Has anyone beat pinworm/threadworm after having them for a long time?

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I've now had pinworms for about 5 months, they've migrated to my female parts, and I believe they are also in my nose and ears. They don't really itch anymore in my lower half, I keep those areas very clean -- BUT that incessant squirming is an ongoing nightmare. I'm 33 and single and really want to be dating, but I know as long as I have them I can't risk giving them to somebody else. It's a very depressing realization to know that I may never be able to have a boyfriend again or get married. I think my doctor believes me, but the internal diseases specialist he referred me to does not and told me I probably just have dry skin down there (dry skin that WRIGGLES? I don't think so). The samples I gave them of course had no eggs on them, I'm guessing it's because I am now being retroinfected, otherwise I really have no explanation.

What I want to know is -- has ANYBODY else who had them for many months (or years, or decades) been able to finally get rid of them??? How did you do it?? Here's what I have tried that has NOT worked:

MEDICINES: Reese's, Albenza, Vermox (high doses). Yeast infection cream mixed with garlic.

NATURAL REMEDIES: Diatomaceous earth (food grade - taken orally and also spread on maxi pads and vaginal wipes), garlic cloves and powder, vinegar, pumpkin seeds, clove & wormwood tincture. Garlic and vinegar douche. Eating mainly vegetarian foods.

PILLS: Garlic, zinc, wormwood, clove and black walnut.

I read that some mountain folk eat tobacco to get rid of them, but it makes you really sick. I am afraid to try it, but I feel like I better try absolutely everything. I just can't fathom living with these things potentially for the rest of my life sad

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197 Replies

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  • Posted

    If I'm being honest then I'm 12 years old and being even more honest I've had pinworms for my whole life. We can get rid of them but they come back after 3 months. We simply use over the counter stuff though. I hoped you got rid of them but if not then good luck.

  • Posted

    This is not pin worms.  I have them also and drs r oblivious to what it is.  Do u have pictures to share?  I’m going to start collecting pictures and comments from those interested and present to a doctor bcuz so far I’ve had no luck convincing drs this is real!  
  • Posted

    Hey Guys!

    SO refreshing and encouraging to find you guys here and understand that this apparently widespread but never talked about issue is one we don't go through alone!

    I just wanted to let y'all know that I'm in your same shoes AND that you should do some research on MSM. I've just ordered some tonight after a little research from a response to this thread and it will arrive Friday.

    Stay hopeful and know that this too will pass. You've got it, and God's got you.

  • Posted

    UPDATE!!! I received my MSM by OptiMSM (not sure if brand matters--I went by rating and apparently this brand prides itself on the purity and quality source of the MSM). I took a dose of 1 tsp in water and a splash of apple juice right away. It tastes very bitter BUT WHO CARES, am i right?

    You can take 1 tsp 3 times a day before meals, so my sons and I each took a tsp before dinner tonight. Before I hopped into the shower, I randomly felt the urge to poop and GUYS!!! I FINALLY saw actual pinworms on my wipe and in my poop.

    I had seen others saying they've seen them visibly on their wipe and was so confused since I KNOW I have pinworms but never see them when I clean myself, though sometimes, with the wide range of everything known to man that i have done to expel them, I have seen stringy looking things (like threads) attached to my poop. NOT THIS TIME. (well, actually this time, too, but also) REAL LIFE (not moving) ACTUAL pinworms came out after using MSM 2 times today. of the 3 recommended for treatment. and i saw them start to come out of my body.

    ok, im going to go praise Jesus and get some sleep. STAY ENCOURAGED. and get some MSM.

    • Posted

      HI godisable!! Did you finally get cured?? If so what worked in the end?

    • Posted

      MsM coarse crystal flakes, stirred into half a glass of apple juice (tastes bitter, but doable) is the only thing that worked for us i stirred in 1tbsp til dissolved and did this when i woke up (before i poop) and again before i made lunch. It gives you energy too since your body isnt spending as much energy digesting (google MSM to learn more), which is why i didnt take it at night. DRINK LOTS OF WATER WHILE DOING THIS TREATMENT OR YOULL GET CRAZY, DEBILITATING MIGRAINES. But it works.

  • Posted

    Hi, which of these remedies really worked; the fasting, the wine or the salt water rinse? Am dealing with the same issue and I could do everything but the wine. These creatures are bullet proof it seems!!

    • Posted

      MsM coarse crystal flakes, stirred into half a glass of apple juice (tastes bitter, but doable) is the only thing that worked for us i stirred in 1tbsp til dissolved and did this when i woke up (before i poop) and again before i made lunch. It gives you energy too since your body isnt spending as much energy digesting (google MSM to learn more), which is why i didnt take it at night. DRINK LOTS OF WATER WHILE DOING THIS TREATMENT OR YOULL GET CRAZY, DEBILITATING MIGRAINES. But it works.

  • Posted

    yes I almost did it initially I was surprised to get wormz I take it easily and took mebendazole bd for two days. I felt crawling, stroking parasite around anus it was unbearable I felt like dying sweating and sweating in front of fan almost unbearable death every second could not able to sleep whole night then I forgot every thing get my research done diagnosed female pinworm which comes to anus to lay eggs there then I took vinegar 2tb and water bd after using washroom it just unbearable I applied coconut oil on cotton and put on folds of anus to reduce eggs infection. then next day I took albendazole 400 mg od with sweet milk at night I fast like hell just buttermilk spicy. one thigh tho after albendazole big worm may be dead but tiny one eggs will remain so took extra personal hygiene wast hands plenty, you can apply baby talk on infection area or in underwater, change bed sheet in three days for two week then one week range. after washroom it almost like dying go and get some shower hot one or sits bath after it reduce itching of anus works for me. I'm writing because now I understand the pain all of you guys thats why I'm sharing mine to help after two days with albenda I feel a alot relief and my quality of life returns almost to back almost I know small ones will be there but I'll keep taking albenda unitll I defet everyone of them. I'll keep posting updates

    any problem contact me since I no pain in the ass those worms cause tecworm

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  • Edited

    I've had them for 13 months. Tried all the meds and other over the counter stuff. It was all a waste of money. So far I don't know what will kill them. I just learn to live with them. Wish I was more help. They are persistent troublemakers and while some people seem to take meds and kill them off, I just haven't been that lucky.😣

  • Posted

    You can definitely get rid of pinworms by eating pumpkin seeds...lots of them. Try shelled plain ones...then soak them overnight to "crack the code". Pinworms and others WILL be gone. Pumpkin seeds cut them up...shred them. Eat lots everyday for 2 weeks. You'll notice them coming out in pieces in the toilet water when you have a bowel movement. And within 2 weeks they'll be gone. IF they do come back, even in the slightest...repeat above step. You'll finally be rid of them. Cheers!

    • Posted

      Will give them a try. What properties of pumpkin seeds would kill them off? Just curious. So many other home remedies have failed.

    • Posted

      Have you tried this yourself? Just curious.

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