Has anyone had sleepless nights because of aching joints?
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I have a hard time falling asleep lately and CANNOT get comfortable because my joints hurt so bad . my shoulders are the worst , the pain just keeps traveling down to my arms,elbows,hands,and now my feet hurt especially my big toes.I have to keep moving them so they dont get stiff. I am 51 and Ifeel like I'm 99. I work in a Nursing Home and I see 90 year old ladies still moving around like if they were my age andhere I amfeeling their age! I just dont understand.I am taking Turmeric .has anyone else taken it and felt better?
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Eliaimee1970 grace50455
HI Grace
i get the shoulder joint pain for about a month and i couldnt take it anymore and the doctor gave me celebrex and after 2 days the pain went away. NOW i have headache w neck pain and for abut a month and the meds dont work so im gonna see a neuromuscular teraphist
grace50455 Eliaimee1970
I'm sorry to hear about your painâșEliaimee
I will be praying for good results and I hope you feel better.
ImagineOneDay grace50455
So sorry to hear it. I am.suffering from pain on.my legs and feet. It is awful. Take care
grace50455 ImagineOneDay
thank you
Guest grace50455
Try putting pillows under your arms to sleep.
I feel your pain, starting to get frozen shoulder in my left after the right took two years to resolve. The torture never seems to end.
grace50455 Guest
thanks Suzanne, I tried that and they work for a little while .I end up sitting up in bed with all the pillows behind me.
Nancy2121 grace50455
I was up for a few nights with aches and pains. Lifting a coffee cup even hurt. My knee and toe ache, especially when the forcast calls for rain. Cbd oil is what has made a huge difference.
grace50455 Nancy2121
I know the feeling Nancy, I was up till 3am
and had to call in to work the next day,
I'm glad I did because the temperature dropped 30 degrees overnight.
thanks for the info. hope you feel better.
kelly55079 grace50455
I have heard good things about Tumeric--- maybe it takes a while to 'kick in'. Have you tried magnesium before you go to bed? This could help.
grace50455 kelly55079
I have been taking the Turmeric for about a month. I have heard about taking magnesium I guess it doesnt hurt to try.
thanks Kelly.
julee15466 grace50455
Don't feel bad... I'm only 39, in perimenopause, and have a bad shoulder ache that comes and goes, and a horrific case of sciatica. And the backache... ugh. I was up 5 times last night.
grace50455 julee15466
sorry to hear that your going through this so early Julee , 39 is very young . I pray that things get better for you.
debra16694 grace50455
Yes, i have been miserable with my aching knees, the pain is worse at night than even during the day. My acupunturist said that thats when inflammation settles at night, so that is why it hurts more - i wasnt going to do it, but i am going to have an MRI of my right knee - the pain is relentless & i have been suffering for over 6 weeks - ugh! Today woke up with bad anxiety, does this ever end?
grace50455 debra16694
I ask myself the same question debra,
hang in there and enjoy the good days .
I pray that your MRI will have pisitive results and that will put you at ease.
debra16694 grace50455
Hi Grace - Thank you for that sweet sentiment - right now, i am not having any "good days" - i am just trying hard to not think the worst, & hoping this is a passing symptom, but my whole body now aches & i really cant walk well freaks me out!