Has anyone had a bad experience increasing Mirtazapine from 30 to 45 mg and how long did it take to start feeling better?
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I have just increased my Mirtazapine from 30 mg to 45 mg. I know it's only the second day but I am having the most horrendous experience. Can anyone tell me if they had this experience. I have now gone from 15 to 45 mg. The only drug that really worked for me was Venlafaxine which I took off and on for over ten years. Unfortunately in October 2012 it stopped working. I was then tried on double the dose followed by Sertraline but to no avail. In April 2013 I asked if I could try Van. again and it worked from April until September 2013. The 15 mg of Mirtazapine worked fantastically for about two and half months but then stopped working. I was on 30 mg for 8 weeks and still felt bad so GP suggested the 45 mg.
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david7897 patricia85842
If you are waiting for the increased dose to have an effect, then for me the improvement is pretty quick, again with a few days I start to feel better.
Hope that helps, all the best, David.
david7897 patricia85842
When increasing the dose of Mirtazapine it is possible to feel agitated, rather than calmed. I get this for a few days. Knowing this happens to me I always take twice the time to increase the dose, by taking the increase on day 1 (usually feel rubbish) , normal dose on day 2 and then retry increased dose on day 3. If day 3 is rubbish, revert to normal dose for day 4 etc. The agitation has always resolved after a couple of bites. If agitation is what you've got, just revert to usual dose tomorrow, then retry the increased one?
If you are waiting for the increased dose to have an effect, then for me the improvement is pretty quick, again after a few days I start to feel better.
Hope that helps, all the best, David.
patricia85842 david7897
rachael42781 patricia85842
patricia85842 rachael42781
rachael42781 patricia85842
patricia85842 rachael42781
rachael42781 patricia85842
patricia85842 rachael42781
pamela51740 rachael42781
Hi Rachel did you get any better on mirtazipine? I'm having some much trouble with it! I've increased to 30mg and it's been horrible for 6 days now
aaron1984 patricia85842
I was on 45mg for about 16 days and couldn't handle it. Felt like I was really hyped up all the time. I have now dropped back down to 30mg and have been on that for 11 days.
I started on mirt about 6.5 weeks back on 15mg for 8 days and then 30mg for 13 days and then 45mg for 16 days, now as I mentioned earlier I am back on 30mg. Definitely is a rollercoaster.
Keep strong mate and know your not alone
patricia85842 aaron1984
aaron1984 patricia85842
I agree I am seeing my GP today because I have been on the 30mg for almost 14 days and my anxiety has been getting worse but 45mg is to much. So I am going to ask about an inbetween dose like 37.5 and see if that helps, he may suggest sticking with the 30mg until I have finished off the packet and see if that makes any difference.
I totally agree with you in regards to now knowing what is the best plan of action with the dosing.
Take care mate.
patricia85842 aaron1984
rachael42781 aaron1984
aaron1984 rachael42781
It is unfair how long ya have to wait for the drug to work properly. I am just hoping that this 37.5mg dose is right for me, only time will tell I guess. But this time I am going to stick on it for 4 weeks or so.
Just have to try and stay positive which is easier said than done some days but having to keep plugging away at it.
aaron1984 patricia85842
Hope it passes for you, I understand how you feel as I am still trying to find the right dose for me mate.
rachael42781 aaron1984
rachael42781 aaron1984
aaron1984 rachael42781
patricia85842 aaron1984
patricia85842 aaron1984
rachael42781 patricia85842
patricia85842 rachael42781
rachael42781 patricia85842
aaron1984 rachael42781
Sorry to hear you had to switch again Pat, must be a nightmare swapping meds.
I've done it once and I ached all over and felt crook for about about 7 days when I switched from setraline to mirtazapine.
I have decided to stick to the 30mg to until I have finished the box which will give me 4 weeks on the 30mg, should know whether I need the 37.5 or not by then, I hope.
rachael42781 aaron1984