Having a hard time accepting this
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Ladies i am having a really hard time accepting this new life and new me. I was fine up until December then suddenly one day i had a panic attack ,racing heart and anxiety. I didn't know what it was and called the ambulance . I never in my life had it. Then followed all the crazy symptoms of peri. I am only 44. I am working with a naturopathic dr which is costing me a arm and a leg but feel so much more comfortable with her than my dr who knows nothing about the peri and menopausal women . All she wants to do is push antidepresents which i refuse. I feel like this peri came in my life like a thief in the night and robbed me from my life and womanhood. For you ladies who have lived with this longer than me how do you cope ? How do you accept this ? How long has this plagued your life. I feel so down tonight.
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christine-Perim hopeforever
I started peri around 43, i am now 49. started with major allergies ive never had before, heavy heavy heavy periods, rage, sensitive mouth, itchy crawly skin, insomnia, panic attacks, vivid horrific nightmares,.
my periods have llightened up. now i have a adversion to alcohol. i have high blood pressure during my period. headaches monthly, i cant eat much or i gain weight very easy.
. doctors just say " this is normal, have some prozac"
lori93950 hopeforever
mine hit at 41 i got ebv and since then 11 years had panic abd anxiety. can only drive so far and has to be on an ok day . its ruined me !!! now at 52 i have ebv again so anxiety much worse . i never felt normal after 41 its so so sad . my friends my age are doing ok ? ebv hits when hormones drop .
i tried ad's not good for me made me worse so i have cbd xanax .... and a shot of port in my handbag for emergencies !
if anybody knows of a pill that we could take to STOP this ! 11 going on 12 years too long !
did the hormones just put weight on me ! worked for first month or so then stopped so now off it as gained like 40lbs !!
staci88515 lori93950
Can I ask what ebv is?
sara97862 staci88515
Hi Staci, EBV is short for Epstein-Barr Virus. It's the virus responsible for mononucleosis, and thought to play a part in cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The virus can lay dormant in the body for a long time, then flare up when immunity is low, when stress is high, and/or when hormones are changing. Not good times.
staci88515 sara97862
I'm sorry to hear you are suffering.
sara97862 staci88515
That is so kind, thank you!!
I am sorry to hear you're having such migraine trouble recently, too. Can relate. Reach out any time you need to vent!
staci88515 sara97862
Thank you, friend. It means a lot to have others to talk to about all of this nonsense.
rebecca_68782 hopeforever
Hi, I started this journey at about 42. I am 50 now. It really does change your life. Somethings have gotten better and other things worse. I see a great counselor, do a meditative walk, and use as many natural remedies as I can. I my heart palpatations are really bad, I take doctor prescribed medicine. I just keep hoping once I get through menopause, things will get better. My grandmother, who lived to be a hundred, always said, This too shall pass. Hope this helps. I love this forum. I think it helps me also.
unico31026 hopeforever
i started peri at 35 and i am 43 now. i suffer from anxiety and hypertension. i am on meds fir hypertension but as far as the anxiety i just breathe through it .
Palenaka hopeforever
I Understand , i feel like i have lost my freedom- anxiety is so high now when driving. My family especially my spouse does not understand . Especially about the driving. The anxiety especially when driving impacts the jobs I take and activities with friends. No one seems to understand, so i feel isolated. I had never experienced anxiety before this or high blood pressure. I struggle with weight gain. Periods are all over the place - miss two months then its off and on for a month.
debbie12340 Palenaka
If it makes you feel any better, I'm struggling with anxiety and it has also affected my driving . . I'm ok if my partner is with me but on my own i feel immense panic at traffic lights ! It has made a huge difference to my life . . . xx
lori93950 debbie12340
yes ive been like that for 12 years ! i know where i can get to alone and its always not far from home ... if having a rough day have to turn back . tried lexapro just made me hyper and have xanax but would love to just be able to drive like all my friends my age !!! its so unfair !!
i think most antidepressants just make you hyper and anxiety worse ! the idea is to get you moving and not lying in bed . we just need to be calmed down not made worse .
if anybody knows of a drug that works ... that doesnt make you hyper nervous.... id take it !!
lina19 hopeforever
hello....ur answer lies in the name that u have chosen for urself on this forum, "hopeforever"! 😃 Have faith...this will pass and u will feel good once again. Personally, for me this experience (which at that time was terrible) has made me more humble and prepared me to accept reality about Life itself. i accepted that i have come more than half my journey. My mind was constantly occupied with the "future". we don't realize this, but, subconsciously, our minds are constantly chattering. If we try to reduce this chatter based on our personal current situations, I believe that we can help ourself. The only way we can do this is by "accepting" that we will age and with age comes such ups and downs, good days and not so good days. and thats okay. Its all about mind "over" body! If v can control n calm our mind, our physical body has no other way, but to cope! Spend time outdoors, meet family n friends, exercise n meditate. One trick is to "smile" ...literally, even if there is no reason. automatically n immediately, our thoughts change fr the better. just try it now. 😃 if v don't distract our thoughts, the symptoms only feel more in intensity.
I am 47, n speaking from experience...trial n error methods. Good luck.
mrs_susan74280 hopeforever
59 and still going through hot flushes joint ache , anxiety, trying cbdoil,
Kadija1966 hopeforever
I've been in perimenopause since the age of 43, I'm 52now. It's crazy but I just have to live with it. I'm still having periods. Though it's kind of erratic now. Have not had any for 3 months then out of the blue it comes back.
I take each day as it comes.