Hating my pain meds...im taking myself off!!

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Ive had enough of my oxycodone...ive been against it from the start...it has always been a love/hate rlelationship between me and my oxy...i love the fact that it takes the pain away but i hate what it does to my body...im tired of the dry skinned..chapped lips...plugged butt...itchy skin...nausea...im only 12 days post op but i think its time for me to start winging myself off of them...Last night was horrible for me...i normally take 10mg of oxycodone every 4 hours or as needed...but i called myself only taking half...and that was the worst mistake because it made me feel high...i was loopy and when i tried to lay down the room just began spinning...my mom threw ice packs at me to throw me into shock and thats what brought me back down into reality...i know i cant stop cold turkey but it has to be something else besides these strong narcotics..maybe i might turn into a real life hippie and consider edible marijuana..after all i am a hippie anyways..idk..im just tired of pills

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    I think you should discuss this with your doctor before taking such a huge step. It isn't long since your surgery, and there is still pain there judging by your previous posts. There are alternatives to oxycodone. But going cold turkey and in pain is not a recipe I'd wish on my worst enemy. You have got this far - you don't have a lot further to go. So don't do something that you may well regret.

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      I told my doctor i didnt like the oxycodone and he agreed with me..he told me he doesnt like opioids himself and i should try and start weaning myself off of heavy painkillers..he recommended tylenol but the only problem with that is my body is immune to tylenol...its like i took so much tylenol for a previous condition that it no longer wants to work for me...and not to mention i am allergic to most narcotics so the likelihood of me having the same reaction to most drugs is highly likely
  • Posted

    I feel the same way as you.  The Oxy decreases my BP which caused me to be dizzy.  I spoke to my MD, and he informed there are several levels down.  He switched me to Tramadol, and it is working for me.  It's helping my pain with out decreasing my BP.  There are other options as well.  You do need to speak to your MD because you should never go cold turkey with narcotics.  

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      One of the side effects for tramadol is that it may cause seizures so my pharmacist and doctor told me not to take it because right now my seizures are controlled so they dont want to give me any med that has the potential to give me a seizure...
  • Posted

    hi brittni, 

    just checking in with you .....

    let us know how you are doing okay 

    big warm hug


    • Posted

      Hey renee,

      I feel better today...i didnt cut cold turkey as i threatened to do while i was very frustrated however i am weaning myself off of oxycodone...i use to take them every 4 hours but yesterday i only took 3 so i guess i cut down my intake to half...so thats manageable...im not in alot of pain...i can walk on my walker without any assistance(everyone calls me mighty mouse because i go so fast on the walker and when i hit the tile floors in my mouse that thing takes off)..im able to do my PT exercise at home even when he's not here so im doing ok...he comes back today so this will be the true test if me cutting back on pain meds was the best decision. If im able to get through the work out then i am right on track i believe... 13 days and counting post op..thanks for checking on me

  • Posted

    Hey Brit,

    I am 9 days post op today and have made the decision to come off my pain meds too. I came off the super strong stuff in hospital on day 3 and have been managing on paracetamol and a codine based tablet since.

    My doctors only issued me with 7 days worth of pain meds from being discharged so I am only finished the course a day earliy.

    If I feel up to it I don't see to problem.

    Only you know how you feel so listen to your body. Thanks M two

  • Posted

    As I understand it oxycodone is quite addictive. I'd be reluctant to use it at all. However pain is subjective and there is no point being in agony. I have had morphine in the past and it is wonderful at supresssing pain but if you can get by with non-opiates you should.

    Good luck.


    • Posted

      Thanks michael i have had morphine in the past and it was successful so i might have to look into that
  • Posted

    I took hydrocodone, an opioid very like oxy, for 4 weeks following my THR, then weaned off over a week's time. I had no constipation because they started me on Miralax right away at the hospital, and that used daily, combined with stool softeners daily kept me regular. And I had no nausea, other than right at the beginning, because I was prescribed anti-nausea medication which I took for the first week or so, until my body got used to the opioid. Worked like a charm.

    Sounds to me like you have not been given the right support meds to help you get used to the oxy. If your pain isn't too bad, then perhaps your doctor could recommend weaning off the oxy. I don't know if I would have made it through with my opioid, as I had significant pain. 

    • Posted

      I also was on hydrocodone for 4-5 weeks helped with pain and was able to cut it down slowly . Used stool softeners and always ate when I took Meds . Take care 
  • Posted

    Instead of taking every 4 hours, try taking every 5 hours for a few days, and then every 6 hours, maybe try being brave and stretch out to every 8 hours, and or skip your daytime doseage and only take for night time to help you sleep, but not all at once.

    I was addicted to Morphine after a cancer surgery some years ago now, and I remember the withdrawal, nasty, they had to put me back on morphine stepping down as above, Dr suggested the change of dosage only once a week but found every 3 - 4 days I was able to step down another hour between dosages. 

    I was surprised just how well the step down worked with no problems. After hip replacement I was scared the same thing was going to happen, but I got lucky and had no problems although I didn't just stop using the Endone or Oxy, I eased out the time frame between dosages as above worked well again.

    Best wishes from a fellow hippie.


  • Posted

    A lot of this is about the side effects and addiction issues around opiates. As I understand it codeine is metabolised into morphine in the liver. Some of us do this better that others. I don't think it's addictive though. I was on codeine, though not for pain, for about 6 months after colon surgery and I didn't have any withrawal symptoms though it may depend on how efficiently your body turns it into morphine.

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