Has anyone beat pinworm/threadworm after having them for a long time?

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I've now had pinworms for about 5 months, they've migrated to my female parts, and I believe they are also in my nose and ears. They don't really itch anymore in my lower half, I keep those areas very clean -- BUT that incessant squirming is an ongoing nightmare. I'm 33 and single and really want to be dating, but I know as long as I have them I can't risk giving them to somebody else. It's a very depressing realization to know that I may never be able to have a boyfriend again or get married. I think my doctor believes me, but the internal diseases specialist he referred me to does not and told me I probably just have dry skin down there (dry skin that WRIGGLES? I don't think so). The samples I gave them of course had no eggs on them, I'm guessing it's because I am now being retroinfected, otherwise I really have no explanation.

What I want to know is -- has ANYBODY else who had them for many months (or years, or decades) been able to finally get rid of them??? How did you do it?? Here's what I have tried that has NOT worked:

MEDICINES: Reese's, Albenza, Vermox (high doses). Yeast infection cream mixed with garlic.

NATURAL REMEDIES: Diatomaceous earth (food grade - taken orally and also spread on maxi pads and vaginal wipes), garlic cloves and powder, vinegar, pumpkin seeds, clove & wormwood tincture. Garlic and vinegar douche. Eating mainly vegetarian foods.

PILLS: Garlic, zinc, wormwood, clove and black walnut.

I read that some mountain folk eat tobacco to get rid of them, but it makes you really sick. I am afraid to try it, but I feel like I better try absolutely everything. I just can't fathom living with these things potentially for the rest of my life sad

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    yes I had pin worms since i was 6 till 18 years old. At first i told.my mom so we got medication at drug store and it helped but i suffered from them for years. i Eventually was too embarrassed to tell anyone so i would live with them off and on. I got sick.and tired of it so when i was 18 i did research and went and got the medication again. I didnt tell my boyfriend i had em cus i was too embarressed but i started sanitizing the whole house , washing clothes always and not re wearing anything until it was washed.. i washed my hands so much before eating , after each visit to bathroom, i sprayed disinfecting spray on everything always. I took the medication for.my weight it was pill form and that night was very bad so i took the other half of the pills and it went away finnally. I took more then i was suppose to but after years i didnt itch. So yes its possible to get rid of em after years.
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    Hi I don't know what everyone has told you BC I don't have time to read them or to tell my experience but I too had negative test results back from Dr office and this medicine after taking two doses I had all kinds of things in my stool so much if I had been taking this when I gave the sample to my dr it WOULD NOT have come back negative..GNC- THE CLEANER-before I tried I read reviews and there were ALOT of people having complications but I did not find it to be harsh at all as long as u drink a lot of water..when I started to not drink right amount of water I would feel cramping drank water felt better..look on gnc website for the cleaner it's a complete body detox colon liver skin kidneys toxinsblood lungs stomach yeast parasites

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      Thanks! I will have to try that as soon as I get back home. The infestation grew minimal but is back with a vengeance. Drs are clueless about this. My gyn lately said she never even heard of pinworm. Really? I guess they are living in a world detached from the rest of us. My grandkids who were living with us with their mom until last Nov caught them from babysitters house and I caught them from them. They are one and two and always sticking their fingers in our mouths.
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    I'm only 14 and I'm pretty sure I have had pinworms since I was 12 or 13, I constantly told my mom and the first time I told her I was crying and she was denying it. Every time I tell her she feels like she can just tell me that I don't have I tried to tell her again and she told her friends and just started laughing and was like that's why you don't look stuff up on Google and it really hurts me because I have to deal with these things that are invading my body until I can go to the hospital on my own. I don't want to put the tape on my butt and see if I truly have them because I just don't want it to be true, I've had my sisters take pictures and see if we could spot one and we did I think they were gone for a 1 year or so because I no longer felt a wiggle but they are back now . I'm just terrified that I'm going g to have these for the rest of my life and be single for the rest of my life because I would never wish this on anyone can I PLEASE GET SOME HELP ! This is hurting me mentally this is just a depressing time for me .

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      Brianna, I know this is upsetting but I am sure there are a lot more people infected with pinworm than they realize as they don't really habe symptoms. Its common to get when exposed to kids in school. Some people like you and I are more aware and sensitive to whats going on in our bodies. I believe if we are diligent we can get rid of them. My husband and I are truck drivers though and that makes it. Very difficult for me to follow the treatment plan. I got it from,my grandkids. Their Dr said not to worry about them and they still have them. It is frustrating and feels really gross but there are so many things in this world that billions probabally all of us have that when we think about them are really gross, like bacteria, viruses etc. Did you know some people actually infect themselves with worms on purpose because they alleviate certain health problems? Just keep clean, your home clean and if they are bothersome, take the over the counter medicine and the recommended supplements like garlic to get the numbers way down. I am willing to bet at least jalf or more of your school classmates in your school have them and are also embarrassed to say so. Because that is the most likely place you got them in the first place. Our grandkids got them from their banysitters son who was in elementary school. Tske care, relax and no you won't be single the rest of your life. If a guy gets grossed out by this he isn't worth the trouble. You need a real man who knows this is not a pure world we live in and can roll with that because life is going to throw a whole lot if grossness at us in so many ways over our lifetimes. 😝😁

