Has anyone beat pinworm/threadworm after having them for a long time?

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I've now had pinworms for about 5 months, they've migrated to my female parts, and I believe they are also in my nose and ears. They don't really itch anymore in my lower half, I keep those areas very clean -- BUT that incessant squirming is an ongoing nightmare. I'm 33 and single and really want to be dating, but I know as long as I have them I can't risk giving them to somebody else. It's a very depressing realization to know that I may never be able to have a boyfriend again or get married. I think my doctor believes me, but the internal diseases specialist he referred me to does not and told me I probably just have dry skin down there (dry skin that WRIGGLES? I don't think so). The samples I gave them of course had no eggs on them, I'm guessing it's because I am now being retroinfected, otherwise I really have no explanation.

What I want to know is -- has ANYBODY else who had them for many months (or years, or decades) been able to finally get rid of them??? How did you do it?? Here's what I have tried that has NOT worked:

MEDICINES: Reese's, Albenza, Vermox (high doses). Yeast infection cream mixed with garlic.

NATURAL REMEDIES: Diatomaceous earth (food grade - taken orally and also spread on maxi pads and vaginal wipes), garlic cloves and powder, vinegar, pumpkin seeds, clove & wormwood tincture. Garlic and vinegar douche. Eating mainly vegetarian foods.

PILLS: Garlic, zinc, wormwood, clove and black walnut.

I read that some mountain folk eat tobacco to get rid of them, but it makes you really sick. I am afraid to try it, but I feel like I better try absolutely everything. I just can't fathom living with these things potentially for the rest of my life sad

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    I found some possible cure. It is Sticker paper. I havent tried it but if you sleep naked or half naked and put sticker paper under the bottom sleep on it, worms that pass throigh it will stick to the paper. In the morning, just throw the paper away.

    I think it will work. It is easy, cheap, and simple Instead of worms infesting bedsheet, it will be trapped onto the paper.

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      On a second thought, sleeping naked or half-naked was a bad idea. It will only make things worse, and wearing tight underwears and pants are better. My bad.
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    I've had them before, quite a few years ago when I was a young teen, and managed to get rid of them quickly, though I couldn't tell you how; I don't know myself. (Useful, I know). I think showering at night and having a proper scrub everywhere worked for me. 

    Anyway, I've had no contact with anybody other than my family over the summer, and had a complete itch last night. I went to the bathroom to find out what it is. Usually just wiping with a wet piece of soapy tissue helps with an itch. But last night, it hadn't. On the tissue I'd found 3 and I could've screamed (if it wasn't for it being 11 at night and thee being kids asleep next door and my own siblings returning to school today). 

    The house is fairly clean, everything washed weekly, house cleaned just as often, etc... 

    I'm just wondering how they can just appear after 3 months of being in the house, pretty much never leaving, and does garlic bread do anything? (It makes me sick just eating garlic on its own). 

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    Hey. I'm 20 going through the same thing. I'm so depressed. I cry at least twice a week. Sometimes I really just want to give up because trying all these remedies and everything is really take a toll on me. Like why do I have to even do all of this, it's not fair. Just about 5-6 months ago I was living a normal life. I've been experiencing nausea, eye floaters, mild stomach pain. I'm starting to wonder if something else is wrong with me health wise. After getting blood work my WBC is mildly low but my doctor can't link it to anything. I go to a GI in a month. I'm starting to loose hope. This is crazy. I hate eating the garlic because it makes my vagina smell bad. And I had a bf but I didn't feel comfortable having sex any more because of it. He knew I had pinworms, he took the medication with me. Although he never gets symptoms. Why I the only one with symptoms? Even on my household? I'm scared that something else may be terribly wrong with me. I'm so unhappy

    I also drink DE once a day and take pinworm medication every few weeks, shower day & night and change my sheets like every 2 days 

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      I am currently feeling the exact same way as you, very down about it.

      Did you end up getting cured of them, I hope so sad?

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    This works for all parasites 1 TABLESPOON of cloves  1 TEASPOON OF GINGER 1 TEASPOON TURMERIC 1 TABLESPOON  OF CINNAMON AND BLEND IN A COFFEE OR SPICE GRINDER PUT IN A CONTAINER AND USE 1/2 TEASPOON IN A SMOOTHIE  DAILY AD HONEY EAT GARLIC SOME TIME IN THE DAY.I will say your very worried that you have itching elsewhere stay away from all yeast foods like bread sugars and starches just until you get in control I assure you all your itching will go away. Do Not Eat Pork .Cook all your other meat well done. do this for two weeks then take a break and repeat do this for 6 month and and every few months after that you will be fine.


