Has this happened to anyone??
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Im at wrk so i cant make this long but im mortified- Im under tremendous stress and my senses, all of them, are heightened to a torturous level but this weekend on sat i saw something that ended up not being there and sunday i heard sounds in my basement assumed it was my husband but 2 min later he walked through front door, he had stepped out. wtf? am i hallucinating now? I have major anxiety and like i said stress on top of all these other symptoms we've all listed from head to toe. Also a very unhappy marraige.
Am i alone or has this happened to anyone? I cld understand mistakenly hearing something but to actually see something that wasnt there.
Im beyond petrified.
Also vivid dreams/nightmares at times.
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kelly55079 susan39015
No this hasn't happened to me but like you said at times I hear things... I would think it's do to stress like you had stated.. stress at work and an unhappy marriage (so sorry to hear) will do this to us.. My marriage could be better but it is what it is so I have to take care of me! My friend went thru a divorce and at the same time dealing with stress at her job AND night flashes too. I was so worried about her but I think she's over the hump--- she is so focused on her and her health now-- it's quite inspiring. she's all about supplements too. I also heard that sometimes we work stuff out in our dreams and that could be the dreams you are having. Maybe you could start stretching or deep breathing before you go to sleep. Or even at work for lunch sit in your car and listen to some relaxing music while deep breaths.I hope things get better for you!!Take care.
bev27429 susan39015
Try not to be scared, Susan. You are not going crazy. I am convinced that this is hormones, as I have been having similar problems with my senses that have made me feel like I was going insane.
Sometimes, I can't tell where sound is coming from, and I think that a sound is right beside me, only to find out that it is coming from far away. I also think that I see things in my peripheral vision, only to realize that there is nothing there. Also, I have had the most terrible and scary images that plant themselves in my mind. The more that I try to push them away, the more that they force themselves front and centre in my brain. This happened on Saturday, when I was riding up a mountain with my boyfriend. He was ahead of me, and I was terrified, so I got off of my bike and called a close friend, who managed to calm me down.
I know that this is not who I am, as these perceptions and images have never presented themselves to me in my entire life, except during the last two years of peri.
It is absolutely awful what some women have to go through!
Sending support and the deepest of understanding your way.
Bev xo
Guest susan39015
Have you seen the movie Gaslight?
susan39015 Guest
No whats that?
Thank you ladies so much. I wish i could find a supplement that would make me feel better:(
All of you are always so supportive ❤❤ hugs to you ladies. I hope you ladies feel better also. These are such awful feelings to have.
Lisaippie susan39015
yes!!! i am having exact same things its driving me crazy i cant focus on anything all that you have listed im going through now so scared
susan39015 Lisaippie
Hate to be nosy but can you describe? U can private message me if you want and i understand also if you dont want to share.
Lisaippie susan39015
hi susan i just sent you a Private message thanks
Beverlys1 susan39015
Hi susan,, yes I turn around constantly and think I see something outof the corner of my eye kinda like paranoid or something usually when my hormones are really messing with me hate to say it but it is a trip... ha get it.. sometimes I think funny when Im going thru this crazy stuff it keeps me sane...xxxx
kelly55079 Beverlys1
Yes... I've had that... my vision has gone downhill in the last year or so. But at the corner of my eye I think I see something.... but yes just weird. I've been feeling groggy so I just think it's due to that.. who knows..
Jaynie12 susan39015
not seing things. but hearing yhings and constsnt ringing..i wake up in a panic. fee like suffocating all day. all my senses are outta whack. everything bothers me smells noises. i get more upset than usual. feel like gonna pass out all the time heart palpitTions. and also going through. breakup cuz i cant handle the stress. anything match anyone. cuz i really feel like im loosing it. sitting at dr right now to hopefully get something for anxiety and sleep.
Guest susan39015
When I go outside there are times I see silver glitter rain coming down. I'm also getting loud buzzing in my ears this week. Used to see lightening bolts out the side of my eye. Sometimes I would be startled awake by I guess what was a brain zap, its loud! What exactly are you seeing? As far as hearing something in your basement could it have been an animal?
Lately I am having these reality/non reality type dreams, where I think my husband comes home from a trip early and gets in bed and I keep asking myself in my dream if it's real or not, over and over until I can actually finally wake up for real and see he's not there. Sort of like sleep paralysis because I can't wake up and keep trying to.
pinkcatfairy Guest
I have had the rain thing, i see it inside and out!
Guest pinkcatfairy
It's bazaar. Only happens to me when I walk outside on a sunny day. My husband tells me to just enjoy the 'trip'.
I do notice a ton of floaters when I'm showering sometimes, maybe that's what I'm seeing outside?
Leah3121 susan39015
That sounds really scary. Do you have anywhere at work that you can take 5 minutes out just to take a breather every now and then? Or take a couple of days leave to do something restful for yourself, crafting, colouring, walking, gazing at the sea/river.
Things with your hubby might not be great but try and tell him a little of what is happening, he might surprise you if not at least you have got it off your chest.
Take care