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      I am going through the same thing except my step mom got the medication for me but she didnt give me two doses only one and they seem to have come back i am 13 and i have been suffering with this for at least 2 years it really hurts my lady parts please any advise?!?!
  • Posted

    I cured my pinworms and it is a dual approach: (1) Kill the adults in the gut and (2) Remove the eggs on the outside (by anus), otherwise they hatch and crawl back in, with new adults now inside. It's a timing thing. 

    (1) To kill adults, take meds 1x per week for 3 weeks. The meds work briefly-move thru our intestines (once you take the med), then out of the body, killing part of the adults but not all at one time. The medication is not lingering in our body which is why you take over 3 weeks. Maybe MSM too, daily.

    (2) To remove and kill the eggs: use a paper towel with hydrogen perioxide on it. Wipe 1st thing in the a.m. (before using toilet) and then a few times per day. Wipe very well and dig in there. Do until gone.

    If you take baths, put a 1/2 cup of peroxide in water.

    When I first got worms and started, I could see worms and eggs on the paper towel (even though they say they are microscopic!). I saw worms and eggs the first day but saw only eggs for a few days before they went away completely.

    This is what I did for 3 weeks. I’ve been free of this problem for months now.

    Other notes:

    Some people have suggested putting vaseline by anus. I think this is the wrong approach. You want the eggs to be laid by the anus so that you can remove them daily!! Otherwise the female might migrate to other parts of body to lay eggs (mouth, nose). Or she lays them in the vaseline and you can’t wipe it off well. 

    Wear 2 sets of underwear so the eggs are not expelled on the sheets and you can’t scratch while sleeping and get under your finger nails.

    Practice good hygiene so that you do not get re-infested from eggs in the house or yard. My doctor told me that I probably got them from the soil and I garden daily. So I wash my hands very well after gardening.

    Spray crotch of undies with Lysol before putting in hamper, scrub nails after gardening, put peroxide in washer, etc.

    I have read that itching by the anus can sometimes mean a Candida infection. I think the way to determine that is if you wipe well by hydrogen perioxide and know there are no eggs but you continue to itch, then maybe there is something else going on?

    • Posted

      Julie can you suggest anything for the hair and face. I feel they are in my hair and on my face. Desperate. I keep scrubbing my face with soap and wash my hair everyday, not working 
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      Hi Julies51084

      Are you still free of them now? What percentage hydrogen peroxide did you use?

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    I'm starting to really really freak out right now , I just found out that I have thread worm. And I just broke my arm and I have lice I'm Shaking I'm so scared , I really don't know what to do , and it's hard enough becusr I take baths every 2 days , it's just so so hard , and while I'm taking a bath I have to take a live treatment , i honestly hate life right now. I don't know what to do can someone tell me HOME remedies that don't evolve me starving myself ( fasting )

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    Has anything worked for you? About to try epazote as I'm scared taking pyrantel Pamoate have made them move elsewhere in my body. My bladder hurts so going to try a vinegar and garlic douche. Ugh, what a mess! My health started to dwindle from this (period almost non existent and I'm 38. Also severe insomnia, and anemic. Wish I caught this sooner. I'm getting scaredsad

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    Hi MMC2000 have you managed to rid yourself of them yet. Your story is basically what I have been through. No doctors believe me. My faecal sample came back as normal. A swab around the anus was clear. It itches every night and the wriggling sensation is just horrid I feel them every day and night. I have had this for 3 months. I wonder whether wiping hydrogen peroxide really help kill the eggs?
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    I have been dealing with them. And I am trying to decide if they are gone. What do they look like in your stool? Are they actually white wiggly worms or do they just look like mucous strings

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    I am having it quiet for a while now. I want to propose something never mentioned before. It is tobacco. Shove it up your anus. A few while ago I saw some guy's comment saying 'I had it when I was young. My grandma found out that it was pinworm so she wrapped tobacco with cloth and shove it up my anus and the nex t day I was fine'. I tried it, but it kept falling off so I shoved just only tobacco up my anus. And I had a good night sleep. It is not the ultimate solution, but pinworm subsided I think. Just put a drop of water or two on tobacco to go easy on doing it.

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      Any kind of tobacco, can you use tobacco from a cigarette?? Willing to try anything 
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      Well, it did not work. And i may have made things worse. Some people say trapping thrnworms inside intestines only make things worse. It is because they keep laying eggs inside our bodies and all. People say it is called 'internal infestation' or something, I don't remember exactly. So people do not follow this.

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