Has anyone developed silent reflux since beginning this journey?
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Mine is really bad at the moment. I am just looking for some encouragement. I got maybe 3 hours of sleep last night bc i was constantly trying to clear my throat and coughing. I am really miserable with it right now. It settled down a little earlier today. I am just hoping I don't have another night like last night.
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sharon03238 2chr2015
Yes i have this really bad at the moment, im taking omoprazole in a morning and gaviscon before i go to bed, ive also got an acid reflux pillow and i think that helps, ive suffered with this un the past but not as bad, my doctor thinks my anxiety is making it worse 😦 x
2chr2015 sharon03238
i agree with the anxiety thing. I've been under a lot of stress lately. is gaviscon like mylanta?
sharon03238 2chr2015
Not sure about that but you can get Gaviscon on Amazon if your in the US X
Scotland005 2chr2015
Hi there yes mine started about 2 years ago when I would have been about 50 it started with the feeling of a lump in my throat or a stuck bit of bread and I kept trying to clear my throat. I dont have pain or heart burn just this cough and the feeling of wanting to clear my throat.
coughing and trying to clear your throat is the worst thing you can do, no matter how much you want to cough dont do it. Cut back on coffee and sugar also spicy food, chocolate, anything tomato based and alcohol.
keep a food diary and see what triggers it also make sure you stay hydrated.
Its not a pleasant thing I know .
good luck
2chr2015 Scotland005
Thank you. I am 47. I'm trying not to cough but there is stuff in my chest and it burns when I cough. I am trying to just swallow instead of clear and i am sipping on water constantly. it feels like (i know this sounds weird) like spit. Not exactly as thick as mucous. It doesn't matter how many times I swallow, it wont go away. Thank you so much as I know I'm not alone. I read on one site that it can cause bronchitis too. I wonder if it is getting in my lungs?
debra16694 2chr2015
HI there - Yep, 2 times went to URGENT CARE over reflux...mine all was in my upper chest - one thing that really helped me was a wedge pillow & really not eating anything after dinner. The suggestion of a food diary is really important so you realize your triggers. Instead of taking antacids try eating fermented foods like sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi etc. i also swear by taking apple cider vinegar capsules, i couldnt handle drinking the ACV. i know adding more acid to your stomach doesnt make sense, but try it, it has really helped me, plus long term antacid taking i believe is not great for you - hope that helps -
2chr2015 debra16694
Thank you. I appreciate everyones suggestions. I may just try to sleep in a recliner tonight since last night I spent most of it sitting up in my bed. I've never tried the fermented foods before. But I do have ACV. i can drink it in a cup of warm water. I am willing to try anything to get this stuff out of my throat! It's just sitting there. ugh
Takingtime 2chr2015
Yes! Mine started right before turning 43, I had other symptoms leading to it, chest squeezing pain after eating a big meal. I had all heart test done and they were clear, the doctors stated that it was likely GERD, a few weeks after my episode I developed a lump feeling in my throat that lasted several months the more I focused on it the worse it felt. As months went in it settled and now I get it on and off. At night when I lay down it feels like thick mucous just sitting in the back of my throat, one could pass it for a post nasal drip as well. One this that helped me is tilting my bed that my head is a bit higher, and making sure I don't eat a large amount before bed. I try to get proper sleep and keep stress levels down as I found all this aggravates it. I will say mine is not as constant anymore but if I get over tired or stressed it seems to come back.
2chr2015 Takingtime
thank you takingtime. i have been under a lot of stress lately. i went through the lump thing too.
hopeforever 2chr2015
I swear by baking soda. Add one teaspoon to half glass of water and drink it. Do not eat anything 3 to 4 hrs before bedtime. This has helped me tremendously when it came to me having acid reflux. Hope this helps. hugs
unico31026 hopeforever
one teaspoon of mustard works better because baking soda hardens your liver
2chr2015 hopeforever
thank you! i will try that
melissa47441 unico31026
not sure of coincedence or not but tried half a tespoon of english mustard today , followed bu water but seems to have helped !! will try again tomorrow morning ! THANK YOU
unico31026 2chr2015
because of peri i suffer from acid reflux . My doctor prescibed a medication but i dont take it. I use my grandmothers home remedy : A teaspoon of mustard and a few swallows of warm water behind it. It works everytime
2chr2015 unico31026
thank you!