Has anyone used BLACK COHOSH for Menopause? If so,has it helped?

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Would like to know if it has helped.

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20 Replies

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    I tried it early on, didn't do a thing. You need to be careful with this one as long term use can harm your liver. It may have been helpful for others, but I tried it for 3 months and did not see any improvements in any of my symptoms back then. 

    Annie xx

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      Yeah I tried it on a doctor's advice. Didn't help me either. I actually found out it can be harmful if you have fibroids which is why I stopped.
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    My doctor suggested I take it for menopause symptoms but I read that if you have fibroids that you should avoid it because it mimics estrogen which feeds fibroids. I have a few fibroids so I stopped.
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      Thanks...will give it a try have done quite a bit of research,but still wanted some feedback xx
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    Hya ,  I did and it helped enormously. It was in a herbal medicine made up for me by a herbalist . The other herbs she used were Shepards Purse, Rosemary, Vitex , lady's Mantle and Anenome Pullistila ( not sure if I've got all the spellings right ) definitely worth it and don't expect results ultra quick as herbs seem to take a bit longer to kick in. Good luck !
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      Thankyou Goosie, that sounds an interesting mixture. I am keen to avoid HRT if I can help it. I am always keen to try alternative remedies. Will give it a go and see if there is any improvement.
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    I used it for almost 2 months, and it definitely worked.  I decided to stop after I did some more research that said it may not be safe for people with a history of, or who are at risk of blood clots..and unfortunately, that's me.
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    H all,

    ​I just wanted to say that Goosie suggestion of a mix of tinctures is probably the best way to take cohosh.  The vitex will add balance, too much oestrogen etc. The pulsitilla is a lovely herb very soothing, ages since I took this herb also a part of a tincture mix.  Very useful for stomach cramps eases digestion (if I remember)

    ​Just wanted to add that through experience that tinctures mixes, with the the right herbs can really help.  Trouble is I think cohosh on it's own might not be so beneficial, needs to be balanced with a progesterone  IMHO. 

    ​Vitex also works better when taken with other herbs.  Trouble is I think people wil try just 1 herb on it's own which can be too much, no balance.

    ​I think that Goosie's mix sounds good.

    ​There are other herbs that I feel are better then cohosh such as Dong Quai, again take as part of a mix can be really helpful.

    ​I think seeing a good herbalist if you can, can really help, however they have to know their stuff.  (some don't)

    ​Just thought I post with my experience of herbal medcine as a patient.

    ​Thanks for posting tincture mix Goosie, very helpful

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      Also wanted to add that herbal tinctures can pack some punch, the amounts have to be just right, fluid extract etc.   They can take a few weeks to work, vitex may take a few cycles, all depends.
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      Thankyou HIGHLANDS...that is such good advice and I will certainly make a note of the ingredients. I have read that cohosh is often best taken with other herbs and I have heard of Don Quai.
    • Posted

      If you can see a good herbalist then this may help you,( herbalists can choose different things such as licorice for adrenal support, artichoke for digestion just as an example.  If you can get a good tincture mix it can make all the difference.   Just it's being wary,  IMHO.

      ​But good luck with this, I know it can be expensive visiting a herbalist.  There are some good tincture blends on the market that contain some excellent herbs.  I would tend to avoid the supplement variety, it is so difficult to determine what's in a supplement.

      ​Higher Nature do a menopause supplement, herbal tinctures by Dr Christopher for menopause etc, can be helpful.  Not sure how much we are allowed to mention here re. brands. Well worth exploring I think.

      ​I wish you well with this, I just would urge caution on single herbs, unless of course you can take in a very gentle form say in a tea?

      ​Good luck with your search and keep well!

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    i too take a small amount of this mixed with different things. I have taken it for 2 years now. This spring I figured I could stop taking it and did for two months. My hot flashes came back really bad so I started taking it again. Now after 2 months I am back to where I rarely have a hot flash and am sleeping better. I have not had any problems taking this supplement.

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      Thankyou Ellen...even if it just helps with one symptom it has to be worth taking it. :-)
  • Posted

    Hi, Seren66anji. I tried black cohosh on my doctor's advice after my hysterectomy back when I was in my 40's. I did try. It did no good. Night sweats still, (any time of day, really, just worse at night) Doc wouldn't give me the hormone treatment because I'm a smoker (don't jump on me about that, please. I'm trying again to quit, for the umpteenth time. I'm not on anything. I'm now 54 (in a few days) and still having symptoms and the night sweats have been taken care of with a fan which I keep by my bed-always. Have u find anything that may help the mood swings? I didn't even realize it. My eldest daughter told me one calm night.
    • Posted

      I have been researching some herbal remedies to combine with the cohosh. I know that Passionflower is very good for relieving anxiety and Bach's Flower Remedies are supposed to be helpful,obviously they have a cumulative effect and like any medication, they take time to work. I will try to get back to you about any other herbal remedies I can find information about. Are you on Facebook ?Reason I ask is because there is a for on there called Menopause Misery lol!

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