mom!!

      You can read my post as I cured myself from pinworms and now it is no big deal.

  • Posted

    Which worked for you please the fast/red wine or the lemon? Thank you
  • Posted

    I've had them 3times I'm on my third I am a kid and I told my mom today if anyone has advice plzzzzzzzzzzz help me I HATE them I can't even sleep well cuz of them plz helps 😰

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    I have found & as weird as it sounds elmers glue helps ALOT. When put it where ever there seems to be ALOT of the white llinesit makes ..it put OT on think let OT dry completely and then peel OT off ..I do it before I get in shower and after while my pores are open...it does help with the amount it almost clears it up bit of course in time it comes back bit o get 6 months or so of clear skin AnD no hair loss..just a tip.

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