Has this happened to anyone?0

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i was wondering if anyone experiencing the following:

i noticed after i tapered down from 15mg of mirt to 11.25mg i felt better for a few days. i was sleeping better, my anxiety and irrational fears decreased. However, that lasted 4 days and im back to not being able to sleep, feeling anxious and not like myself. Don't know if i should taper down some more.

ive also experienced dry mouth, night sweats, chills, agitation, restlessness, changes in appetite, unable to focus or think or remember things.

thanks for your help

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    when tapering down, stop when you get worse, and dont lower any further, until you feel good again.

    • Posted

      what does "feel good" mean? sorry if this is a silly question. the reason i ask is because i dont know what this means when tapering off. when i recently taper from 15 to 11.25, i felt good for the first 4 days--with only diarrhea as my chief complaint, but by the 5th day i felt awful. Don't know what symptoms to look for as indication to taper down because i feel like i hardly felt good on this med

  • Posted

    I'm down to 7.5mg now from 15mg. You will get all these symptoms plus more with every drop. Stick with 7.5mg until the symptoms go away. It might feel like they wont but they do. I had three weeks of living hell dropping from 30mg to 15mg.

    • Posted

      how long did you wait to taper down to 7.5mg?

    • Posted

      I was on this drug for 18 months prior to this though, up to 60mg for a week at one point then back to 30mg and started tapering from there.

  • Posted

    if u taper down quickly yes u get these symptoms an more. i got brain zaps. my shrink tapered me down so fast i couldnt sleep becuz them. y do u not want to on the med?

    • Posted

      i just felt like it wasn't helping with my sleep and i feel like it made my problems worse.

  • Posted

    Its typical withdrawal symptoms from mirtazapine. I had all you described. Obviously if you are on medications for some reason and you stop them, previous problems might come back. I was feeling nauseas, sick, anxious, had insomnia, depressed etc. How long have you been on mirtazapine for ?

    • Posted

      so did you experience moments when you felt fine when you tapered down, only to experience worse symptoms after?

      also, some of these symptoms i didn't experience until getting on mirtzapine.

    • Posted

      Like Ive asked you in other thread How long have you been on mirtazapine for ? When I first started mirtazapine side effects were awful for at least few weeks. First few days were a blurr, drowsy, sick, heart palpitations, constant nausea, tremors, chills and extreme anxiety. I was always feeling ill on it. RLS was also bad. And I was only on 15mg for 3 months. When I come off it, withdrawal was coming in waves. I felt okay and then bad again. Its totally normal. Your body is trying to cope without a drug. Did you take it for anxiety ? Sometimes stopping drug can cause all the initial symptoms to return. Did you consult your doctor about it ?

    • Posted

      been on it for a total of 35 or so days. I was prescribed this med for sleeping issues caused by my anxiety. My intial side effects when i started this med was night sweats, dry mouth, grogginess, and gargling noises in my stomach. However, i felt over time it made my anxiety worse.

    • Posted

      Mirtazapine gives bad withdrawal but I wouldnt expect to have such a severe ones after only 35days on it. I think you are still experiwncing side effects of mirtazapine. I dont think it even had a chance to work properly. it takes few good weeks to take full effect. But Im not a doctor.

  • Posted

    I wouldn't taper any more it needs to be done very slowly. I done it too quick and ended up with all the side effects u mentioned but the worse was insomnia. I didn't sleep for 3 weeks and didn't eat had no appetite and felt nausea. just take your time dont fo if too quick.

  • Posted

    I was taking this for months and my ankles just puffed up and legs felt like planks of wood. I started to amino and gaba for sleep. After a few weeks stopped taking medication. Depression is a rotten illness and it is all about good nutrition also a good probiotic for gut health. I could say more, but it appears nobody takes any notice of me.


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