  • Posted

    I have had threadworms for at least 2 months. I had no itching or symptoms and only found out because they were in my stool. I had had a serious flu and still had persistent cough for the last couple of months. I did feel quite unwell but put it down to my usual issues. I took worming medication. Nothing happened. I took another dose a few days later. Nothing happened. I noticed symptoms and they were quickly getting worse. I started taking Diamotacious Earth. I was spitting up blood and thought it was from this. I stopped using it and symptoms got worse. I went to the Dr after spitting the blood and complained of a severe pain in my left rib that had been there for a couple of weeks. Had xrays, they showed a few changes in left lung. Was given antibiotics. Told Dr about worm symptoms and he told me to take over counter meds. To cut a long story short, I now have a severe infection of threadworms in my lungs, nose and also downstairs. I've had them in my vagina too. I'm taking meds from chemist daily, using Wormwood, Black Walnut, Pinapple, yoghurt, probiotics, pumpkin seeds (pepitas) and washing continuously throughout the day. I've tried the garlic downstairs but found it irritating.  It did seem to help at night though. I had stopped antibiotic because it was making me ill. Funny symptoms improved quickly. Very little flecks on underwear, no worms evident in stool, chest mucas easing. The other morning I coughed and found a threadworm in my mouth. I was so grossed out and ill. I went back to Dr. He told me to continue worming meds and put me on 2 very strong  antibiotics as I have fevers,  swollen glands, inflammation in mouth, throat, nose and ears. Chest  is extremely yuck! I have been strict with hygiene to the point of being ridiculous. Washing everything daily in  hot water, showering morning and night, washing with Apple Cider vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide, using garlic soaked in coconut oil to leave on genitals at night, vasolene up nose and also downstairs, continued eating and taking above meds etc. 2 days of antibiotics and it's gotten so bad that I'm vomiting mucas from my lungs with worms, finding them in my mouth, having slimey mucus in my nose, pain in ears, and downstairs is a nightmare. I'm also so ill. So I've stopped antibiotics again. Hopefully I'll get on top of this disgusting infection etc. I'm seeing a different Dr tomorrow.  Hopefully will be given some stronger worming medication. 

    I do note with the young girl using Diatomaceous Earth that it's being put on vagina and anus. It is abrasive. It will irritate and cause all sorts of issues on a sensitive area. Maybe issues are related to this. For me I hope I can beat this. The slimey mucus in my mouth makes me ill. Good luck to everyone. Hope you beat it..

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      This sounds very similar to what I have been going through for years and years now.  I have never been able to get any help from doctors.  But I don't often see the worms.  Once in a while live worms come out rectally - but they are red, apparently they turn red after being inside a long time.  I had them a bunch of times when I was little, they kept coming back, until when I told my mom I had the worms again she got angry and abusive and I don't think they got treated again.  We only took the meds, didn't do any hygiene measures when I was little.  I know I have nests of these inside, affecting bowel, bladder, uterus.  I have been putting in tampons soaked in castor oil and pyrantel pamoate.  I was trying to take the pyrantel pamoate every week, but it makes me sick and then made me so very sick I had to stop taking it.  I also have slimy mucus throughout, after a shower I have the slimy mucus coming out of my ears.

      I cough up the slimy mucus at night. I once tried putting organic tobacco in a suppository at night, in the morning I had fecal matter in my underwear in strange scratchy pattern.  I think it just aggravated the worms.  I keep cleansing as much as I can but feel pretty hopeless.

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    Hi, I am new to this group. I am a medical professional. I had this worms once in childhood, my grandma made me to drink 100 ml of castor oil. I don't know exactly after how many days but I got cleared. 10 yrs back also infested that time suffered by taking bendex and mebex. But only after taking nemocid(pyrantel pamoate) I got a relief. Nowwww... Again got the inf. This time nemocid also not helping me. I am getting infested on and off for the past 1 yr. For the past 2 weeks too much of crawling unpleasant sensation. So much depressed. After reading all posts, started a new form of treatment. Morning in empty stomach taking 2 teaspoons of castor oil with milk without sugar. (Sometimes nausea ll be thr). Avoiding sugar almost Nil. Drinking diabetic tea...(I mean sugarless). Wearing pants in night. Applying emolient that is moisturizer in perianal region while taking bath in morning and night before bed. Mebex 100 mg 1-0-1 continuously. Doing this for the past 4 days. Really my worm burden reduced to 10 percent. Feeling happy now. Eventhough I am not relieved completely, I hope I will post that I got free after some 2 weeks. Friends try this. No diarrhoea at all. Only nausea and some abd discomfort is thr. That's for for better than this crawling....

  • Posted

    Hi everyone,

    I had the same issue . But I happen to cure it by accident. I bought yakult the probiotic and had like 3 bottles of it in evening..and after sometime i seer that worms started coming out of my anus..soooo many . Probiotics liquid form should be taken if you don't have yakult. Now i feel lot better.

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      Where did you buy this Yahult with the probiotics and does it matter if it is flavored? 
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      what is yakult? is it capsules or a drink? where can you buy it, I can't seem to find it.

  • Posted

    Has the vaginal worm gone away? I’ve had Pinworm and today I found a worm in my vagina. I took Reese’s otc last week, practiced perfect hygiene, cleaned house, and used coconut oil. I’m so disgusted!!!

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