Has anyone out there tried bioidentical hormones?
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I have been in the battle for four years now, and my body feels like it is growing weary. I keep thinking just around the corner it will be over with, but so far it keeps going on and on....with the rocking boat feeling, and hot flashes getting worse. I take a black cohosh supplement, and vitamins. I continually deleting things out of my diet due to they make my symptoms worse. It has been suggested to me to try bioidenticals. I am wondering if they really work, and the risk of cancer scares me. However I am at my wits end with menopause, and really dont want to spend the next ten years or....dealing with it. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
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annieschaefer goatgirl
It really depends on your body's needs at the present time. Biodenticals, as well as the synthetic HRTs can be helpful, if you need them.
I am presently taking Prometrium which is a biodentical form of progesterone. I take it because apparently there is a need to oppose the levels of estrogen in my system for the present time. This is ever changing. I imagine there will be a time I will be genuinely low in estrogen, but for now, this works fine and for me, much better than the synthetic form.
Please find a doctor that is open to working with you regarding biodenticals, if that is where your comfort level is at. They can best determine what you need, no sense guessing at this point as if it's wrong, you will feel worse than you do now.
Hoping you feel better soon!
goatgirl annieschaefer
gailannie goatgirl
Please keep in mind that progesterone is an anti estrogen, it has many opposite effects on the body than estrogen. They are kind of a ying and yang sort of thing. If you don't have enough estradiol to support the progesterone, you would have some bad symptoms.
So yes you will need the progesterone if you have a uterus, but estradiol is the place to start. Remember, start low, go slow and monitor your levels along the way.
Oceanwaves1 goatgirl
Research yrs. ago that frightened us about cancer was done on Prempro, no longer available. Compound Pharmacist said we need to use progesterone if we are using estrogen but can use the progesterone by itself Like Gailannie said it is a balancing act. I use the progesterone alone and rid myslef of the fluttery heart, sweats, lost sleep, most of the stress, feel much better. There was doctor who did considerable research on hormones after the cancer scare. Dr. John Lee. If you look him up ignore all the advertising for the books, look at the info, find articles, info. by others so you can get a clear picture. His organiztion went crazy on selling books after he passed away. I hestitate to recommend anything to others, however, I heard about this dr. 17 yrs. ago and know many who have used it for quit some yrs. I am still looking for other info. about the product to keep on top of it. I know nothing about estrodiol and will look to see what it is, I hear it mentioned often.
There is so much controvery about everything, I do research on stuff before I try it so I just do what is right for me.
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annieschaefer goatgirl
If you are low in estrogen, than you will need that as well. At last testing and type of symptoms I was having, I had more than enough estrogen but pretty much zero progesterone. This changes, so it's good to have a doctor that can help make the adjustments as needed for you.
I do hope you find help soon as I know how frustrating it can get feeling so out of sorts.
omodudu2015 annieschaefer
goatgirl Oceanwaves1
goatgirl annieschaefer
goatgirl omodudu2015
sheryl37154 goatgirl
I am not going to stop using them. Don't believe the flawed research.
goatgirl sheryl37154
Kiwififi goatgirl
goatgirl Kiwififi
sheryl37154 Kiwififi
I went on the highest strength of implant pellet (into a fat pad usually on the abdomen) first up, same with patches, and gel. No mucking around trying this and that. When the oestrogen kicked in, I felt a sort of surge in the breasts, similar to when the milk comes down when breast feeding. After that the feeling goes away. Perhaps if that feeling continues, it could be an indicator if you are getting too much oestrogen, and you can try a lower dose.
goatgirl sheryl37154